Monday 28 December 2009

Long wkend since christmas day ....

Long wkend for us.. i started MC since wed 23Dec.. n now on AL follow by ML next wk liao.. so my is reali 'LONG' break..

was chating with Joanne yty.. n i notice i have short memories wo.. i reali cant rmb wat did we do on christmas day.. so i ask hubby last nite.. then he tell me.. oYA!! haha

Christmas day 25 Dec 2009

Bring out the remaining present which we bought for shawn.. including a piggy coin bank.. i wan him to learn to save a dollar each day... sound silly.. but i jus hope he will learn to saving $$ from young :)

then i wan hubby to bring me to si ma lu to pai pai.. since bb Roy may arrive anytime le.. i reali hope for a healthy bb.. so went to pray..

then shop at OG..bought shawn a smal bag.. to let him carry some of his belongin when we go out..

had out breakfast at the hawker.. newly renovated.. much cleaner there lol..

hubby wan find a USB fan.. so we went Sim Lim Sq to find.. i hardly can walk liao.. Pelvic bone so painful when i walk too long.. but i still go with him.. cos dun wana disappoint him.. but he oso wana give up...cos he know i not feel well.. hubby shi ai wo de.. he oso dun wana c my suffer.. hee

went woodland sing siong but some la la.. n went back yishun to have our dinner..

Boxing day 26 Dec 2009

Send shawn to sch  as usual.. let him go there n play with other kids.. n we went for breakfast..

had a silly quarrel with hubby.. over wat he wana eat.. make me so angry til i move to next table n sit.. i ate my bread n he only drink tea.. haha.. but still end up at AMKHUB to eat prata..

shop at NTUC.. hubby got some vouchers from his company.. so we spend it there...

Rush back to fatch shawn home.. let him take his nap.. n we oso slp a well.. but he woke up very soon...

tot of bring shawn out in the afternn.. but weather wasnt good.. so we wait til 4pm.. then we bring him ponggol end.. jus a short ride.. then go home to take his dinner le..

prepare ourself for the wedding dinner.. left home at 6.30pm.. yet we still early for the dinner.. all hubby fren havent reach..

the wedding was very relaxing.. with buffet dinner.. mostly is his church frens.. n some dance performance..

left at 10.30pm.. was bit piss off by hubby.. drink so much..

Sunday 27 Dec 2009

Shawn @ giant

Went to Tampines giants for breakfast n shop.. Brough shawn along.. dun wans leave him behind.. he was so excited to go gai gai..

shawn start to look tired at 11am.. so we left giant.. n make a quick round at Rivervale Mall.. daiso..

Reach home at 12pm.. let him take his lunch.. then he drink some ribbina n slp le..

at 4pm.. i insist wana bring shawn to swim.. haha.. n i decided to go into the water with him.. jus wear a short n my hubby tshirt.. we went yck swim pool.. no crowd at all.. good choice.. ask my di di, yt n mum along..

shawn still scare of water.. but since i go into the water.. he click on to me like kola bear.. i sit inside the pool.. he jus hug tight on me.. refuse to step down.. he is tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool lol.. jus duno y he scare.. c daddy swim again.. he cry.. til i splash water n attack jiu jiu.. he start to join in n play a bit.. finally he step down.. with one hand splashin hand hold to my neck.. silly boy..

went Thomson to eat chicken rice.. then went back home..

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