Sunday 2 August 2009

My darling shawn having high fever since 28July2009 midnite... til now

His fever was still as high or even higher on day 3 n 4... decided to bring him to KKH on Sat nite.. did a blood test.. result was ok.. but how come fever still so high.. highest record was 40.5degree..

looking at my boy suffer.. reali make me so sad..

last nite his fever subsided.. i still wake up every 4hr to give him paracetamol.. one at dose at 3am.. check his temperature.. 37.4degree.. at 3am..

this morning.. his temperature is 37degree le.. looks like he can stop medicine le.. hope his diaorrea oso recover fast.. yty still poo 4 times.. n his appetite is still no good.. i give him diluted milk.. hope it will fill his stomach but wont worst off his diaorrea.. he cant even finish half bowl of porridge.. morning cereal.. he can only take half bowl... within 3 days.. he loss 1kg..

i thk tats bad.. hope he faster recover n gain back all the energy soon..

To shawn: Mummy hate to see u suffer.. u reali make mummy when u jus lay there.. so sick.. pls recover fast n hug n kiss mummy like b4.. u haven kiss mummy for the pass few days le..


  1. sayang shawn... i see him i also feel sad.
    is he any better yet? stomach flu?

  2. so sad to see him suffer lol.. doc say viral infection.. duno y so studdon viral.. attack him so badly.. now he is better i hope.. need to go home to see myself..

  3. is he as active as ever? 40.5 sounds horrible!

  4. his fever subside le.. but now he keep throw temper ah.. cry for nothing.. whole day moody.. like keep wana sleep yet let him sleep.. he dun wan.. n cry

  5. that time when ryan was having fever, i carried him the whole day. cause he also very cranky... refused to slp on bed.

  6. hope Shawn is back to his active self =)

  7. back to active le.. but hor.. he dun wan mummy now leh.. he wan pa pa play with him.. wan nai nai give him biscuit.. but he dun wan mummy now.. so sad..

  8. no worries, just a phase ..he will become sticky again ")
