Thursday 10 December 2009

My 30th bday..

Both hubby n i on leave tday.. accompany him to amk to get his medicine.. then had our bf at AMK hawker.. ate my favourite yong tao fu..

then went over to yishun to fatch my mother over to our place.. shawn saw wai po.. was so excited.. haha.. (let shawn miss a day to sch.. cos is mummy "ME" bday..)

pack shawn stuffs n porridge then head over to fatch YT.. then we meet my brother at United Sq.. for BBQ lunch... shawn was ok in the start.. i feed him his porridge when they eat their food first.. after sitin there for 45mins.. he start to get noti.. wana get off his high chair le.. so my mil helps to look after him while i start eating...

food taste OK.. but mayb i wasnt in the mood to enjoy my meal with shawn ard ba..

quickly eat liao.. wana rush for the 2pm barney show.. jus in time when we walk over to let shawn watch his favourite barney.. my bro n YT carry shawn n walk ard to get the best spot for him to c barney.. shawn was smilin all the way.. tat makes me more happy then rmbin tday is my bday lol.. (guess bday is nothing to a mother anymore when her child smile mean more then anything else in the world ba..)

when shawn saw the poster.. he oso wana take pic with the barney.. so cute of him..

he got chanky after ths show.. so decide to bring him home to slp.. then we went to IMM without him.. shop at Daiso.. get him some toys there..

i was so tired after a while.. feel the aching n pain.. went to BK to sit down n wait for hubby n my mother..

left IMM at 8pm.. send my mum home.. then head back fernvale.. shawn was still awake.. playin his toys..

bring him to our room to play.. he likes to roll on the mattress n will take out his big ABC book to flip.. i tell shawn its my bday tdy.. ask him to sing me a bday song.. he reali start singing.. is sound like happy bday song.. but bit out of tune n sala wording one lol.. but i m still very happy to hear tat... even hubby oso sing me a bday song.. so nice of them..


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