Sunday 30 August 2009

28 Aug 2009 - Detail Scan at TMC

Had my detail scan at TMC.. appointment was 10.30am.. we reach at early... shawn woke us up very early.. so decided to have our bf at shunfu mkt ..then go down straight away..

Waited for awhile.. then i went in to do my scan first..while hubby wait outside.. take all bb measurement first.. was told bb very active ah.. then hubby was ask to come in..

we view bb together.. bb head is up near my rite breast now.. butt at lower rite side.. while legs are facing left side.. can c bb eye ball moving.. looking ard.. hand waving.. not shy bb.. open his leg wide.. n cfm is boi.. our darling boi to come :)

bb looks like have big foot like kor kor shawn wo.. hee.. i keep tell bb.. must b like kor kor shawn.. guai. n healthy.. then pa pa will ask me.. shawn very guai meh.. whahaha.. ofcos he is..

when i need to go out..with out bring shawn along.. i jus need to explain to shawn nicely.. tell him where i m goin.. he will wave to me.. give me flying kisses.. wont cry...

He will sit on my lap.. n we will watch barney together.. when i sing him "i Love u" he will hug me.. n kiss me..

He will greet nai nai every morning when he wake up.. brush his teeth using the new tooth brush.. finish his milk when we tell him not to waste the milk ah.. eat his medicine when he is sick..





  1. hihi which gynae are you with? :)

  2. My gyna is Dr Adrian Woodworth :) .. i see him at sengkang branch...
