Sunday 20 December 2009

Last day of work comin soon... Long break...

Got lots to update but duno where to start... i m into wk37 tml.. bb full term liao.. so m i due soon??? shall c wat gyna say tml..

Sat 19Dec2009

Make hubby bring me to the Gimmil sales and we spend $100 there.. whaha.. surprisingly..hubby grab more then me.. he chose lots of clothing for shawn.. but mostly 24mths de.. hope he dun out grow them too soon.. hee.. worth the trip there :)

Even bought some ger ger clothin to give away.. reali too cute le.. whaha..

20 Dec 2009 Sun

Hubby went do OT as usual.. shawn behave himself tdy.. still as active.. but i manage to make him help me to clean up all the toys.. whaha.. give him a piece of clothin n follow me to wipe all his toy.. he keep tellin me those toys are xian xian 's toys.. so cute.. now he will tell us wat is xian xian's stuffs or shawn's.. even same item.. he will sometime say xian's some time say shawn's.. n point his finger to himself.. sometime he will refuse to give us the item.. n keep repeating is his... especially his "cho cho" ( tat little pillow.. which he oso call it cho cho).. he will pretend to cry n look for his cho cho at time...

manage to make him take his nap at 12.45pm.. til 2.15pm.. short nap.. but he wake up feel refresh n happy.. lookin at the bb book i m reading.. n tell me 'bb'... i start to express himself better now.. n he can eat his own lunch n dinner all by himself now.. can still b messy.. but able to bring the food into his mouth le... well done my boy :)

left home with hubby at 3pm.. to eat at hg mall.. then went to NTUC to shop.. jus a short walk.. i oso cant tahan le.. esp climbin up to the carpark.. so  difficult now.. make me short of breath.. n back ache ah..

my tummy gettin hard n crampy at time.. sometime i start to worry whether is bb movin enough.. i jus hope he will grow well in me.. still hopin for Jan2010 bb.. even gyna keep tellin me mayb end dec.. whaha

To hubby: Thanks for all the support these days.. i know my temper wasn gd these two days.. but i m jus too tired at time.. i dun mean it k.. love u dear..

To shawn: U r learn fast in sch.. i can c.. i m so happy to c u enjoyin urself in school.. playing n smillin all the way in sch.. hope when di di arrive.. he wont affect u.. mummy promise will nvr love u any less then now.. MUACK!!

To BB: We have more or less decided to name u as ROY YAP.. hope u will like this name too.. we r all excited to c when u will arrive.. must try to stay in mummy for another 12 days pls.. n hope u will b jus as health n guai as ur kor kor shawn...

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