Saturday 12 December 2009

Visit to gyna @ wk35

I m on leave on 11 dec to start off my revision for wed exam.. Left my home at 5.30pm to take lrt to conpasspoint.. Got my q #117 tot they only give out no. At 6pm..

Hubby reach at 6.20pm.. I was sitting inside the clinic waitin for me turn.. Wasn long wait.. Told doc abt my cramp n tummy like bit hard.. He do the usual scan for mr n comment tat it is hard.. Give my ventolin to take to relax my tummy n oso start me on antibiotic for the +v GBS.. Was told lightly I will deliver in end dec n I must let nurse know tat I m GBS +v when I admit hospital..

Everything is ok.. Bb is 2552g now.. Active daily.. Jumpin inside me.. Jus hope he will b as healthy as his brother Shawn :)


  1. Glad to hear tat :) so u gonna have a dec baby too :) when?? Did the Dr mention??

  2. he only say might pop in end dec.. but i still hopin for Jan10 bb leh...

  3. hehe, dec good mah, can graduate fr school faster =)
