Thursday 31 December 2009

Baby Roy birth story

Born on 31 Dec 2009
Time: 7.49am
Weight: 3.29kg
Height: 49cm

Shawn was noti last nite.. Woke up at 2 plus to cry then hug on me.. Refuse to go back to slp.. I pat him til 3.30am then he slept...

5am: while in slp I heard a pop sound.. Wonder is it like the cracking bone or wat..

Went toliet to check.. Bladder was quite full.. Duno water tat wet my panty is urine or from water bag.. So put in pantyliner to monitor...

5.30am: contraction still bearable.. Sat on the bed to monitor.. Still dun believe will b tdy.. Happen to shift my body a bit.. Then I feel it.. Some water flowin out.. Quickly go toliet.. N ya.. Bit water jus flow out which can't ctrl... So I thk I m rite.. Water bag leak le..

6am: I still sit on bed n wait for contraction.. Even ask hubby go make milk for Shawn.. Come back.. I give Shawn the milk..

6.15am: tell hubby.. This is it le.. The contraction.. I time it while hubby quickly go bath.. 5mins once.. Tense one.. I go bath after tat.

6.40am: call doc Adrian.. Tell him my contraction n water bag leak.. He ask me to go hospital now..

6.50am: leave home.. Try to walk n move faster when contraction stop ...

7.15am: reach MtA.. Duno which door to go.. Walk here n there.. A man at the entrance ask us to go labour ward from main building.. We walk out.. My contraction come.. I sit outside n wait for it to stop.. He give me a wheel chair.. Doc call us.. Tell me go lvl 3 straight.. Luckly we met a nurse.. She open the lock door n let us take short cut...

7.35am: took my weight outside.. 70.5kg.. Wheel me into the ward.. Duno wat ward no le.. Ask me to change to labour gown.. Lay down on the bed.. Nurse check cevix.. 5 cm le.. N bb head very low Liao.. Strip ctg on me.. I start breathing the laughing gas.. Insert drip on me.. Took few deep breath on the gas n I was knock out..

Can hear nurse n doc ask me q.. But I can't and le.. Surounding was like moving fast .. Heard doc ask me remove mask..

I manage to ans him now.. Then I tell him.. I wana push now.. He reply ok GOOD.. Haha

he rush nurses to quickly do wats urgent first.. Set up everything .. Put my leg in the stand.. Ask me to push when next contraction come.. Ctg show contraction but I dun feel it...

Suddenly I jus got the feel to push.. Give a hard push.. BB Roy is out..

N the crazy part is.. My water bag wasn empty yet.. With tat hard push.. Water splash everywhere.. Everyone kana the 'holy water' Roy bring to us in this last day of 2009... I myself oso kana lol.. Face n shoulder all got it..

7.49am: bb arrive.. Cry loudly.. Eye open..

Hubby fun even have time to take pic.. Bb pop le.. He was ask to go do admin.. Then doc rush nurse to call him back.. He come back stand by me.. N kana the 'holy water' immedinately le.. Haha

this round I thk I got more stitch ba.. Like doc do very long leh.. Plus I didn take painkiller jab yet.. The stitch was bit painful in the start... Then doc jab me.. But still bit pain lo..

Start latch bb in labour ward.. He sucks well :)

Wasn't so luckly this round .. Didn get any upgrading.. Got the 4 bedded room.. Somemore next to Reno work.. Was so noise.. But nurse told us.. Due to this Reno noise.. Our hospital bill will have additional 25% discount... Wonder is it true...

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Gyna check up on 29 Dec 2009

Took LRT to Compasspoint myself.. got a q no 118.. waited for a while.. til hubby come.. happen to see Ming Long there oso..

Went in .. told gyna.. all aching comin.. tummy hard.. he do the scan.. bb is 3285g @ wk38.. i ask whether will he b too big for me to push out.. he say i can go induce if i worry.. i ask will i end up e-csec if i go induce.. he say not likely.. but if bb too big.. cant push out.. chances of csec will b higher lol.. he suggested 5 or 6 jan go induce... i was sure sld i.. so he ask me go thk abt it.. next visit shall c how..

my next visit will b on 5 jan.. i planned...

1) hope can pop naturely on 2nd jan.. then no need induce n bb got nice birth date.. 02.01.2010

2) if by 4 jan still no sign.. i will c gyna tat afternoon.. check up liao.. go induce on 5 Jan.. so this bb will b my mum bday present le.. haha...

wonder will tat works..

