Sunday 15 November 2009

13 Nov 2009 - Another meet up with little hero

Had gyna check up tdy...

Hubby went to register for me.. now gyna go by Q # le.. no more like b4.. can register then go shop n wait for call le..

i got Q # 132.. when i reach only at 114.. so i decided to quickly go have our dinner first..

when i return.. was at #128 le.. soon our turn.. went in n tell doc my sore throat n cough for the pass few days.. he give me some antibiotic.. n medicine..

do my scan.. doc say bb is 2022g at 31wks old.. head down.. butt on my rite side.. no wonder i keep feel him kick on my left.. then doc tell me to b prepare.. bb mayb arrive anytime in dec.. i was like shock.. n reply.. i wan Jan10 bb leh.. doc say "then How?? go home talk to bb lol.. i cant decide ah..."

when we were out of the room... i was abit disappointed... keep tellin hubby i wan Jan10 bb.. even start tellin bb to stay in me guai guai de..

jus hope bb listen to me :)