Tuesday 3 November 2009

Shawn first day to Moriah School... 2 Nov 2009

Wake him up at 7.30am.. clean his butt.. let him brush his teeth.. wash his face.. bring him down to childcare centre at 8.10am.. for the first day.. i decided to stay with him.. to c how the day goes..
8.15-8.45am.. breakfast.. only few piece of cereal.. i m sure shawn is not full.. some more he didn finish it...
9am-9.30am.. activity time.. teachers let them squeese orange juice.. Shawn was playin ball.. while i sit outside the fencing..
10am.. tea break.. only a piece of chocolate biscut..
10.30am.. outdoor activity.. they bring the kids to the garden to ran n play.. shawn hold on to me.. refuse to join in..
11.30am.. prepare for lunch time.. fried noodle.. i feed shawn.. ate only less then half bowl.. n he was too distacted..
12pm.. bathin time.. he refuse to let teacher to bath for him.. so i got to undress him.. put towel on him.. then bring him to the toliet.. accompany him when teacher try to bath him le..
12.30pm.. tv time.. only watch a while..
1pm.. nap time.. i manage to make him slp for abt 1hr.. after he drunk 300ml milk...he wake up crying.. so i got to bring him to the other side of the centre.. prevent him from wakin the other kids up.. he play ball by himself there..
So decided to bring him home at 2pm...

He still loves to b home i guess.. playin him ball.. runnin ard.. then i make him nap from 4.30pm to 5.30pm again.. with 180ml milk..

He had a bowl of rice for dinner.. n slept at 10.15pm.. with a bit of cry in the middle of the nite..


  1. he look smart & handsome in his uniform. Big boy now.

  2. i cant let go... so i dun think i'll let ryan go cc so early. maybe 2hrs playgrp only..
    cause i scared he is not used to it.

  3. :) i m proud of him now ... teacher comment tat she was surprise he can adapt so fast.. now only cry a bit when he enter the sch.. then the rest of the day play n enjoyin himself well le.. mayb is only the start we must b more firm a bit.. it wasnt so bad as i tot ba.. hehe.. Bravo shawn.. mummy loves u !!!