Doc tell me MUST count bb movement everyday.. is very impt now.. so i start to take note le..


Monday 28 December 2009

Performance at Gerald wedding

29 Dec 2009 Tuesday - Visiting gyna later

Will b goin for my check up in the evening.. wonder wat will gyna say.. hows bb doing in me??

these days.. nite slp is suffering for me ah.. esp with the big tummy.. turn my body is so difficult.. n yet i cant stay lying on one side.. my hip bone n pelvic bone is so painful n aching.. when i turn.. i will heard the cracking sound... i thk 1st preg had reali wear out my internal "spare part" liao..

then plus shawn make noise in his slp.. i start to feel you xin wu li to attend to him le.. she bu de to let him slp with mil.. but i thk no choice le.. i cant wait til bb pop then let him go slp with her.. wat will he thk then?? mummy got bb dun wan him le???

on 26 Dec 2009.. cos hubby n i went dinner.. so shawn slept with mil.. for the whole nite.. i cant slp well.. keep thkin hows shawn doin inside their room... tryin to hear if he go cry ... got ask for milk..etc.. tats the first nite shawn not by my side since birth... sad

jus two more days to go.. n we r into 2010 le.. hope bb can jus REN for another 2 more days.. n he will b Jan 2010 bb le.. no need to b 1st Jan bb.. jus b 2010 bb.. n i will b very happy liao.. hee...Guai Guai wo.. bb :)

Long wkend since christmas day ....

Long wkend for us.. i started MC since wed 23Dec.. n now on AL follow by ML next wk liao.. so my is reali 'LONG' break..

was chating with Joanne yty.. n i notice i have short memories wo.. i reali cant rmb wat did we do on christmas day.. so i ask hubby last nite.. then he tell me.. oYA!! haha

Christmas day 25 Dec 2009

Bring out the remaining present which we bought for shawn.. including a piggy coin bank.. i wan him to learn to save a dollar each day... sound silly.. but i jus hope he will learn to saving $$ from young :)

then i wan hubby to bring me to si ma lu to pai pai.. since bb Roy may arrive anytime le.. i reali hope for a healthy bb.. so went to pray..

then shop at OG..bought shawn a smal bag.. to let him carry some of his belongin when we go out..

had out breakfast at the hawker.. newly renovated.. much cleaner there lol..

hubby wan find a USB fan.. so we went Sim Lim Sq to find.. i hardly can walk liao.. Pelvic bone so painful when i walk too long.. but i still go with him.. cos dun wana disappoint him.. but he oso wana give up...cos he know i not feel well.. hubby shi ai wo de.. he oso dun wana c my suffer.. hee

went woodland sing siong but some la la.. n went back yishun to have our dinner..

Boxing day 26 Dec 2009

Send shawn to sch  as usual.. let him go there n play with other kids.. n we went for breakfast..

had a silly quarrel with hubby.. over wat he wana eat.. make me so angry til i move to next table n sit.. i ate my bread n he only drink tea.. haha.. but still end up at AMKHUB to eat prata..

shop at NTUC.. hubby got some vouchers from his company.. so we spend it there...

Rush back to fatch shawn home.. let him take his nap.. n we oso slp a well.. but he woke up very soon...

tot of bring shawn out in the afternn.. but weather wasnt good.. so we wait til 4pm.. then we bring him ponggol end.. jus a short ride.. then go home to take his dinner le..

prepare ourself for the wedding dinner.. left home at 6.30pm.. yet we still early for the dinner.. all hubby fren havent reach..

the wedding was very relaxing.. with buffet dinner.. mostly is his church frens.. n some dance performance..

left at 10.30pm.. was bit piss off by hubby.. drink so much..

Sunday 27 Dec 2009

Shawn @ giant

Went to Tampines giants for breakfast n shop.. Brough shawn along.. dun wans leave him behind.. he was so excited to go gai gai..

shawn start to look tired at 11am.. so we left giant.. n make a quick round at Rivervale Mall.. daiso..

Reach home at 12pm.. let him take his lunch.. then he drink some ribbina n slp le..

at 4pm.. i insist wana bring shawn to swim.. haha.. n i decided to go into the water with him.. jus wear a short n my hubby tshirt.. we went yck swim pool.. no crowd at all.. good choice.. ask my di di, yt n mum along..

shawn still scare of water.. but since i go into the water.. he click on to me like kola bear.. i sit inside the pool.. he jus hug tight on me.. refuse to step down.. he is tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool lol.. jus duno y he scare.. c daddy swim again.. he cry.. til i splash water n attack jiu jiu.. he start to join in n play a bit.. finally he step down.. with one hand splashin hand hold to my neck.. silly boy..

went Thomson to eat chicken rice.. then went back home..

