Sunday 30 December 2007

Last Day of YR2007... Moving On to YR2008

SO since its the last day of the yr 2007... guess i need a 'summary' of my whole year ba

In yr2007,

Wat i have achieve:

1) Pass my Advance taxation paper

2) Marry to my man on 30 Jun 2007

3) Come to know i m pregnant on 29 July 2007

4) Move on to live with my inlaws 'peacefully'

5) Got increment in Oct07

My Target for next yr2008:

- hope to give birth to my health prince naturally w/o eip

- TBF my prince for at least 6mths

- Pass at least my audit paper

- Have a short trip to anywhere other then MSIA. (hehe)

- Silm down to the figure i use to have b4 pregnant

- improve myself further as being a wife/daughter/mother/inlaw/sister role


Will keep the list goin.. n bare in mind wat target i had set.. sure to work towards it..

All the best to myself!! N all my frens n sisters n brothers n ofcos my family members n My Dearest hubby...

To hubby: we will both b movin to a new role in the comin 2008.. let pray tat things will turn out fine.. n we will keep our promise to b supportive to each other no matter wat... Me n baby you

To baby: Daddy n mummy here are lookin forward to meet u in the comin 2008.. u must b guai guai de.. n dun give mummy to much hard time k.. daddy n mummy  you!!!

Friday 28 December 2007

Lots to update..but no time...

i had lots to update into my blog but i jus cant find time to do so after christmas.. hehe\

25/12/2007 (Christmas Day)

cos Christmas eve we didn get to eat my ice cream at swensen.. so Hubby bought me to swensen for our breakfast cum lunch plus ICE CREAM.. hehe ( thk i m cravin for cold stuff recently.. Oops)

Then we decided to go discovery centre, since our last time there was many year ago. Manage to find our way there this time (Keke). But we reach there quite late.. at abt 2pm le.. got our ticket which include two movies. We book for one 3D show at 2.15pm (Shark) n another 2D movie at 3.15pm .. after the show... we went into the centre to explore le.. like nothing much leh.. hai.. n we miss the SAF tour.. wat a waste rite.. but we do have fun there.. all thanks to my dear!!!

This Discovery entrance




We at the theatre.. waitin for the show to start..





Look at hubby.. playing 'game'.. hahaha






Catcha!!! again





26/12/2007 (Wed)

Dun need to go office today, but need to attend course at Raffles place. Tats the worst place which i always hate to go. So crowded n stress being there lol.. the other day i went there for course with Shi Ling. Buckle Shi Ling was around. We were on the escalator.. when the lady infront of me fall backward.. i was shock.. she lay on tummy.. i hold tight to the handle while Shi Ling who was standin next to me..quickly hold on her.. to prevent her to fall further.. so Heng.. else i duno wat will happen ah..

27/12/2007 (Thur)

Went to work as usual today.. but i have planned.. hehe for shopping.. told my hubby last nite tat i wana go Expo Metro sale.. cos Friday we need to attend Antenatal lesson n i dun wana go on wkend.. Avoid the crowded ma.. but... early mornin.. i receive a msg from Yeen Teen. Say the ham he ordered will send to her place this afternoon.. tat mean.. hubby need to go down to collect them after work.. cant meet me at Expo le.. SiAn!! so i went to the expo by MRT after work.. n starts my shoppin first while waiting for him..

theres still lots of ppl ard in the sale.. but still acceptable.. walk ard.. got lots of stuffs.. looking for wire nursing bra.. but cant find.. end up i chose few clothing for baby again n got nothing for myself.. thk tat wat boss once say.. once i got bb.. every thing i tot is for bb first..rather then myself le.. i will shop for bb then myself le.. hehe.. tats true lol..

when hubby arrive.. he chose some tops n i got few for my brother oso.. spend abt $127 there.. wow!!

28/12/2007 (Fri)

Tdy lunch on Boss. Mr N Mrs Lim brought us to Rendezvous for international buffet. WE reali ate a lot n got ourself stuff with food .. til i skip dinner ah.. hehehe..

Our antenatal lesson resume le.. tdy lesson was abt labour n pain relief.. i had read abt this topic b4 this lesson.. but i m somehow still scare.. hai.. how to face tat..


Monday 24 December 2007

ChristMas Eve

MeRRy ChRIStmas !!!

