Thursday 31 December 2009

Baby Roy birth story

Born on 31 Dec 2009
Time: 7.49am
Weight: 3.29kg
Height: 49cm

Shawn was noti last nite.. Woke up at 2 plus to cry then hug on me.. Refuse to go back to slp.. I pat him til 3.30am then he slept...

5am: while in slp I heard a pop sound.. Wonder is it like the cracking bone or wat..

Went toliet to check.. Bladder was quite full.. Duno water tat wet my panty is urine or from water bag.. So put in pantyliner to monitor...

5.30am: contraction still bearable.. Sat on the bed to monitor.. Still dun believe will b tdy.. Happen to shift my body a bit.. Then I feel it.. Some water flowin out.. Quickly go toliet.. N ya.. Bit water jus flow out which can't ctrl... So I thk I m rite.. Water bag leak le..

6am: I still sit on bed n wait for contraction.. Even ask hubby go make milk for Shawn.. Come back.. I give Shawn the milk..

6.15am: tell hubby.. This is it le.. The contraction.. I time it while hubby quickly go bath.. 5mins once.. Tense one.. I go bath after tat.

6.40am: call doc Adrian.. Tell him my contraction n water bag leak.. He ask me to go hospital now..

6.50am: leave home.. Try to walk n move faster when contraction stop ...

7.15am: reach MtA.. Duno which door to go.. Walk here n there.. A man at the entrance ask us to go labour ward from main building.. We walk out.. My contraction come.. I sit outside n wait for it to stop.. He give me a wheel chair.. Doc call us.. Tell me go lvl 3 straight.. Luckly we met a nurse.. She open the lock door n let us take short cut...

7.35am: took my weight outside.. 70.5kg.. Wheel me into the ward.. Duno wat ward no le.. Ask me to change to labour gown.. Lay down on the bed.. Nurse check cevix.. 5 cm le.. N bb head very low Liao.. Strip ctg on me.. I start breathing the laughing gas.. Insert drip on me.. Took few deep breath on the gas n I was knock out..

Can hear nurse n doc ask me q.. But I can't and le.. Surounding was like moving fast .. Heard doc ask me remove mask..

I manage to ans him now.. Then I tell him.. I wana push now.. He reply ok GOOD.. Haha

he rush nurses to quickly do wats urgent first.. Set up everything .. Put my leg in the stand.. Ask me to push when next contraction come.. Ctg show contraction but I dun feel it...

Suddenly I jus got the feel to push.. Give a hard push.. BB Roy is out..

N the crazy part is.. My water bag wasn empty yet.. With tat hard push.. Water splash everywhere.. Everyone kana the 'holy water' Roy bring to us in this last day of 2009... I myself oso kana lol.. Face n shoulder all got it..

7.49am: bb arrive.. Cry loudly.. Eye open..

Hubby fun even have time to take pic.. Bb pop le.. He was ask to go do admin.. Then doc rush nurse to call him back.. He come back stand by me.. N kana the 'holy water' immedinately le.. Haha

this round I thk I got more stitch ba.. Like doc do very long leh.. Plus I didn take painkiller jab yet.. The stitch was bit painful in the start... Then doc jab me.. But still bit pain lo..

Start latch bb in labour ward.. He sucks well :)

Wasn't so luckly this round .. Didn get any upgrading.. Got the 4 bedded room.. Somemore next to Reno work.. Was so noise.. But nurse told us.. Due to this Reno noise.. Our hospital bill will have additional 25% discount... Wonder is it true...

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Gyna check up on 29 Dec 2009

Took LRT to Compasspoint myself.. got a q no 118.. waited for a while.. til hubby come.. happen to see Ming Long there oso..

Went in .. told gyna.. all aching comin.. tummy hard.. he do the scan.. bb is 3285g @ wk38.. i ask whether will he b too big for me to push out.. he say i can go induce if i worry.. i ask will i end up e-csec if i go induce.. he say not likely.. but if bb too big.. cant push out.. chances of csec will b higher lol.. he suggested 5 or 6 jan go induce... i was sure sld i.. so he ask me go thk abt it.. next visit shall c how..

my next visit will b on 5 jan.. i planned...

1) hope can pop naturely on 2nd jan.. then no need induce n bb got nice birth date.. 02.01.2010

2) if by 4 jan still no sign.. i will c gyna tat afternoon.. check up liao.. go induce on 5 Jan.. so this bb will b my mum bday present le.. haha...

wonder will tat works..

