Thursday 16 April 2009

Its Friday...

At last its Friday le..

Bosses went holiday hence 'holiday' mood for the week.. but i got so many reports to rush out.. yet i m too relax.. til now.. is Fri liao.. yet i still got 2 reports not out yet.. SIAN

Hubby n i was in the process of TTC. But some how.. last nite.. i ask hubby.. does he reali hope we strike so soon ma?? Then we will miss the process le wo... (hahaha)... he jus reply.. jus see how la.. let nature take its course ba.. cant force thing de rite.. Okie.. i agreed too :)

For the whole wk, Shawn always wake up to drink milk at 3++am.. the highest record was on tue nite.. he drank 300ml at 9.30pm..180ml at 3.30am ..120ml at 6.30am.. which add up to 600ml for a nite.. wowow.. like a lot to me wo.. hubby always comment..cos shawn big boy liao ma.. so is normal he sld b drinking more milk le.. mayb he is rite ba..

I read somewhere.. "Sleep thro the Nite" mean the child can slp for 5-6hr w/o waking up.. from 9.30pm - 3.30am.. is abt 6hrs.. so does shawn consider sleep thro the nite le??? but tat still disturb my slp leh.. how i wish he can wake up at 6am rather then 3+am...

And my noti pepper.. when shawn start to make noise..cry for milk.. he will start to bark.. like trying to wake us up for shawn lol.. some how..Shawn n pepper become so buddy le.. shawn wld share his toys with pepper.. n pepper wld bring out his toy to let shawn kick ard for him to catch... but.. fat pepper got a bit rough n forget shawn is still so tiny.. he wld ran abt n knock onto shawn.. cos him to fall n sit down.. n shawn will tap his own chest.. tellin us he was scare... hahaha.. real cute lol.. yet shawn wont jus sit there.. he will stand up n continue to chase after pepper.. tats always wat happen in the evening every day... thanks to pepper for entertaining our active shawn every day lol..

Another 50+ days to my exam, Stress Ahhhh!!!! i regretted for taking 2 papers this time round. All theory papers.. n i cant find time to revise.. how?? i try to study after shawn slp at nite.. but jus an hour or so.. (better then nothing) ... i really hope to clear this round.. n once n for all.. dun wan any more 'half way there' le..

Hubby was very encouraging.. he know i need to study .. went to get me a table lamp.. when i got lesson.. he will make shawn sleep.. then when i got home.. i can rest le.. he is very supportive.. hope i can repay him will a PASS ba.. dun disappoint him ..


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