Monday 3 August 2009

He is driving me CRAZY liao

Shawn fever subsided.. tats wonderful.. BUT

since Sun nite.. he suddenly cry loudly n for nothing.. he throw tantrums... kick n kick.. roll on the bed.. refuse to let us carry.. i tot wats wrong with him.. hug n carry him up.. got a bite from him.. real bad bite.. with skin come out.. almost bleed..

yty.. wake up in the morning.. still cry for nothing.. duno wats wrong with him.. when i got home.. mil told us.. he was behaving like tat for the whole day.. anything he wan.. she dun give him.. he throw tantrums.. cry n stamp feet.. let him sleep.. n oso didn sleep for long..

i was so fedup with mil last nite.. partly i was worry with shawn oso la.. shawn cry .. she keep carry him.. even walk away from me.. i wld prefer to let him calm down himself.. but mil keep pamper him.. carry him.. wana bring him go out walk whenever he cry.. i insist dun bring him out.. i bring him to the room to rest.. sit on the tv.. he was ok at first.. then suddenly.. again he cry n roll on the bed for nothing.. duno wat he wan.. i jus leave him crying there.. while i sit there n look at him.. n again.. mil come in to carry him.. i went to make him glucose water.. tot can give him some energy.. he look so tired.. but shawn turn away.. dun wana drink.. n mil again carry him away from me..

i reali angry.. but dun wana make thing worst.. so i went to my room n close the door... dun even wana take care of shawn for her to do her hsework ... since she wana carry.. i let her carry til she happy lol.. feel like asking her.. is she goin to carry him to sleep the whole nite.. dun forget.. nite time i look after.. he cry.. i cant b carry him whole nite rite..

til 9.30pm.. then hubby carry him into the room to let him sleep.. i make him milk.. let him sleep.. then he suddenly wake up at 11pm to CRY again.. i give him water.. pap him to sleep again..last 1 hrs of nonsense cry .. then on off the whole nite cry .. i was so stress up by him..

this morning.. he still behave like tat.. cry.. throw temper.. refuse to let ppl carry.. mil come in say wan carry him.. i say let him calm down himself.. dun carry.. she walk away.. by the time i need to go work le.. got to bring him out le.. he sit on the floor n cry ... mil sayang him.. n carry him up.. he slap .. use his head n knock mil.. kick.. hubby ask him not to.. (loud tone).. mil dun like tat la.. he sick ma.. she jus took pamper him liao lol..

told hubby.. if tonite still like tat.. i m goin to bring him to doc..


  1. he muz be feeling v uncomfy. poor shawn.

  2. poor shawn's mummy ah... i wan ke siao liao....

  3. claudia, not easy for u... relax. maybe u go have a walk wif ur hb for awhile to relax. ur preg now, u sure have rollercoaster emotions.
    poor shawn too. perhaps take him to doc soon. see what's wrong wif him.
