Sunday 29 November 2009

26Nov2009 - Quarrel with Qiang

I m very upset over the conversation with him (Qiang = younger brother).. thro sms n msn.. he end the chat by sayin i m sarcastic.. fine.. so now i know wat he has in mind..

i better to hope for him to take over my yishun flat when my own flat is ready..

when ppl dun appreciate wat u have give up for them.. tats how upset it can b...

becos of them.. i know they need the shelter.. i leave my name in the yishun flat.. i marry seng n stay with pil.. we stay in tat small little room.. y wld i bother.. i can jus take me name off n get our own flat.. living by ourself.. have my masteroom.. make my life easier..

cos i know i must let my mum have a place to stay.. cos i know she got no one to rely on at tat time...

i alway tot he will b sensible enough.. so when time come he will take over ... but guess i m wrong...

he created so much trouble.. say wana chase elder bro away.. say he will borrow from loan shark.. all creditor will come to our home to chase after him... wat if he go back to hide in msia etc etc... wtf.. all this wasnt current issue.. he has been living there for more then a yr.. is not now then those creditor exist lol.. all the while all the problems is there wat.. mum n i was wondering y suddenly he need to bring out all this..

he say cant wait til things happen then solve rite.. fine.. i take it.. til he continue to say...

wan him stay with mother.. provided one CONDITION... is elder bro must move out... a condition for him to stay with mother.. wat the hell has this world become.. son talkin terms with mother now... i know my mother very strong will de.. she will nvr give in... not cos she wont wan elder bro to go.. jus tat she dun give in n beg for ppl to stay with her lol.. i keep this to myself...

Then come the MAIN part.. he say.. since elder bro so good.. then trf the yishun flat to his name then.. he dun wan to take over..

SEE... the beating ard the bush all this while is to create a scene for this part..

mother alway tell me.. mayb his gf dun like the idea of living with her.. tat y whenever we talk abt apply new flat ah.. or trf name.. she keep very quiet.. i alway thk she thk too much.. Now i start to believe wat she say le... mayb is true.. they dun wan mother to stay with them..

i m so glad i have a wonderful hubby.. i alway have the tot.. if come to the end everyone dun wan mother.. i will definitely wont let her live alone.. i wan her to stay with me.. but i didn tell hubby.. n when all this happen.. hubby told me.. mother will stay with us.. i ask him u sure wont mind.. he say ofcos not.. cant let her without a place to live rite.. i thanks god to have meet up with this wonderful hubby.. i know he loves my mum jus as much as me..


My prince at wk33

Went to gyna on tue.. due to my urinal infection.. i cant tahan leh.. so go to c him early.. my appointment was suppose to b on 4Dec..

Waited for abt an hr.. went metro to buy my disposable panties.. then come back clinic to wait..

told doc abt my problem.. he give me some medicine n do the scan for me as usual.. bb doin fine in me..water level ok.. he is 2359g @ 33wk now.. i can feel he is quite low le.. i was given two days mc.. so since friday is holiday.. long long wkend for me :)

Sunday 15 November 2009

I have a wonderful Mother In Law

tdy 16Nov2009.. i was trap at Kofu during lunch time..

i wanted to tabao at the foodstall down my blk only.. but it was close.. so i tot quickly go over to kofu to buy.. upon i buy my food.. it start rainnin so heavily..

so i buy a drink n sit down to eat my food instead.. tot can go back after eating.. rain was still so heavy after eating..

when i c the rain get smaller.. i quickly walk n wana go back le.. when i reach the other side of the road.. i saw my mil... she bring me umbrella.. so nice of her.. i nvr expect she will bring me umbrella..

tat remind me of something.. i read n heard so much complain abt mil.. but how many ppl praise their mil.. compliment them..

i must say i have a wonderful mil.. who nvr complain.. she dun talk bad behind me.. she alway ask hubby have enough $ to spend whenever we give her mthly allowance.. she take good care of shawn..she manage the home well.. she is sure a wonderful mother.. i must learn from her.. how she treat her daugther in law is nothing to b complain abt.. Love you mother

16Nov2009 - On MC..

i use the MC given to me by gyna last fri.. he ask me to rest.. dun walk too much.. nor stress myself..

bring shawn to sch tdy.. he told me he pah pah when he reach the sch.. but didn cry.. my brave boy :) i stand outside n look at him.. he sit at the table guai guai de.. waitin for breakfast to b serve

went kofu to eat breakfast.. read newspaper there.. so relax.. if only everyday can b so relaxing..