Doc tell me MUST count bb movement everyday.. is very impt now.. so i start to take note le..


Monday 28 December 2009

Performance at Gerald wedding

29 Dec 2009 Tuesday - Visiting gyna later

Will b goin for my check up in the evening.. wonder wat will gyna say.. hows bb doing in me??

these days.. nite slp is suffering for me ah.. esp with the big tummy.. turn my body is so difficult.. n yet i cant stay lying on one side.. my hip bone n pelvic bone is so painful n aching.. when i turn.. i will heard the cracking sound... i thk 1st preg had reali wear out my internal "spare part" liao..

then plus shawn make noise in his slp.. i start to feel you xin wu li to attend to him le.. she bu de to let him slp with mil.. but i thk no choice le.. i cant wait til bb pop then let him go slp with her.. wat will he thk then?? mummy got bb dun wan him le???

on 26 Dec 2009.. cos hubby n i went dinner.. so shawn slept with mil.. for the whole nite.. i cant slp well.. keep thkin hows shawn doin inside their room... tryin to hear if he go cry ... got ask for milk..etc.. tats the first nite shawn not by my side since birth... sad

jus two more days to go.. n we r into 2010 le.. hope bb can jus REN for another 2 more days.. n he will b Jan 2010 bb le.. no need to b 1st Jan bb.. jus b 2010 bb.. n i will b very happy liao.. hee...Guai Guai wo.. bb :)

Long wkend since christmas day ....

Long wkend for us.. i started MC since wed 23Dec.. n now on AL follow by ML next wk liao.. so my is reali 'LONG' break..

was chating with Joanne yty.. n i notice i have short memories wo.. i reali cant rmb wat did we do on christmas day.. so i ask hubby last nite.. then he tell me.. oYA!! haha

Christmas day 25 Dec 2009

Bring out the remaining present which we bought for shawn.. including a piggy coin bank.. i wan him to learn to save a dollar each day... sound silly.. but i jus hope he will learn to saving $$ from young :)

then i wan hubby to bring me to si ma lu to pai pai.. since bb Roy may arrive anytime le.. i reali hope for a healthy bb.. so went to pray..

then shop at OG..bought shawn a smal bag.. to let him carry some of his belongin when we go out..

had out breakfast at the hawker.. newly renovated.. much cleaner there lol..

hubby wan find a USB fan.. so we went Sim Lim Sq to find.. i hardly can walk liao.. Pelvic bone so painful when i walk too long.. but i still go with him.. cos dun wana disappoint him.. but he oso wana give up...cos he know i not feel well.. hubby shi ai wo de.. he oso dun wana c my suffer.. hee

went woodland sing siong but some la la.. n went back yishun to have our dinner..

Boxing day 26 Dec 2009

Send shawn to sch  as usual.. let him go there n play with other kids.. n we went for breakfast..

had a silly quarrel with hubby.. over wat he wana eat.. make me so angry til i move to next table n sit.. i ate my bread n he only drink tea.. haha.. but still end up at AMKHUB to eat prata..

shop at NTUC.. hubby got some vouchers from his company.. so we spend it there...

Rush back to fatch shawn home.. let him take his nap.. n we oso slp a well.. but he woke up very soon...

tot of bring shawn out in the afternn.. but weather wasnt good.. so we wait til 4pm.. then we bring him ponggol end.. jus a short ride.. then go home to take his dinner le..

prepare ourself for the wedding dinner.. left home at 6.30pm.. yet we still early for the dinner.. all hubby fren havent reach..

the wedding was very relaxing.. with buffet dinner.. mostly is his church frens.. n some dance performance..

left at 10.30pm.. was bit piss off by hubby.. drink so much..

Sunday 27 Dec 2009

Shawn @ giant

Went to Tampines giants for breakfast n shop.. Brough shawn along.. dun wans leave him behind.. he was so excited to go gai gai..

shawn start to look tired at 11am.. so we left giant.. n make a quick round at Rivervale Mall.. daiso..