Still went to work this morning.. but was told by Mrs Lim.. we r workin Half day tdy... hehehe.. so good.. so i knock off at abt 12.30pm.. took the train to Buangkok .. while hubby wait for me there.. then we went lunch at nearby kopi shop...

Planned to go (1) KBox.. Or (2) Fishing...

End up... went home to sleep... (HAHAHA)... wrong timin for fishin..n weather hard to predict.. hubby scare i cant stand for too long.. as for Kbox.. The package timin not rite leh.. so we decided to go home n rest... hope toNite we can go out ba..

Woke up at 5pm.. hehe.. disturb hubby n wake him up.. Mil cooked porridge for dinner.  And again, we got plan on... hehehe...

Planned: Eat Ice cream @ Swensen.. Changi Airport?? Holland village???

Now 8.36pm.. we still watchin tv.. haven get prepare to go out.. So.. r we goin to make it ... ice cream???

Updates ( 26Dec2007):

we nvr go for ice cream.. n end up at ECP lagoon.. had our supper.. n surprisingly.. there is ker tai there.. n groups of ppl waiting to count down there.. not so crowded yet we still get to feel the christmas count down.. not bad ah.. hehe

 at last i manage to upload the pic i took on christmas eve. This is the WanTan Mee i ate..

Side dish we order...

Look at the Gei Tai at ECP... first time i saw this...

Close up of us.. Look at my big round face.. OmG!!!

Sunday 16 December 2007

This wkend..

This wkend.. can b quite "fruity"... cos we order our baby cot from baby-avenue le.. due to the sales.. we got it at $269.. which include 9 pcs bedding set N 4" mattress...  thk quite worth ba..

we went to Lavander foodcourt to eat our breakfast b4.. n walk to a nearby old shop.. sellin cane made furniture... was try to find cane made "yao Lan" ... we manage to find one.. but the kind i wan de was sold out le.. if i wan.. must wait for 2 mths... i m still considering.. cos i thk tats still too big for our room lol..

tdy (sun) ... we went to have our breakfast at AMK... then head to vivo city... i wasn feel good.. upon reach.. i rush to toliet n vomit out all my breakfast... feelin so bad.. then when i was waitin for my hubby... feelin so giddy... (wat happen) .. tat remind me tat.. i m movin to my 3rd trimester liao.. does it mean tat mornin sickness is comin back.. but got so fast meh... i nvr tot it will jus come back in the beginnin of my 27wk wo... hope is tat i thk too much le.. mayb i jus ate the wrong thing.. or... (pray hard not MS again)

went back my mummy place.. but only stay a while.. too tired le.. so went tabao.. then come home to bath n rest...

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Are You Ready???

Last Nite, I was reading the book given to me as birthday cum Christmas gift from Shi ling.. (Nice workin partner)… A very good book with almost everything abt pregnancy from the beginning.. til first yr of baby…


Hubby was playing him PSP beside me.. then I come to this topic abt father to be responsibilities… n one question jus happen to pop out in my mind…


Me: “ Dear, I got one ques to ask u…”


Dear: “ wat” n he pause his game n move closer to me…


Me: “ Oh.. Jus wana ask u… r u prepare to b a father”


Dear (without second tot): “ Yes, I m”


Me (Surprise n shock): “ har.. u sure?? How prepare r u then?”


Dear: “ O.. I will pass on my PSP to baby in future lol.. let him play.. so now I must master the games first.. so tat in future when he ask me how to play the games.. I can teach him le…else no face ah”


Me: “HAR!!!”


tats my hubby… OMG **FAINT**

Tuesday 11 December 2007

Wat a wonderful gift!!!

Look at the scan i jus took today.. haha.. i can only c wheres the head ba... i m reali lousy in read those scan pic ah..

so hapi to hear tat bb is doin fine.. n my placenta has move up le.. no longer low placenta.. n.. my bb is 1035g le.. @ 25wk6day old... is his weight ok???

i ask doctor.. he said bb is fine.. no worries... n i told dr my piles problem.. ... which i always has even b4 preg... i m advice to start to apply cream to it.. jus in case it got worst in comin mths...since i still have few more mths to go...

so if any mtb has such problem oso... must inform gynae hor... dun b pai say.. cos it might worst off in later stage...

so happy with today result.. a wonderful birthday gift.. not to forget the DKNY watch from my hubby... i love hubby n baby...