went to c shawn at the sch on my way home.. he was play wooden block with teacher n fren on the table..

went back home to rest.. n went back to peek at him at 1pm.. he was slpin le.. chat with teacher..

was told by teacher.. shawn is so adorable.. he was guai n willin to sit at the table during project time.. say he adapting fast..

i was so glad to hear tat.. make me so proud of him.. tats my boy :)


Sat 14Nov 2009 - Shawn went to school with daddy n mummy

My mother n brother come over to our place early in the morning..

after get shawn ready for the school.. Hubby and i plus my mother n brother all bring him to sch... he went into the sch n refuse to take off his shoe.. i quickly come out of the sch.. while teacher brin him into the sch.. hee.. he cry a bit.. bit not so bad.. stop b4 we left.. peek at him outside.. he was ok.. playin with teacher le...

went breakfast with hubby n mother n brother.. then went back to c him.. playing with his fren in the school..

we went back home to rest a while.. then go fatch shawn home at 12.15pm.. he was so happy to c us.. smile at us.. pointing here n there to tell us "story"... then he wave bye bye to his frens.. n teachers..

make him his bottle of milk n let him take his afternn nap.. he slp very soon.. n woke up at 2.30pm.. then let him eat biscuit..

went over to my mother place at 4++.. was having a hard time feedin him at my mother place.. he was jus too excited .. playin happily with jiu jiu n wai po.. til refuse to eat..

shawn woke up at 1-2am to cry badly ... he must b too excited during the day

13 Nov 2009 - Another meet up with little hero

Had gyna check up tdy...

Hubby went to register for me.. now gyna go by Q # le.. no more like b4.. can register then go shop n wait for call le..

i got Q # 132.. when i reach only at 114.. so i decided to quickly go have our dinner first..

when i return.. was at #128 le.. soon our turn.. went in n tell doc my sore throat n cough for the pass few days.. he give me some antibiotic.. n medicine..

do my scan.. doc say bb is 2022g at 31wks old.. head down.. butt on my rite side.. no wonder i keep feel him kick on my left.. then doc tell me to b prepare.. bb mayb arrive anytime in dec.. i was like shock.. n reply.. i wan Jan10 bb leh.. doc say "then How?? go home talk to bb lol.. i cant decide ah..."

when we were out of the room... i was abit disappointed... keep tellin hubby i wan Jan10 bb.. even start tellin bb to stay in me guai guai de..

jus hope bb listen to me :)

Thursday 12 November 2009

How Shawn doin at school...

haven been updating for the past few days.. hows shawn doing??

i didn send/pick him from sch.. hence only hear from mil/teacher abt shawn...

he got complain the other day.. say he use water bottle to hit a gal head wo.. teacher said he jus wana make fren.. but still duno how ba..

mil say he didn cry since thur.. even wave bye bye to her.. she saw him sit with teacher doin some work..

Hubby went to fatch him on thur.. he was so happy to c daddy.. calling Pa Pa once he saw him.. he ask abt ma ma on the way home..

Teacher call me.. say shawn is doing well.. he loves to learn.. while other kids tend to b distacted easily... teacher say she saw shawn moving his eye bow n smile at her when she ask him to apologise to the other kids when he noti.. was so funny.. whaha..

Last nite.. i heard shawn saying "1..2..throw" while playing with daddy.. he can throw the ball to daddy.. tats the first time i heard him saying tat wo..

i thk.. let him go to childcare is a good choice.. as least he learn something there.. n mil can take a break b4 #2 arrived.. now she only prepare n bring shawn to sch at 8am+... then bring him home ard 5-6pm.. after she have prepared dinner.. so quite relax..

Sunday 8 November 2009

Shawn at school day 6 ... 7 Nov 2009

Shawn's has half day care for sat.. i decided to let him go there n play instead of keep him at home.. n oso not to let him out of school for 2 continuous day (sat n sun)..worry mon he will have even more difficult time adapting..