Shawn at sch this morning - 29Dec2009

Brought shawn to sch this morning.. happen to rmb long time didn take pic of him at sch.. so snap few shot.. hee

Gerald & Karen wedding on 26 Dec 2009

@ Sentosa resort & Spa... buffet dinner.. wonderful dance performance which i first seen in wedding.. very relaxing dinner ...

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Gyna visit on 22 Dec 2009

Need to go client office to do audit tdy... was so tiring there.. need to walk abt to flip thro the files.. check this n tat.. til my leg was so swollen up..

luckly my ah di come by to pick me up after work n send my to compasspoint.. save me from walkin..

reach compasspoint at 5.40pm.. went to get my Q # at the clinic.. heng wasnt crowded.. so i went to shop a bit.. wana get a present for hubby.. but cant find anything..

went back to sit at the clinic n wait.. soon its my turn.. but hubby still not here yet.. so sad.. i went in myself..

Doc as usual ask how m i etc.. then he do the scan for me.. say bb in position le.. may b anytime.. so i ask whether can i still go weddin dinner this sat.. he reply me.. say if waterbag burst.. not his problem hor.. (whahaha... hubby say i tiam jia) Doc did a blood test for me.. i ask him.. i dun rmb last round i do blood test at this stage.. he say blood test can do anytime de.. 2nd bb normally sldn b a problem.. he say water lvl all ok... give me the admin letter.. ask me to call him if my waterbag burst or contraction ..go direct to hospital...

tats make me bit kan cheong.. hee.. (but too bad hubby not ard)

i rmb during shawn time.. my last visit to gyna hubby oso didn make it... so will this b my last visit oso???

my next appointment is next tue 29Dec... so will i make it there???

i still hope for Jan2010 bb...

Sunday 20 December 2009

Last day of work comin soon... Long break...

Got lots to update but duno where to start... i m into wk37 tml.. bb full term liao.. so m i due soon??? shall c wat gyna say tml..

Sat 19Dec2009

Make hubby bring me to the Gimmil sales and we spend $100 there.. whaha.. surprisingly..hubby grab more then me.. he chose lots of clothing for shawn.. but mostly 24mths de.. hope he dun out grow them too soon.. hee.. worth the trip there :)

Even bought some ger ger clothin to give away.. reali too cute le.. whaha..

20 Dec 2009 Sun

Hubby went do OT as usual.. shawn behave himself tdy.. still as active.. but i manage to make him help me to clean up all the toys.. whaha.. give him a piece of clothin n follow me to wipe all his toy.. he keep tellin me those toys are xian xian 's toys.. so cute.. now he will tell us wat is xian xian's stuffs or shawn's.. even same item.. he will sometime say xian's some time say shawn's.. n point his finger to himself.. sometime he will refuse to give us the item.. n keep repeating is his... especially his "cho cho" ( tat little pillow.. which he oso call it cho cho).. he will pretend to cry n look for his cho cho at time...

manage to make him take his nap at 12.45pm.. til 2.15pm.. short nap.. but he wake up feel refresh n happy.. lookin at the bb book i m reading.. n tell me 'bb'... i start to express himself better now.. n he can eat his own lunch n dinner all by himself now.. can still b messy.. but able to bring the food into his mouth le... well done my boy :)

left home with hubby at 3pm.. to eat at hg mall.. then went to NTUC to shop.. jus a short walk.. i oso cant tahan le.. esp climbin up to the carpark.. so  difficult now.. make me short of breath.. n back ache ah..

my tummy gettin hard n crampy at time.. sometime i start to worry whether is bb movin enough.. i jus hope he will grow well in me.. still hopin for Jan2010 bb.. even gyna keep tellin me mayb end dec.. whaha

To hubby: Thanks for all the support these days.. i know my temper wasn gd these two days.. but i m jus too tired at time.. i dun mean it k.. love u dear..

To shawn: U r learn fast in sch.. i can c.. i m so happy to c u enjoyin urself in school.. playing n smillin all the way in sch.. hope when di di arrive.. he wont affect u.. mummy promise will nvr love u any less then now.. MUACK!!