Monday 10 December 2007

10 Dec 2007.. Its My Birthday

nothing reali special on this day..since i have celebrated my day with my family over the wkend.. Sat: Dinner at Thomson Sun: breakfast at Yam Cha.. Cut my choco cake at nite..

But for this year birthday.. i keep in mind.. its goin to b the last birthday tat i m goin to b blowin my own birthday cake... from next year onward.. i believe..there wil have a little prince ard.. fightin with me to blow my birthday cake le... hahaha.. 

My boss treat me lunch buffet.. Very nice of him.. n we spent abt 3hr for lunch.. hehe...

Dinner @ Rivervale plaze.. Kuofu... hehe.. foodcourt.. i only ate a bun plus milo.. too full to eat after the lunch buffet le.. dear ate mee sua... ask me to eat a bit..cos birthday ma.. he say must eat mee sua lol... silly hubby...

i actuali more excited with tml(11/12)... cos i will b goin for my check up.. n will get to c how my bb progressin le... i miss my prince

Saturday 1 December 2007

Exam coming.. Stress!!!

I sld b revising my work now.. n not surfin.. but.. i REALLY needs a break.. so stress now... i try to take it easy le... But *sob*sob*...

i wasn as hardworkin this time round..  cos i felt so tired after work.. only manage to read few pages of notes each nite.. til last wkend.. i then start to go thro the pilot paper n start on the pass year papers... i must admit.. this is my 4th atemp on the stupid  audit paper le.. now i understand wat it meant by.. LOW passing rate... i m the sway one ba...

hubby woke up early in the mornin tdy.. went to wash his car n bike.. then went tabao breakfast ... i m bad... i know.. he tabao vegetarian beehoon for me ..from Shunfu.. tats my favourite.. but then.. i complain abt.. y no curry vege...y nvr add chili... (OMG***) but he nvr got angry.. he jus tell me... next sat he will tabao another one with all tat de... (Spoke with smile ok... ) he's so nice... Love him..

yty (1/12/07) i stay at home to revise my study.. hubby went fishin with JX... his bubby.. thk he enjoy tat.. after all.. they haven met up for mths le... even tat they catch nothing.. but i thk they enjoy the chatin session ba... Dear come back with JX at abt 4.30pm... i was surprise to c JX.. feel bit pai say to let him c me oso... (lookin fat n with this big tummy now...) but he is jus another nice guy... tell me.. ofcos got bb must gain weight de ma..

We went AMK centre for dinner... then shop at AMK hub.. tot of gettin a present for Yeen Teen(my di di's GF) her Bday on mon.. but i end up with nothing... call my brother to tell him will give her the present next wkend ba... reali no mood to shop now ...

went back home to study... go thro the past year papers... (So Sian de!!!)

Recall back: to out last few wks Antenatal lessons.. we had gone for 3 lesson plus a talk le.. surprise tat i nvr note down anything here... thk i m busy ba... hubby do feel bored in the 1st lesson but he do learn somethin from there...

n the recent lesson is abt medication n diet during pregnancy... then i come to learn abt caffeine not only make myself awake.. it oso wake my bb up de... no wonder... last friday mornin.. i was feel tired n weak.. so i decided to have a cup of coffee for breakfast... after drinkin.. my bb was like so active.. movin n kick the whole mornin... ( tats remind me of the test i read in one of the blog... abt markin down the time tat 10 count of kick takes) then i start to wonder... my 10 count take less then 30min ba... isnt tat too much... is my bb goin to b hyper active??? scares me le... hahaha... but after the lesson then i know y... its becos of the coffee... kekeke

To baby: pls forgive this silly mummy of urs... i m still learnin... ur daddy n me.. loves u...

Thursday 22 November 2007

My smart brother... well done my dear

Wat an aunty i m... OMG

hehe... met up with Ferlyn yty evening... had a chat with her n Lishan... then happen to tell her abt the sales at Heartland Mall... Pigeon items at 20% n the steriliser at special price... usual price is $50++... now only selling at $39...

i saw it last sun.. but tot it looks a bit small.. only can steriliser 2 bottles each time... is like a bit little i tot... but Lyn told me... tats a good buy... n more energy savin...

so tdy i decided to go back to get it.. rite after work...


