Monday 28 December 2009

29 Dec 2009 Tuesday - Visiting gyna later

Will b goin for my check up in the evening.. wonder wat will gyna say.. hows bb doing in me??

these days.. nite slp is suffering for me ah.. esp with the big tummy.. turn my body is so difficult.. n yet i cant stay lying on one side.. my hip bone n pelvic bone is so painful n aching.. when i turn.. i will heard the cracking sound... i thk 1st preg had reali wear out my internal "spare part" liao..

then plus shawn make noise in his slp.. i start to feel you xin wu li to attend to him le.. she bu de to let him slp with mil.. but i thk no choice le.. i cant wait til bb pop then let him go slp with her.. wat will he thk then?? mummy got bb dun wan him le???

on 26 Dec 2009.. cos hubby n i went dinner.. so shawn slept with mil.. for the whole nite.. i cant slp well.. keep thkin hows shawn doin inside their room... tryin to hear if he go cry ... got ask for milk..etc.. tats the first nite shawn not by my side since birth... sad

jus two more days to go.. n we r into 2010 le.. hope bb can jus REN for another 2 more days.. n he will b Jan 2010 bb le.. no need to b 1st Jan bb.. jus b 2010 bb.. n i will b very happy liao.. hee...Guai Guai wo.. bb :)

1 comment:

  1. :)
    my gal cant 'ren' haha.. so she joined the 2009 one though my edd is 31st dec haiz. .hehehe. . during my 8 mth onwards.. i oso you xin wu li to tend to the older one too .. can understand.. and the cracking bone sound.. ya.. i do feel tat too.. i tot wow wat happened initially :P