To BB: We have more or less decided to name u as ROY YAP.. hope u will like this name too.. we r all excited to c when u will arrive.. must try to stay in mummy for another 12 days pls.. n hope u will b jus as health n guai as ur kor kor shawn...

Sunday 13 December 2009

On 10 Dec 2009

A outing day celebrating my bday.. watchin Barney??? whahaha.. so who bday is it then??? :)

Shawn's time spend in school

Teachers took some pic n burn into a disc for parent.. Shawn only join in Nov..hence not many pic of his.. but i m still happy to c him doin those craft work.. :) my boy has grow up le.. yippy!!!

Saturday 12 December 2009

Visit to gyna @ wk35

I m on leave on 11 dec to start off my revision for wed exam.. Left my home at 5.30pm to take lrt to conpasspoint.. Got my q #117 tot they only give out no. At 6pm..

Hubby reach at 6.20pm.. I was sitting inside the clinic waitin for me turn.. Wasn long wait.. Told doc abt my cramp n tummy like bit hard.. He do the usual scan for mr n comment tat it is hard.. Give my ventolin to take to relax my tummy n oso start me on antibiotic for the +v GBS.. Was told lightly I will deliver in end dec n I must let nurse know tat I m GBS +v when I admit hospital..

Everything is ok.. Bb is 2552g now.. Active daily.. Jumpin inside me.. Jus hope he will b as healthy as his brother Shawn :)

Thursday 10 December 2009

My 30th bday..

Both hubby n i on leave tday.. accompany him to amk to get his medicine.. then had our bf at AMK hawker.. ate my favourite yong tao fu..

then went over to yishun to fatch my mother over to our place.. shawn saw wai po.. was so excited.. haha.. (let shawn miss a day to sch.. cos is mummy "ME" bday..)

pack shawn stuffs n porridge then head over to fatch YT.. then we meet my brother at United Sq.. for BBQ lunch... shawn was ok in the start.. i feed him his porridge when they eat their food first.. after sitin there for 45mins.. he start to get noti.. wana get off his high chair le.. so my mil helps to look after him while i start eating...

food taste OK.. but mayb i wasnt in the mood to enjoy my meal with shawn ard ba..

quickly eat liao.. wana rush for the 2pm barney show.. jus in time when we walk over to let shawn watch his favourite barney.. my bro n YT carry shawn n walk ard to get the best spot for him to c barney.. shawn was smilin all the way.. tat makes me more happy then rmbin tday is my bday lol.. (guess bday is nothing to a mother anymore when her child smile mean more then anything else in the world ba..)

when shawn saw the poster.. he oso wana take pic with the barney.. so cute of him..

he got chanky after ths show.. so decide to bring him home to slp.. then we went to IMM without him.. shop at Daiso.. get him some toys there..

i was so tired after a while.. feel the aching n pain.. went to BK to sit down n wait for hubby n my mother..

left IMM at 8pm.. send my mum home.. then head back fernvale.. shawn was still awake.. playin his toys..

bring him to our room to play.. he likes to roll on the mattress n will take out his big ABC book to flip.. i tell shawn its my bday tdy.. ask him to sing me a bday song.. he reali start singing.. is sound like happy bday song.. but bit out of tune n sala wording one lol.. but i m still very happy to hear tat... even hubby oso sing me a bday song.. so nice of them..


Sunday 6 December 2009

This yr bday

I got my first present few wks back.. from my hubby seng.. tat Iphone.. after that i insist he trade in my n his phone.. n got himself another Iphone oso.. now we got couple phone le.. keke

follow by cake from Yt n ah de.. celebrate on 5dec..when i went back to yishun.. n i receive my coach wallet from them share by mummy, yt and ah di..

thanks to them.. :)

This thur.. hubby plan to bring me out for lunch.. we took leave le.. will bring our mothers along.. shawn will skip sch n go with me... (I insist.. dun wana go without my darling shawn hee)

Adrian's wedding lunch on 5 Dec 2009

Shawn first time to wedding.. was so busy entertaining him.. hubby got angry with him..few time.. hai.. thk he will bar him from other weddin in future.. hee

My Dearest sis Ning's ROM

@ Ponggol Park Bliss restaurant on 6 Dec 2009 3pm

Sunday 29 November 2009

26Nov2009 - Quarrel with Qiang

I m very upset over the conversation with him (Qiang = younger brother).. thro sms n msn.. he end the chat by sayin i m sarcastic.. fine.. so now i know wat he has in mind..

i better to hope for him to take over my yishun flat when my own flat is ready..