He woke up early.. guess gettin into routine le.. so i wash him.. change him to home wear.. no uniform is require for sat.. he still say "pah pah" ... he become so timid now.. every little thing oso say "pah pah"... where is little brave shawn le??? hai

together with hubby n mil.. we bring him to the school.. he hug on me.. cried... i hide outside n look at him for a while.. at 8++am.. i guess still early.. only one kid inside.. with a teacher.. who shawn dun normal see.. so i thk he was scare... but he didn cry after we left.. jus hold on to him little pillow..

went back to check on him at 10.30am.. was told teachers bring them to playground.. so i went over to see.. hide at a nearby block.. saw him playin so happily.. ran ard the playground..climb up the stair n play the slide.. follow the back to the centre.. n told the teacher i will bring him back at 12noon.. let him had his milk at home n slp

he slept at 12.30pm at home.. til 2.30pm.. on the bed.. no need sarong anymore.. tats a great change he had achieve.. hee

went over to seng's cousin bb sarah 1st mth party at 6pm.. shawn cry when we bring him into the hse.. guess the crowd frighten him ba.. he use to b alrite with crowd.. but suddenly he jus become so timid le.. keep holdin on to ma ma.. refuse to let me go eat .. so i carry him.. while hubby n mil went to eat first.. slowly he got warm up le.. ran ard the hse liao.. he loves bb mei mei.. keep wana look at her..

Return home at 8pm.. shawn had his dinner.. went to bed at 9.30pm.. with only 180ml milk.. since he had late dinner.. :)

Now he slps early at 9.30pm.. n wake up early oso.. still make noise in the middle of the nite.. i guess tat wat ppl say nite mare ba.. over his new environment at school.. hope he will get use n loves to go school ...

To Shawn: Jia You my brave darling.. u r doing great.. got lots of praises from teachers.. Daddy n mummy is so proud of you...

Shawn's first time to Pasir Ris park playground - 8 Nov 2009

Shawn wake up very early tdy.. so i wake hubby up.. bring him to Macdonald for breakfast.. then head down to Pasir Ris park to play.. weather was sunny.. he had fun there.. but suddenly.. i notice he become bit timid.. wonder is it becos of the school.. tat give him fear of leaving ma ma.. he insist wan ma ma to climb up n down with him.. he cry badly at the swing.. hai.. wat happen to shawn..

Thursday 5 November 2009

Shawn at school day 4.. 5 Nov 2009

I got to go back to work tdy.. so let mil to bring him to school.. was very worry how he will do in school.. but yet I cant b callin back n ask mil (dun wan to make her feel tat I dun trust her..) so I tell hubby to call n check.. then update me..

He reach school at 8am++.. then he do cry a while when entering the school.. after that he starts to join the kids liao.. no more weeping liao… hee..

I decide to take half day leave.. but only leave work place at 3.30pm.. so tat Fri I can oso leave at 3.30pm.. wana go back early to take a peek at him.. n bring him home myself.

Reach the school at 4.45pm.. mil is stand outside peeking oso… she is jus as worry as us.. but she told me shawn is doing fine inside.. enjoying himself.. even saw him took a toy from a jie jie.. makin her to cry.. (starts to show his true color liao lol)

saw him sitting with the other kids n teacher.. drinkin his water… teacher told me.. he slept for 1.5hrs tdy.. good improvement wo.. ate all his food n drank 270ml milk… We bring him back at 5pm… teacher bring him to the door.. he was still lookin at his frens.. n duno we were outside.. when he reach the door.. he saw ma ma n nai nai.. he smile so happily.. he stand at the door callin me “ma ma”… then I ask him to wave to teacher n frens.. he did it..

When we reach home.. shawn is like engine started at school liao.. then cant stop now… keep running ard the hse.. playing his ball… til I offer him some ice-cream.. then he willing to sit down at the sofa to eat.. sweating all over his body..

Ask him to go shower at 6pm.. he play hard to catch with me lol.. roll on the bed.. ran abt again.. til 6.30pm.. then he stop.. come to hug me… ask him go shower.. he hold me hand n lead me to the toilet… he insist wana use the tub to play water.. take us 30min to bath..

he had his dinner at 7.30pm.. 1bowl of rice with soup n vege… while watchin his barney..

Hubby n inlaw went out at 8pm.. leaving shawn n I at home.. shawn wana follow at first.. but I told him I will b at home with him.. very guai of him.. he wave bye bye to them..

soon after I poo .. I wash him n change diaper for him.. 15 mins later.. he poo again.. got to wash n change him again lol… with a big tummy.. it is so tiring even jus to wash n change diaper for him.. somemore changing diaper for a toddler is nvr easy job.. shoo *sweat*

make him his milk at 9.30pm.. he went to turn off the tv.. then I bring pepper back to slp… n we head to our room.. he took out his big ABC book.. I read to him.. while he drink his milk..

he fall aslp at 9.50pm.. he must b tired le..