Reach home at 12pm.. let him take his lunch.. then he drink some ribbina n slp le..

at 4pm.. i insist wana bring shawn to swim.. haha.. n i decided to go into the water with him.. jus wear a short n my hubby tshirt.. we went yck swim pool.. no crowd at all.. good choice.. ask my di di, yt n mum along..

shawn still scare of water.. but since i go into the water.. he click on to me like kola bear.. i sit inside the pool.. he jus hug tight on me.. refuse to step down.. he is tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool lol.. jus duno y he scare.. c daddy swim again.. he cry.. til i splash water n attack jiu jiu.. he start to join in n play a bit.. finally he step down.. with one hand splashin hand hold to my neck.. silly boy..

went Thomson to eat chicken rice.. then went back home..

Shawn at sch this morning - 29Dec2009

Brought shawn to sch this morning.. happen to rmb long time didn take pic of him at sch.. so snap few shot.. hee

Gerald & Karen wedding on 26 Dec 2009

@ Sentosa resort & Spa... buffet dinner.. wonderful dance performance which i first seen in wedding.. very relaxing dinner ...

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Gyna visit on 22 Dec 2009

Need to go client office to do audit tdy... was so tiring there.. need to walk abt to flip thro the files.. check this n tat.. til my leg was so swollen up..

luckly my ah di come by to pick me up after work n send my to compasspoint.. save me from walkin..

reach compasspoint at 5.40pm.. went to get my Q # at the clinic.. heng wasnt crowded.. so i went to shop a bit.. wana get a present for hubby.. but cant find anything..

went back to sit at the clinic n wait.. soon its my turn.. but hubby still not here yet.. so sad.. i went in myself..

Doc as usual ask how m i etc.. then he do the scan for me.. say bb in position le.. may b anytime.. so i ask whether can i still go weddin dinner this sat.. he reply me.. say if waterbag burst.. not his problem hor.. (whahaha... hubby say i tiam jia) Doc did a blood test for me.. i ask him.. i dun rmb last round i do blood test at this stage.. he say blood test can do anytime de.. 2nd bb normally sldn b a problem.. he say water lvl all ok... give me the admin letter.. ask me to call him if my waterbag burst or contraction ..go direct to hospital...

tats make me bit kan cheong.. hee.. (but too bad hubby not ard)

i rmb during shawn time.. my last visit to gyna hubby oso didn make it... so will this b my last visit oso???

my next appointment is next tue 29Dec... so will i make it there???

i still hope for Jan2010 bb...

Sunday 20 December 2009

Last day of work comin soon... Long break...

Got lots to update but duno where to start... i m into wk37 tml.. bb full term liao.. so m i due soon??? shall c wat gyna say tml..

Sat 19Dec2009

Make hubby bring me to the Gimmil sales and we spend $100 there.. whaha.. surprisingly..hubby grab more then me.. he chose lots of clothing for shawn.. but mostly 24mths de.. hope he dun out grow them too soon.. hee.. worth the trip there :)

Even bought some ger ger clothin to give away.. reali too cute le.. whaha..

20 Dec 2009 Sun

Hubby went do OT as usual.. shawn behave himself tdy.. still as active.. but i manage to make him help me to clean up all the toys.. whaha.. give him a piece of clothin n follow me to wipe all his toy.. he keep tellin me those toys are xian xian 's toys.. so cute.. now he will tell us wat is xian xian's stuffs or shawn's.. even same item.. he will sometime say xian's some time say shawn's.. n point his finger to himself.. sometime he will refuse to give us the item.. n keep repeating is his... especially his "cho cho" ( tat little pillow.. which he oso call it cho cho).. he will pretend to cry n look for his cho cho at time...

manage to make him take his nap at 12.45pm.. til 2.15pm.. short nap.. but he wake up feel refresh n happy.. lookin at the bb book i m reading.. n tell me 'bb'... i start to express himself better now.. n he can eat his own lunch n dinner all by himself now.. can still b messy.. but able to bring the food into his mouth le... well done my boy :)

left home with hubby at 3pm.. to eat at hg mall.. then went to NTUC to shop.. jus a short walk.. i oso cant tahan le.. esp climbin up to the carpark.. so  difficult now.. make me short of breath.. n back ache ah..

my tummy gettin hard n crampy at time.. sometime i start to worry whether is bb movin enough.. i jus hope he will grow well in me.. still hopin for Jan2010 bb.. even gyna keep tellin me mayb end dec.. whaha

To hubby: Thanks for all the support these days.. i know my temper wasn gd these two days.. but i m jus too tired at time.. i dun mean it k.. love u dear..