when ppl dun appreciate wat u have give up for them.. tats how upset it can b...

becos of them.. i know they need the shelter.. i leave my name in the yishun flat.. i marry seng n stay with pil.. we stay in tat small little room.. y wld i bother.. i can jus take me name off n get our own flat.. living by ourself.. have my masteroom.. make my life easier..

cos i know i must let my mum have a place to stay.. cos i know she got no one to rely on at tat time...

i alway tot he will b sensible enough.. so when time come he will take over ... but guess i m wrong...

he created so much trouble.. say wana chase elder bro away.. say he will borrow from loan shark.. all creditor will come to our home to chase after him... wat if he go back to hide in msia etc etc... wtf.. all this wasnt current issue.. he has been living there for more then a yr.. is not now then those creditor exist lol.. all the while all the problems is there wat.. mum n i was wondering y suddenly he need to bring out all this..

he say cant wait til things happen then solve rite.. fine.. i take it.. til he continue to say...

wan him stay with mother.. provided one CONDITION... is elder bro must move out... a condition for him to stay with mother.. wat the hell has this world become.. son talkin terms with mother now... i know my mother very strong will de.. she will nvr give in... not cos she wont wan elder bro to go.. jus tat she dun give in n beg for ppl to stay with her lol.. i keep this to myself...

Then come the MAIN part.. he say.. since elder bro so good.. then trf the yishun flat to his name then.. he dun wan to take over..

SEE... the beating ard the bush all this while is to create a scene for this part..

mother alway tell me.. mayb his gf dun like the idea of living with her.. tat y whenever we talk abt apply new flat ah.. or trf name.. she keep very quiet.. i alway thk she thk too much.. Now i start to believe wat she say le... mayb is true.. they dun wan mother to stay with them..

i m so glad i have a wonderful hubby.. i alway have the tot.. if come to the end everyone dun wan mother.. i will definitely wont let her live alone.. i wan her to stay with me.. but i didn tell hubby.. n when all this happen.. hubby told me.. mother will stay with us.. i ask him u sure wont mind.. he say ofcos not.. cant let her without a place to live rite.. i thanks god to have meet up with this wonderful hubby.. i know he loves my mum jus as much as me..


My prince at wk33

Went to gyna on tue.. due to my urinal infection.. i cant tahan leh.. so go to c him early.. my appointment was suppose to b on 4Dec..

Waited for abt an hr.. went metro to buy my disposable panties.. then come back clinic to wait..

told doc abt my problem.. he give me some medicine n do the scan for me as usual.. bb doin fine in me..water level ok.. he is 2359g @ 33wk now.. i can feel he is quite low le.. i was given two days mc.. so since friday is holiday.. long long wkend for me :)

Sunday 15 November 2009

I have a wonderful Mother In Law

tdy 16Nov2009.. i was trap at Kofu during lunch time..

i wanted to tabao at the foodstall down my blk only.. but it was close.. so i tot quickly go over to kofu to buy.. upon i buy my food.. it start rainnin so heavily..

so i buy a drink n sit down to eat my food instead.. tot can go back after eating.. rain was still so heavy after eating..

when i c the rain get smaller.. i quickly walk n wana go back le.. when i reach the other side of the road.. i saw my mil... she bring me umbrella.. so nice of her.. i nvr expect she will bring me umbrella..

tat remind me of something.. i read n heard so much complain abt mil.. but how many ppl praise their mil.. compliment them..

i must say i have a wonderful mil.. who nvr complain.. she dun talk bad behind me.. she alway ask hubby have enough $ to spend whenever we give her mthly allowance.. she take good care of shawn..she manage the home well.. she is sure a wonderful mother.. i must learn from her.. how she treat her daugther in law is nothing to b complain abt.. Love you mother

16Nov2009 - On MC..

i use the MC given to me by gyna last fri.. he ask me to rest.. dun walk too much.. nor stress myself..

bring shawn to sch tdy.. he told me he pah pah when he reach the sch.. but didn cry.. my brave boy :) i stand outside n look at him.. he sit at the table guai guai de.. waitin for breakfast to b serve

went kofu to eat breakfast.. read newspaper there.. so relax.. if only everyday can b so relaxing..

went to c shawn at the sch on my way home.. he was play wooden block with teacher n fren on the table..

went back home to rest.. n went back to peek at him at 1pm.. he was slpin le.. chat with teacher..

was told by teacher.. shawn is so adorable.. he was guai n willin to sit at the table during project time.. say he adapting fast..

