Sunday 30 August 2009

Long update for the pass few wks

Havent been updating my blogs for wks.. last wk was a tough wk for me.. lots of thing happened,...

back to 22 Aug.. bought pepper to his annual check up n jab.. was shock to found out he got a tick at his neck.. no wonder he got a lump there.. must b painful n itch.. thk i reali neglected him after shawn was born.. poor pepper.. but lucky is only a isolated one.. let him apply some medicine on his back.. which will spread to his whole body within 24 hrs to kill the tick...

23 Aug.. decided to join hubby, ah di n yt to airport n do some work.. in order to meet fri dateline.. we quickly do our work then had our dinner at swensen.. have my baked rice n ice cream... we had a good time joking n laugh at the restaurant..

24 Aug.. as usual wake up work.. come back home.. then nite hubby, ah di n yt went airport to do the work.. tat nite.. hubby reach home at 2am... i was awake by shawn.. saw hubby come into the room to get his clothing.. then i ask him hows everything.. he shocked me with his answer... "ah di n yt met an accident.." i quickly sit up n ask wat happen.. how r they etc etc.. he refuse to tell me much at first.. but later.. i insist to know.. then i was told.. they r fine.. only slight injury.. hearing tat make me feel more relief.. but... they knock down rider n pillion.. both death on the spot.. my heart sunk.. i was so nervous at tat moment.. i insist i wana go there... hubby keep askin me dun go.. but tat was my brother.. ...

wake mil up to ask her over to look after shawn.. i get myself change.. then follow hubby n bil to the scene...

when i reach there.. i saw my di di n yt sitting nearby.. i reali wana cry.. feel so sad in me.. i wave at him.. he ask the police for permission to talk to me.. i was allow to walk to him... i hold on to his n yt hand... he cried... keep tellin me y the motorist wana dash thro the red light.. i try to consol him.. yt didn cry out.. but with tear in her eyes.. she was weak.. almost wana faint when we stand there to talk.. we help her back to sleep on the kerb.. n the police ask me to leave the scene le.. i walk back to my hubby... stand there n wait..

Policeman come to tell us..need to unload the goods in the vehicle.. so hubby went back to drive the lorry over to take over the stocks.. when bil stay with me n wait at the scene..

Hubby come back with FIL.. lucky bil n fil ard to help out.. we try to unload all the goods into the lorry... with yt follow us.. while ah di was hold back by the police.. we went back to ofc to unload all the goods.. then i drive yt home..

It started to rain on our way back to yishun.. yt refuse to go home.. insist wana follow us.. so i park ah di's car at yishun home.. when hubby shelter me out from the car.. i saw my mum waitin at the kitchen window.. it was 5am only.. so i call her.. not knowing how to tell her wat happen...

The first thing she ask was.. wat happen to di di.. i tell her he met an accident.. "then how is he"..i say he was fine.. she was like feel relief by hearing that... then i say.. but kill two ppl.. she was like "HAR".. i ask her wana go with us to traffic police ma.. she ask us to wait for her.. we went to nearby coffeeshop to have some drink.. hoping yt will calm down with the hot drink oso..

then we go to ubi traffic police.. was told by the police.. serious accident.. statement wld take a while to record.. so we decided to go back first..

had bf at my yishun place.. then ah di call n say he can come back le.. ask him to take a cab back..

26Aug.. yt was ask to go back to take statement.. but police said his statement all side ah di.. so most impt is the witness statement.. so got to wait for their..

28Aug.. Ah di went back police station to get the memo.. to collect the lorry..was told the witness statement has nothing against him.. but he will most properly have his licence suspend.. will wait for the judge to decide le.. everything will take 6-9mths to finalise..

29Aug.. nite.. ah di was us to bring him to 问神.. at clementi.. his fren father... we were told the deceased family dun wana let go so easily.. wan 一命换一命.. was told how to pray to help my ah di.. ask them to go downt he scene to pray..

my mum was so worry after hearing tat.. hai..

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