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Shawn third day at Moriah sch... 4 Nov 2009

Wake him up at 7.30am.. make him some cereal to eat.. but guess too early.. he ate few mouth.. then end up vomit everything out.. so i jus wash him.. change his diaper.. put on his uniform.. he tell me his pah pah.. n tap his chest.. i tell him to b good boy.. i will go fatch him later.. then told him he look smart in his uniform..

Reach the sch at 8.25am.. he refuse to remove his shoe.. so teacher come out to help.. remove n carry him away.. he cried.. but not as bad as yty..

i left him with teacher then i stay outside .. watchin him secretly.. teacher carry him.. he still eat his bread.. no more crying.. only will ask teacher for ma ma when he rmb..

i saw him sit on the chair n play the blocks.. he even pass his block to the jie jie sitin next to him.. keep callin jie jie..

hope he will adapt to the environment n enjoy the fun there soon..

Shawn Second day to Moriah Sch... 3 Nov 2009

Tdy i decided to let him b with teacher..

bring him to school with hubby n mil.. at 8.15am.. we reach the sch..
hubby went into the sch with me.. i put him into the fencing area.. he wan me bao bao.. i tell him cannot.. ask him go join the others.. then he go to pa pa..ask pa pa to bao bao.. silly pa pa go carry him up.. then teacher come.. ask me m i goin to leave him with them tdy.. i say YES... so teacher grab shawn from pa pa.. shawn pull on pa pa.. n keep callin for pa pa... he cry badly..

we hide outside n peek on him .. went upstair n look down when they come out for outdoor.. he cry on n off.. holdin on to his little pillow... he reali make me cry with him.. so sad to c him like tat..

we went to buy his favourite roast pork rice.. come back at 3pm.. decided to bring him home then.. was told by teacher.. he slpt for abt 10mins only.. ate half bowl rice..

i wana him to c both daddy n mummy together to come pick him up.. so when i reach.. i peek outside.. he was watching tv with teacher... hubby went to park his car first... i rush hubby to come down fast..

when he reach.. we stand at the door.. he saw us.. tat smile he given us i will nvr forget.. tat happy smile.. wide n big smile.. hug n kiss me... i told him..ask we promise.. we come to pick him up le.. so cannot cry k.. he nod his head...

he play so happily at home.. then til 4pm.. i make him another 180ml milk.. let him slp on the bed with pa pa..

he woke up at 5.15pm..cryin.. must b frighten by the day le..

had dinner as usual.. one bowl of rice with soup.. i bath him n wash him hair... teacher know he scare of water fallin over his face.. so didn wash his hair..

slept at 10.30pm... whole nite keep wakin up to make some noise.. but i manage to tab him back to slp after tat.. his hand keep holdin on to me..

Shawn first day to Moriah School... 2 Nov 2009

Wake him up at 7.30am.. clean his butt.. let him brush his teeth.. wash his face.. bring him down to childcare centre at 8.10am.. for the first day.. i decided to stay with him.. to c how the day goes..
8.15-8.45am.. breakfast.. only few piece of cereal.. i m sure shawn is not full.. some more he didn finish it...
9am-9.30am.. activity time.. teachers let them squeese orange juice.. Shawn was playin ball.. while i sit outside the fencing..
10am.. tea break.. only a piece of chocolate biscut..
10.30am.. outdoor activity.. they bring the kids to the garden to ran n play.. shawn hold on to me.. refuse to join in..
11.30am.. prepare for lunch time.. fried noodle.. i feed shawn.. ate only less then half bowl.. n he was too distacted..
12pm.. bathin time.. he refuse to let teacher to bath for him.. so i got to undress him.. put towel on him.. then bring him to the toliet.. accompany him when teacher try to bath him le..
12.30pm.. tv time.. only watch a while..
1pm.. nap time.. i manage to make him slp for abt 1hr.. after he drunk 300ml milk...he wake up crying.. so i got to bring him to the other side of the centre.. prevent him from wakin the other kids up.. he play ball by himself there..
So decided to bring him home at 2pm...

He still loves to b home i guess.. playin him ball.. runnin ard.. then i make him nap from 4.30pm to 5.30pm again.. with 180ml milk..

He had a bowl of rice for dinner.. n slept at 10.15pm.. with a bit of cry in the middle of the nite..