Sunday 15 November 2009

Sat 14Nov 2009 - Shawn went to school with daddy n mummy

My mother n brother come over to our place early in the morning..

after get shawn ready for the school.. Hubby and i plus my mother n brother all bring him to sch... he went into the sch n refuse to take off his shoe.. i quickly come out of the sch.. while teacher brin him into the sch.. hee.. he cry a bit.. bit not so bad.. stop b4 we left.. peek at him outside.. he was ok.. playin with teacher le...

went breakfast with hubby n mother n brother.. then went back to c him.. playing with his fren in the school..

we went back home to rest a while.. then go fatch shawn home at 12.15pm.. he was so happy to c us.. smile at us.. pointing here n there to tell us "story"... then he wave bye bye to his frens.. n teachers..

make him his bottle of milk n let him take his afternn nap.. he slp very soon.. n woke up at 2.30pm.. then let him eat biscuit..

went over to my mother place at 4++.. was having a hard time feedin him at my mother place.. he was jus too excited .. playin happily with jiu jiu n wai po.. til refuse to eat..

shawn woke up at 1-2am to cry badly ... he must b too excited during the day

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