Its Me Again... Update

Me & My Bike

Monday 19 November 2007

Moody Moody

Dun ask me y... i oso dun understand...

Especially at nite.. after dinner.. when i c my books ah... remind me of the exam comin soon.. I m stress i guess...

keep tellin hubby.. I m so sad.. feel like cryin every nite... hubby ask me Y... i cant explain it.. jus my mood ... feeling lol... jus like to stick to my hubby... lie on his tight... hug his big tummy... hahaha...

after the 1st lesson.. hubby come to know tat.. he can actuali put his ear on my tummy.. if he got the rite position.. he can hear bb heart beat le... n YES... he reali got it.. for the pass few days... he heard the fast beats... but.. i cant..

Sunday 18 November 2007

Our 1st lesson

16 Nov 2007… 1st lesson @ KKH – Antenatal course


Hubby n I was reali lookin forward to it.. Surprise tat he was the one keep remindin me abt this day.. n tell me to rmb to bring all the documents…


He knocks off at 5pm on fri.. so I ask him to go straight to KKH n wait for me n find the way there first… (This was our first time to KKH…)


I knock off at 5.30pm.. so I took bus 851 to KKH.. he waited for me at the bus stop… BUT.. @ the wrong stop  *FAINT*… he went to the next stop to wait for me.. While I drop at the stop nearest to the main entrance.. he duno there is another stop rite in front of KKH.. Hai.. Tats my blur hubby…


We went straight to register first… then… surprise tat hubby dun mind havin MacDonald for dinner.. hahaha… cos he dun like mac burger de… but I was so happy.. (jus like kids..keke..excited to eat burger n fries.. yum yum)


A bit rush.. but we still manage to make it in time.. n got seated in the centre row… I was searchin ard for HuiLing.. she was bit late.. but in time b4 the lesson start.. didn have much chance to chat.. jus a few words during break..


The course is mainly abt during pregnecy… wat body changes is expected.. wat will I b goin thro.. how baby is developin at different stage… quite boring.. to b frank la.. hehe.. luckly hubby nvr fall aslp.. I saw other ppl hubby rubbin their eyes… restless etc…


After the lesson… I notice my hubby do learn some stuffs le.. at least he know wat is the different trimester… n he know how to massage for me when I feel achin every morning…


Well done my hubby. !!!



Thanks to Mummyboy & Linda for sharing this with me.. hope it benefit more ppl..


Wednesday 14 November 2007

8th Gynae visit

Start:     Dec 11, '07 6:15p
Looking forward to my appointment with my prince...

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Gynae visit on 13Nov

I was updating my blog on 12Nov.. wrote a long para... n *!@#%^... kana DC... n i cant post my blog... reali got so piss off... not goin to rewrite again le.. will make it short...haha

abt my detail scan on 9Nov... spend only abt half an hour.. tats short i guess... bb guai guai de let them tat all the measurement.. my good boy.. last til 2pm... b4 the scan we went for the hospital tour @ TMC...

yty.. i went to my gynae.. he explain to me my report.. everythin is fine... i tot bb a bit heavy.. @486g as shown in the report... but after yty scan again.. bb is only 436g.. hehe.. abt average ba.. Dr say plus n minus 10% is fine de...

off topic: hubby sick le.. so sad.. c him suffer.. hope dear can recover fast fast... love u dear



Saturday 3 November 2007

Shopin n shopin

Sat 03 Nov 2007

Hubby not workin tdy.. so we slept til 9.30am.. decided to have our breakfast at AMK.. jus happen to see hi Aunty there... n come to know tat his cousin bb who was born on 31Oct07 cant go back home.. due to jaundice.. n the mummy oso decided to stay in the hospital to look after the bb... i start to worry abt myself when my turns come. Will my bb oso kana tat??

