Tuesday 29 December 2009

Gyna check up on 29 Dec 2009

Took LRT to Compasspoint myself.. got a q no 118.. waited for a while.. til hubby come.. happen to see Ming Long there oso..

Went in .. told gyna.. all aching comin.. tummy hard.. he do the scan.. bb is 3285g @ wk38.. i ask whether will he b too big for me to push out.. he say i can go induce if i worry.. i ask will i end up e-csec if i go induce.. he say not likely.. but if bb too big.. cant push out.. chances of csec will b higher lol.. he suggested 5 or 6 jan go induce... i was sure sld i.. so he ask me go thk abt it.. next visit shall c how..

my next visit will b on 5 jan.. i planned...

1) hope can pop naturely on 2nd jan.. then no need induce n bb got nice birth date.. 02.01.2010

2) if by 4 jan still no sign.. i will c gyna tat afternoon.. check up liao.. go induce on 5 Jan.. so this bb will b my mum bday present le.. haha...

wonder will tat works..

Doc tell me MUST count bb movement everyday.. is very impt now.. so i start to take note le..


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