Thursday 31 December 2009

Baby Roy birth story

Born on 31 Dec 2009
Time: 7.49am
Weight: 3.29kg
Height: 49cm

Shawn was noti last nite.. Woke up at 2 plus to cry then hug on me.. Refuse to go back to slp.. I pat him til 3.30am then he slept...

5am: while in slp I heard a pop sound.. Wonder is it like the cracking bone or wat..

Went toliet to check.. Bladder was quite full.. Duno water tat wet my panty is urine or from water bag.. So put in pantyliner to monitor...

5.30am: contraction still bearable.. Sat on the bed to monitor.. Still dun believe will b tdy.. Happen to shift my body a bit.. Then I feel it.. Some water flowin out.. Quickly go toliet.. N ya.. Bit water jus flow out which can't ctrl... So I thk I m rite.. Water bag leak le..

6am: I still sit on bed n wait for contraction.. Even ask hubby go make milk for Shawn.. Come back.. I give Shawn the milk..

6.15am: tell hubby.. This is it le.. The contraction.. I time it while hubby quickly go bath.. 5mins once.. Tense one.. I go bath after tat.

6.40am: call doc Adrian.. Tell him my contraction n water bag leak.. He ask me to go hospital now..

6.50am: leave home.. Try to walk n move faster when contraction stop ...

7.15am: reach MtA.. Duno which door to go.. Walk here n there.. A man at the entrance ask us to go labour ward from main building.. We walk out.. My contraction come.. I sit outside n wait for it to stop.. He give me a wheel chair.. Doc call us.. Tell me go lvl 3 straight.. Luckly we met a nurse.. She open the lock door n let us take short cut...

7.35am: took my weight outside.. 70.5kg.. Wheel me into the ward.. Duno wat ward no le.. Ask me to change to labour gown.. Lay down on the bed.. Nurse check cevix.. 5 cm le.. N bb head very low Liao.. Strip ctg on me.. I start breathing the laughing gas.. Insert drip on me.. Took few deep breath on the gas n I was knock out..

Can hear nurse n doc ask me q.. But I can't and le.. Surounding was like moving fast .. Heard doc ask me remove mask..

I manage to ans him now.. Then I tell him.. I wana push now.. He reply ok GOOD.. Haha

he rush nurses to quickly do wats urgent first.. Set up everything .. Put my leg in the stand.. Ask me to push when next contraction come.. Ctg show contraction but I dun feel it...

Suddenly I jus got the feel to push.. Give a hard push.. BB Roy is out..

N the crazy part is.. My water bag wasn empty yet.. With tat hard push.. Water splash everywhere.. Everyone kana the 'holy water' Roy bring to us in this last day of 2009... I myself oso kana lol.. Face n shoulder all got it..

7.49am: bb arrive.. Cry loudly.. Eye open..

Hubby fun even have time to take pic.. Bb pop le.. He was ask to go do admin.. Then doc rush nurse to call him back.. He come back stand by me.. N kana the 'holy water' immedinately le.. Haha

this round I thk I got more stitch ba.. Like doc do very long leh.. Plus I didn take painkiller jab yet.. The stitch was bit painful in the start... Then doc jab me.. But still bit pain lo..

Start latch bb in labour ward.. He sucks well :)

Wasn't so luckly this round .. Didn get any upgrading.. Got the 4 bedded room.. Somemore next to Reno work.. Was so noise.. But nurse told us.. Due to this Reno noise.. Our hospital bill will have additional 25% discount... Wonder is it true...


  1. congratulations!!! u are indeed lucky.. contraction only a while and baby roy came to this world :)

  2. congrats. its very short labour.

  3. wah piang! Not 2010 bb! U disappointed?

  4. Haha.. No la.. So fast n smooth deliver.. Wat else can I complain Liao.. Bb Roy so good to his mummy Liao.. Hee

  5. envy! fast birth.. very exciting story.. hehe congrats!!

  6. Congratz and so happy for you & yr family!

  7. now then i read your birth story... it's a real fast and short one... :) bb Roy really good boy lor... :)
