Sunday 29 November 2009

My prince at wk33

Went to gyna on tue.. due to my urinal infection.. i cant tahan leh.. so go to c him early.. my appointment was suppose to b on 4Dec..

Waited for abt an hr.. went metro to buy my disposable panties.. then come back clinic to wait..

told doc abt my problem.. he give me some medicine n do the scan for me as usual.. bb doin fine in me..water level ok.. he is 2359g @ 33wk now.. i can feel he is quite low le.. i was given two days mc.. so since friday is holiday.. long long wkend for me :)


  1. glad to noe bb is doing fine :) tot of a name fer him le mahz?? my gal at 35 weeks is 2.5kg. .hmm ..

  2. Hubby suggested Roy .. But we haven cfm lo.. I wan single noun de .. So quite limited choice
