Thursday 5 November 2009

Shawn at school day 4.. 5 Nov 2009

I got to go back to work tdy.. so let mil to bring him to school.. was very worry how he will do in school.. but yet I cant b callin back n ask mil (dun wan to make her feel tat I dun trust her..) so I tell hubby to call n check.. then update me..

He reach school at 8am++.. then he do cry a while when entering the school.. after that he starts to join the kids liao.. no more weeping liao… hee..

I decide to take half day leave.. but only leave work place at 3.30pm.. so tat Fri I can oso leave at 3.30pm.. wana go back early to take a peek at him.. n bring him home myself.

Reach the school at 4.45pm.. mil is stand outside peeking oso… she is jus as worry as us.. but she told me shawn is doing fine inside.. enjoying himself.. even saw him took a toy from a jie jie.. makin her to cry.. (starts to show his true color liao lol)

saw him sitting with the other kids n teacher.. drinkin his water… teacher told me.. he slept for 1.5hrs tdy.. good improvement wo.. ate all his food n drank 270ml milk… We bring him back at 5pm… teacher bring him to the door.. he was still lookin at his frens.. n duno we were outside.. when he reach the door.. he saw ma ma n nai nai.. he smile so happily.. he stand at the door callin me “ma ma”… then I ask him to wave to teacher n frens.. he did it..

When we reach home.. shawn is like engine started at school liao.. then cant stop now… keep running ard the hse.. playing his ball… til I offer him some ice-cream.. then he willing to sit down at the sofa to eat.. sweating all over his body..

Ask him to go shower at 6pm.. he play hard to catch with me lol.. roll on the bed.. ran abt again.. til 6.30pm.. then he stop.. come to hug me… ask him go shower.. he hold me hand n lead me to the toilet… he insist wana use the tub to play water.. take us 30min to bath..

he had his dinner at 7.30pm.. 1bowl of rice with soup n vege… while watchin his barney..

Hubby n inlaw went out at 8pm.. leaving shawn n I at home.. shawn wana follow at first.. but I told him I will b at home with him.. very guai of him.. he wave bye bye to them..

soon after I poo .. I wash him n change diaper for him.. 15 mins later.. he poo again.. got to wash n change him again lol… with a big tummy.. it is so tiring even jus to wash n change diaper for him.. somemore changing diaper for a toddler is nvr easy job.. shoo *sweat*

make him his milk at 9.30pm.. he went to turn off the tv.. then I bring pepper back to slp… n we head to our room.. he took out his big ABC book.. I read to him.. while he drink his milk..

he fall aslp at 9.50pm.. he must b tired le..

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