To shawn: U r learn fast in sch.. i can c.. i m so happy to c u enjoyin urself in school.. playing n smillin all the way in sch.. hope when di di arrive.. he wont affect u.. mummy promise will nvr love u any less then now.. MUACK!!

To BB: We have more or less decided to name u as ROY YAP.. hope u will like this name too.. we r all excited to c when u will arrive.. must try to stay in mummy for another 12 days pls.. n hope u will b jus as health n guai as ur kor kor shawn...

Sunday 13 December 2009

On 10 Dec 2009

A outing day celebrating my bday.. watchin Barney??? whahaha.. so who bday is it then??? :)

Shawn's time spend in school

Teachers took some pic n burn into a disc for parent.. Shawn only join in Nov..hence not many pic of his.. but i m still happy to c him doin those craft work.. :) my boy has grow up le.. yippy!!!

Saturday 12 December 2009

Visit to gyna @ wk35

I m on leave on 11 dec to start off my revision for wed exam.. Left my home at 5.30pm to take lrt to conpasspoint.. Got my q #117 tot they only give out no. At 6pm..

Hubby reach at 6.20pm.. I was sitting inside the clinic waitin for me turn.. Wasn long wait.. Told doc abt my cramp n tummy like bit hard.. He do the usual scan for mr n comment tat it is hard.. Give my ventolin to take to relax my tummy n oso start me on antibiotic for the +v GBS.. Was told lightly I will deliver in end dec n I must let nurse know tat I m GBS +v when I admit hospital..

Everything is ok.. Bb is 2552g now.. Active daily.. Jumpin inside me.. Jus hope he will b as healthy as his brother Shawn :)

Thursday 10 December 2009

My 30th bday..

Both hubby n i on leave tday.. accompany him to amk to get his medicine.. then had our bf at AMK hawker.. ate my favourite yong tao fu..

then went over to yishun to fatch my mother over to our place.. shawn saw wai po.. was so excited.. haha.. (let shawn miss a day to sch.. cos is mummy "ME" bday..)

pack shawn stuffs n porridge then head over to fatch YT.. then we meet my brother at United Sq.. for BBQ lunch... shawn was ok in the start.. i feed him his porridge when they eat their food first.. after sitin there for 45mins.. he start to get noti.. wana get off his high chair le.. so my mil helps to look after him while i start eating...

food taste OK.. but mayb i wasnt in the mood to enjoy my meal with shawn ard ba..

quickly eat liao.. wana rush for the 2pm barney show.. jus in time when we walk over to let shawn watch his favourite barney.. my bro n YT carry shawn n walk ard to get the best spot for him to c barney.. shawn was smilin all the way.. tat makes me more happy then rmbin tday is my bday lol.. (guess bday is nothing to a mother anymore when her child smile mean more then anything else in the world ba..)

when shawn saw the poster.. he oso wana take pic with the barney.. so cute of him..

he got chanky after ths show.. so decide to bring him home to slp.. then we went to IMM without him.. shop at Daiso.. get him some toys there..

i was so tired after a while.. feel the aching n pain.. went to BK to sit down n wait for hubby n my mother..

left IMM at 8pm.. send my mum home.. then head back fernvale.. shawn was still awake.. playin his toys..

bring him to our room to play.. he likes to roll on the mattress n will take out his big ABC book to flip.. i tell shawn its my bday tdy.. ask him to sing me a bday song.. he reali start singing.. is sound like happy bday song.. but bit out of tune n sala wording one lol.. but i m still very happy to hear tat... even hubby oso sing me a bday song.. so nice of them..


Sunday 6 December 2009

This yr bday

I got my first present few wks back.. from my hubby seng.. tat Iphone.. after that i insist he trade in my n his phone.. n got himself another Iphone oso.. now we got couple phone le.. keke

follow by cake from Yt n ah de.. celebrate on 5dec..when i went back to yishun.. n i receive my coach wallet from them share by mummy, yt and ah di..

thanks to them.. :)

This thur.. hubby plan to bring me out for lunch.. we took leave le.. will bring our mothers along.. shawn will skip sch n go with me... (I insist.. dun wana go without my darling shawn hee)

Adrian's wedding lunch on 5 Dec 2009

Shawn first time to wedding.. was so busy entertaining him.. hubby got angry with him..few time.. hai.. thk he will bar him from other weddin in future.. hee

My Dearest sis Ning's ROM

@ Ponggol Park Bliss restaurant on 6 Dec 2009 3pm