After breakfast, we went to suntec and saw the bb show. Lots of cute bbs ard n tat makes my daddy to b excited. He he... he start to say he wan his son to b as fat as this n tat kid... keke.. shop ard at the carrfour.. they reali had change the layout of their stuffs... went to see the baby stuffs... see the bb stroller.. n bb cots... check the prices etc... bb stuffs are reali X.. esp if u got to buy everythin ..

took a break at ya kun... then we decided to go back to rest... but half way thro.. i ask hubby to go parkway parade... hehe.. since very nearby only ma.. so continue my shoppin...

when we reach there, it was so crowded. we drive til the top of the carpark n still cldnt find a lots. So i decided to give up n go back home. But jus as we were leavin, we happen to come across this empty lot.. so might as well take it.. n go shoppin..

the shoppin centre was reali so crowded. guess they havin some sales n givin out some freebies. tat y so crowded. i went to isatan to take a look, n found out more info of the pricin. thk not much different lol. but we still nvr buy anything.. thk still early la. will wait til.. mayb dec or jan then will reali store up stuff le..

after shop shop, we went to chong pang to had our hair cut. I decided to cut short my hair. But the hairstylist suggested better not too short at one goal. so i have it cut jus below shoulder length. Was quite happy with the cut. but guess due to my weight gain ba, my face oso bcome more "round" le. n plus the layer ard my face... i jus look so round now... hahaha.

went back yishun to have dinner with my mummy. left there at abt 7pm. then come back fernvale to bath n rest. til 9pm. accompany hubby to wash his car. n happen to c linda on her way back.

last nite wasnt a good nite slp for me... i was havin this indigestin problem.. my stomach was so bloated.. n i feel tat my stomach was full with wind.. n it reali causes pain. i keep wakin up to visit the toliet.. duno for how many time i wake up til... at last... mornin le... wah  so tired le..

To bb: thk mummy feel ur movement le.. but jus not tat strong n obvious.. not like wat all my mtb frens say.. they were so sure tat bb have kick them.. haha... so.. i duno wat was the exact date i feel u wo.. but i know i sld have.. cos tat feelin is gettin more n more often le.. love u bb... daddy is gettin more n more excited to see u soon.. mummy oso.. hope u can grow healthy ... will c u soon on comin friday..

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Surprise from my boss... :)

Yty was a wonderful day to me…


It jus beginning as per usual.. went to work.. weather was wet… raining.. I went to tabao as per normal.. but due to the rain.. n I nvr carry umbrella.. so I decided to have burger king for lunch..


When I was back at the ofc.. my boss was still ard.. I settle myself in the meetin room.. prepare to eat my burger.. when suddenly my boss walk in.. he pass me something n was mumbling something..which I nvr catch it… I jus reply.. oh ok ok…


Then he went out for lunch le… I take a look at wat he pass to me.. to my surprise.. tat was my pay chq… I read the letter he gave me… then I know wat happen


I nvr expect tat he will give me an increment so fast… wef oct this mth.. which was exactly one year since I work here…


N the increment was a 10% increase wo… I was so happy.. call my hubby to tell him…


He ask me to treat him dinner then… so we decided to go sake sushi … enjoy our dinner at Compasspoint branch…


All thks to my boss for the big surprise…

Sunday 28 October 2007

My wkend with my Hubby

27 Oct 2007 Sat

when was the last time we can reali spend our wkend together.. i mean sat AND sun together... so long nvr reali plan for our outing on wkend le..

tdy.. we woke up early in the mornin.. i made sandwich for my hubby.. fried ham n cheese.. make coffee for him.. ate our breakfast at home.. then we head to Spore expo.. for the MPH book fair.. spend abt 3hrs there... tryin to search for nice books.. n we bought 5 books in total.. n spend less then $30.. tats worth...

after tat..he brought me to simei to eat lunch... a well recommended stall by him.. hehe.. so he jus bring me there to try it out.. cha sha rice.. which i find it not bad...

then we went to Kaki bukit to find the BB kingdom.. wana jus check the price out on the items tat we will need to buy.. i guess due to the hot weather... both of us reali got "heat" up.. n frustrated after goin few round n cldnt find the store... end up callin his fren again to check things out.. n ofcos.. we got quarrel a bit lol.. givin each other face... at first we wanted to go to bb hypermart oso... in the end.. i dun wan to go le... angry him la... hai..

went to ikea to shop.. compare price of their bb cots.. not reali much cheaper lol.. we jus shop a while n bought a weightin scale.. at only $4.90 i thk..

after tat we went back yishun... tot my mum wana cook steamboat.. but end up..she nvr cook.. we jus stay there for a while.. n happen hubby fren call.. again i got piss off by his conversation with his fren.. sort of say i kiasu..wan go shop for bb stuffs lol.. i scolded him rite in front of my mummy.. (i know i m bad)... n decided to go back fernvale... i insist not goin out for dinner.. n end up he got to ask his brother to tabao back for him... (tats how bad i can b) but he still share his dinner with me lol.. (i should feel guilty rite...)

