Tuesday 22 December 2009

Gyna visit on 22 Dec 2009

Need to go client office to do audit tdy... was so tiring there.. need to walk abt to flip thro the files.. check this n tat.. til my leg was so swollen up..

luckly my ah di come by to pick me up after work n send my to compasspoint.. save me from walkin..

reach compasspoint at 5.40pm.. went to get my Q # at the clinic.. heng wasnt crowded.. so i went to shop a bit.. wana get a present for hubby.. but cant find anything..

went back to sit at the clinic n wait.. soon its my turn.. but hubby still not here yet.. so sad.. i went in myself..

Doc as usual ask how m i etc.. then he do the scan for me.. say bb in position le.. may b anytime.. so i ask whether can i still go weddin dinner this sat.. he reply me.. say if waterbag burst.. not his problem hor.. (whahaha... hubby say i tiam jia) Doc did a blood test for me.. i ask him.. i dun rmb last round i do blood test at this stage.. he say blood test can do anytime de.. 2nd bb normally sldn b a problem.. he say water lvl all ok... give me the admin letter.. ask me to call him if my waterbag burst or contraction ..go direct to hospital...

tats make me bit kan cheong.. hee.. (but too bad hubby not ard)

i rmb during shawn time.. my last visit to gyna hubby oso didn make it... so will this b my last visit oso???

my next appointment is next tue 29Dec... so will i make it there???

i still hope for Jan2010 bb...

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