Sunday 5 April 2009

Shawn start walking..FAST!!

Shawn start moving fast le.. he can walk without support now.. this video was taken on 21Mar.. wks ago de..

Take notice at his head when he hear daddy play tat hokkien song.. haha.. he will start to move his head n body when he hear 'sound'.. even when i stir the milk in the bottle..he got excited n start nob his head... so cute.. hehe


  1. very fast hoh. soon, he will be running around liao.

  2. haha, very very cute =) i like the way he nods his head innocently

  3. Shawn is so cute, slowly he will walk very fast.

  4. now he start to walk very fast.. everywhere le..

    But he is very scare of my pepper... pepper very fat ma.. can knock him down.. shawn will tap his own chest when pepper ran pass him.. haha.. very cute de..

    he alway nod when got music or beat of sound.. after the gug lesson.. he even move his body le.. n tip toe.. up n down.. reali can learn thing fast...