28 Oct 2007 Sun

Hubby wake up very early in the mornin.. to attend to pepper lol.. bring him to toliet to piss.. then feed him ah.. after tat.. dear went out to buy breakfast for me... (so nice rite... hug n love him) he return home ar 7.30am.. i m still in my dreamland wo.. haha.. he jus quietly lay down on the bed.. beside me... when i open my eye.. hehe.. c him rite in front of me.. tellin me breakfast is ready le...

warm up the Nasi Lemak dear bought...  enjoy our breakfast.. plus dou hua.. n you tiao... wow.. i nvr know i can eat so much wo.. jus happily eatin...

after eating.. we head to Chong pang.. to make my spac... need a new per of spac le.. spend $150 on the new spac.. (price quite reasonable to me la..) then went to pick my brother n his gf.. to go to Farm Mart...

weather was reali bad.. so hot.. we shop ard the FarmMart... buy cracker to eat.. drink lots of soft drink... My brother wanted to treat Prawnin... so i buy him an hr to play lol... but ... haha.. we spend 1 hr n caught only ONE prawn lol... spend $13 for jus one prawn.. OMG.. isnt tat XXX.... then we went to the nearby sing siong to do some marketin... buy crabs..prawns... dear wana eat crab ma.. so got to buy home n let my mummy cook for him...

reach home by 4.30pm... rest.. ready magazine.. eat cracker n my Nacho.. hehe.. (cos hungry le ma.. nvr take lunch wo..)

enjoy my dinner with my family.. then wait for the time to send my brother back to camp...

reach home ard 9.45pm.. so happen to see Linda at the carpark... but nvr get to chat with her.. thk i m jus too shy ba.. hehe.. (sorry gal) but she is so nice to walk back to jus wave n say hi ... thk i reali very tired after the long day le.. hope she c my smile on tat tired face of my.. hehe

i reali enjoy my days with hubby... longin for him to accompany me ard... now got to wait for another wonder wkend to come le... mayb got to wait til after my exam le...


Friday 26 October 2007

How to shut up a crying baby!!!

This is cute.. guess all MTB can start to practice now..

Choice of a baby BOY or GIRL

I found this in one of the forum.. very interesting.. hehe.. no harm tryin it out.. but no guarantee de k..

Hope it is useful for some of you in planning stage. For those of you do not have any plan in the near future, you can keep it for future reference.

Man’s sperm consists of X & Y spermatozoa, X spermatozoon decides the female whereas Y is the male. Referring to these physiological properties of the spermatozoa, gynecologists set up the theory of ‘Choice of a girl or a boy’.

1st factor: Food
If you want a baby girl:
Husband must eat more alkaline food, wife eats more acidic food.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband eats more acidic food, wife eats more alkaline food.

Alkaline food: vegetables, fruits, egg white, milk, algae, etc.
Acidic food: meat, seafood, etc.

2nd factor: Timing (When to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Frequent copulation during pre-ovulation period.
If you want a baby boy:
Copulating just before ovulation or just after ovulation.

How to confirm ovulation period:
Body temperature increases (you may want to use SPC chart to monitor your body temperature here).

3rd factor: Penetration (How to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Husband to avoid deep penetration in the female vagina during copulation.
If you want a baby boy:
Deep penetration by the husband is suggested.

Characteristics of X & Y spermatozoa
- X: Marathon runner with good stamina
- Y: Sprinter but poor stamina
So, with deep penetration, the chances for Y to reach destination will be higher.

4th factor: Stimulation
If you want a baby girl:
Wife should avoid stimulation during copulation. Secretion from female vagina becomes alkaline when stimulated, therefore this promotes the activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband ejaculates after wife has been stimulated.

5th factor: Wife’s Preparation
If you want a baby girl:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar in 1 liter of water. Since an acidic condition decreases activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of soda in 1 liter of water.

6th factor: Positioning
If you want a baby girl:
Female to be on the top position & male to be on the bottom position.
If you want a baby boy:
Male to be on the top position & female to be on the bottom position. This posture allows the Y spermatozoon to reach the destination faster

Thursday 25 October 2007

Swayin mood.. All bcos of U

Tdy is Friday.. was so hapi this mornin.. cos reali lookin forward to wkend.. which hubby had promise tat he will not b workin this wkend.. not a day.. tat becos last wk.. we planned to go shop shop n start to source for bb stuff last sat.. but last min..on fri.. he called me to tell me due to Malay need to celebrate their new year... no tenough manprower.. so he need to work for both sat n sun last wk.. same goes to the wk b4... tat mean he had continuously work for 14 days le.. plus this wk til tdy is 19 days le... i reali feel neglected .. especially on wkend... tat y this wk is goin to b a wonder for me...

but... i jus receive his sms... "This week end i got to work 1 day on sunday tomolo off lei"  .... my heart sunk... follow by his call... try to persuade me to give in AGAIN... reali dun feel like tokin le... jus remind him wat he had promise lol... n tat he had already broke his promise last wk le... he jus say.. he will tell them he not free then...

i send him sms... show him how much i look forward to this wkend... wat i wrote on my msn message this mornin... reali feel like cryin out loud.. (ya.. cryin baby..ME)

got him sms again.. tellin me he not workin le.. but i m no longer so excited le.. he sld know i will b disappointed if he broke his promise AGAIN.. yet he still try to persuade me to give in.. last two day.. he did mention abt might need to work this wkend.. n i had show him i wont b hapi de... yet Y ask tdy... cant he jus tell them HE NOT FREE... i will b more hapi to know tat he reject straight away lol...

N i sms him.. tell him not to mention anythin abt i causin him to miss the chance to earn extra $$ or tellin me how much he can earn if he go back to work this wkend... I HATE to hear tat... i have told him now.. so if he again mention this wkend.. we shall c how...

Monday 22 October 2007

Acompany mummy to TTSH

Woke up early in the mornin.. (hehe.. same time as in to go work la...) but i felt so tired tdy.. mayb i m not use to tat room le.. after i had moved over to my inlaw place.. i haven wnt home to sleep for sometime le.. n my brother had took over my room.. now the stuff on the bed are all different le... n of cos... my "smell" la.. kekeek

Had our breakfast at the kopi shop down my home.. and took a mrt to hospital.. reach at 8am.. waited til 8.25am.. then i have our registration done... soon after.. the nurse ask for my mummy le.. gave us instruction.. told me to wait abt an hour for the operation to b done.. then they will call me ...

so i went lvl2 to shop a bit.. n sat down tat the polars cafe for a drink n chicken pie.. read my paper... waited for an hr plus.. then they called me..

i went back to the Day Surgery room to look for my mummy... she look fine.. waited for 15 min b4 a nurse come in to tell me wat we r expected to do... blah blah blah... 30/10 remove stitches... appointment to go back TTSH to c doctor...etc etc...

went B2 to collect her medicine... again wait n wait...

hope mummy will b fine... now i m more worry tat she is alone at home... if anythin happen to her... eg. giddy..or fainted at home... how.. no body to look after her... she is alway those cant b bother kind... will she know when to change her dressin.. n who can help her to change.. since the wound is at her back of the neck... luckly no need to change daily... but i will b keep callin home to spot check her... hahaha... make sure she took her antibiotic...

Friday 19 October 2007

Detail scan @ TMC

Start:     Nov 9, '07
tot wan go MountA to test de.. but gynae suggest go TMC.. cos he thk TMC got better equipment... he told me to go tour MountA instead if i wan to have an idea of how MountA is like...

7th Gynae visit

Start:     Nov 13, '07 6:15p
weight gain again.. now 60.5kg.. hai

Confirm le Confirm le... Is PrInce

Another visit to the Gynae today... time reali pass so fast... tdy baby is already 14.4cm le.. 276g... N i m 57.5 KG le.. *faint*


Jus like last few visit... hubby arrive to register at the clinic for me first... n the moment i reach.. i m the next le... hehe no need to wait at all... so good... kekeke...

Dr say must go do my detail test le.. decided to go on 9nov.. wait for nurse to book for me then let me know.. n my next visit to Dr Adrian will b on 13Nov le.. 4 wks from now...

tdy i got the bad bloated stomach.. n feel like vomitin.. told dr.. but he say if i nvr eat anythin wrong.. sld b normal de.. then he scan my baby.. so cute.. baby so big le.. so active.. moving ard.. i ask to listen to baby heart beat.. heard the beatin.. so fast.. so interesting.. hehe.. dr say everything is fine.. baby looks normal.. i request to take my weight.. n..hai... increase again.. another 2 kg.. hai.. baby abt 18wk2d.. n i increase 4kg le.. is tat too much.. ???

anyway.. i m more happy then worry abt my weight..hehehe... cos dr confirm le.. my baby is boy boy.. n he tell me..can go shop for boy boy stuffs le.. kekeke..

To baby: mummy is so hapi to know tat u r fine.. daddy n mummy look forward to c u soon again.. hopeful b4 tat.. mummy can feel ur 'kick' soon... we love you ... our son...

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Record of my waistLine

Start:     Oct 18, '07
First time i measure my waistline.. Just to keep a record... To date: my Waistline is 35" .... (OMG!!! tats horrible)

Friday 12 October 2007

Recent update abt Me

Did it last fri 5/10.. two tone color.. Nice??

Lots of my frens starts to ask for my recent pic.. then i notice.. i nvr take down pic on the progress of my TUMMY leh.. keke.. hope the last two is a good take.. on my 17wk 3day record..

My Brave Brother POP

we arrived a early as 7am..

@ Kent Hong Camp
On 15 Sep 2007

Public holiday..

tdy is a public holiday.. but makes no different for me lol.. cos its a saturday ma.. n i m off on wkend de lol..  but hubby still got to work tdy.. heng his supervisor suggested half day work.. but will b goin lunch together first b4 comin back home... he was askin me whether to go with them or not.. since its sat n he is workin on sun again.. will not have much time to accompany me.. but i still ask him to go ahead lol.. jus dun wan him to feel left out... ask him to tao bao lunch for me le.. keke.. waitin for him to come back..

i was watchin a baby program jus now on channel U.. so envy the couple.. able to deco a room for their newborn.. how i wish i can oso.. some thk i reali feel so unfair for my hubby.. havin to live in with his parents..all becos of me.. we quarrel yty nite over this issue.. start all becos i ask him.. where sld we put the baby bed... we know tat our room is far too small to add on a new baby bed.. but... i reali hope to add in a small space for our new member.. he nvr reali tot of tat... n i continue to ask him abt where to keep all the baby's stuff etc etc... i know i m too much... keep goin on n on.. make him "blow up" n said " if only we can have our own flat.. all these not a problems liao lol..." i know wat he mean... cos i need to support my mum's hse.. tat cos us not able to get our own flat.. n he had to live in with his parent... but i didn admit my tot... i reply him " u sure u can afford the hse.. have the $$ for reno now etc etc " ... ... it jus continue... til the last sentence from him stop me " if ur mother place got space to put baby stuffs.. then move back lol.. "

i was hurt by tat sentence... wat i understand from tat sentence was... he is chasin me back home... i keep quiet... tryin to calm myself down.. tears starts rollin down... then he notice somethin is wrong... he apologise to me.. but he duno wat he had did tat hurt me.. i told him.. how i feel from tat sentence he say.. kekeke... then he started laughin.. while i still cryin leh.. *faint*... he say.. he mean WE move back my mother place together la... OOOOO ic ic... hehe ... i thk too much la...

thk we reali got to cut down from tat list of items we need to buy for newborn le,... too much item to follow from tat list... we reali got no space to put ALL the stuffs... reali need to plan le..

Wednesday 10 October 2007

TodAy.. u r 17th week le

nothing much tdy.. jus feel like write something...

put on my new maternity top... look so big on me.. haha.. but tats how maternity sld look like rite.. big n loose..

as usual.. went to work... but nothing much to do in the office.. hence so hard to pass the time... hai... luckly i get to chat with my frenSsss... hehehe

To my baby: u r 17wk tdy le.. u must jia you k n i will protect u as much as i can de.. i promise.. n so will daddy... we look forward to the next check up on 19th Oct to c you soon... we love you baby..