i was so glad to hear tat.. make me so proud of him.. tats my boy :)


Sat 14Nov 2009 - Shawn went to school with daddy n mummy

My mother n brother come over to our place early in the morning..

after get shawn ready for the school.. Hubby and i plus my mother n brother all bring him to sch... he went into the sch n refuse to take off his shoe.. i quickly come out of the sch.. while teacher brin him into the sch.. hee.. he cry a bit.. bit not so bad.. stop b4 we left.. peek at him outside.. he was ok.. playin with teacher le...

went breakfast with hubby n mother n brother.. then went back to c him.. playing with his fren in the school..

we went back home to rest a while.. then go fatch shawn home at 12.15pm.. he was so happy to c us.. smile at us.. pointing here n there to tell us "story"... then he wave bye bye to his frens.. n teachers..

make him his bottle of milk n let him take his afternn nap.. he slp very soon.. n woke up at 2.30pm.. then let him eat biscuit..

went over to my mother place at 4++.. was having a hard time feedin him at my mother place.. he was jus too excited .. playin happily with jiu jiu n wai po.. til refuse to eat..

shawn woke up at 1-2am to cry badly ... he must b too excited during the day

13 Nov 2009 - Another meet up with little hero

Had gyna check up tdy...

Hubby went to register for me.. now gyna go by Q # le.. no more like b4.. can register then go shop n wait for call le..

i got Q # 132.. when i reach only at 114.. so i decided to quickly go have our dinner first..

when i return.. was at #128 le.. soon our turn.. went in n tell doc my sore throat n cough for the pass few days.. he give me some antibiotic.. n medicine..

do my scan.. doc say bb is 2022g at 31wks old.. head down.. butt on my rite side.. no wonder i keep feel him kick on my left.. then doc tell me to b prepare.. bb mayb arrive anytime in dec.. i was like shock.. n reply.. i wan Jan10 bb leh.. doc say "then How?? go home talk to bb lol.. i cant decide ah..."

when we were out of the room... i was abit disappointed... keep tellin hubby i wan Jan10 bb.. even start tellin bb to stay in me guai guai de..

jus hope bb listen to me :)

Thursday 12 November 2009

How Shawn doin at school...

haven been updating for the past few days.. hows shawn doing??

i didn send/pick him from sch.. hence only hear from mil/teacher abt shawn...

he got complain the other day.. say he use water bottle to hit a gal head wo.. teacher said he jus wana make fren.. but still duno how ba..

mil say he didn cry since thur.. even wave bye bye to her.. she saw him sit with teacher doin some work..

Hubby went to fatch him on thur.. he was so happy to c daddy.. calling Pa Pa once he saw him.. he ask abt ma ma on the way home..

Teacher call me.. say shawn is doing well.. he loves to learn.. while other kids tend to b distacted easily... teacher say she saw shawn moving his eye bow n smile at her when she ask him to apologise to the other kids when he noti.. was so funny.. whaha..

Last nite.. i heard shawn saying "1..2..throw" while playing with daddy.. he can throw the ball to daddy.. tats the first time i heard him saying tat wo..

i thk.. let him go to childcare is a good choice.. as least he learn something there.. n mil can take a break b4 #2 arrived.. now she only prepare n bring shawn to sch at 8am+... then bring him home ard 5-6pm.. after she have prepared dinner.. so quite relax..

Sunday 8 November 2009

Shawn at school day 6 ... 7 Nov 2009

Shawn's has half day care for sat.. i decided to let him go there n play instead of keep him at home.. n oso not to let him out of school for 2 continuous day (sat n sun)..worry mon he will have even more difficult time adapting..

He woke up early.. guess gettin into routine le.. so i wash him.. change him to home wear.. no uniform is require for sat.. he still say "pah pah" ... he become so timid now.. every little thing oso say "pah pah"... where is little brave shawn le??? hai

together with hubby n mil.. we bring him to the school.. he hug on me.. cried... i hide outside n look at him for a while.. at 8++am.. i guess still early.. only one kid inside.. with a teacher.. who shawn dun normal see.. so i thk he was scare... but he didn cry after we left.. jus hold on to him little pillow..

went back to check on him at 10.30am.. was told teachers bring them to playground.. so i went over to see.. hide at a nearby block.. saw him playin so happily.. ran ard the playground..climb up the stair n play the slide.. follow the back to the centre.. n told the teacher i will bring him back at 12noon.. let him had his milk at home n slp

he slept at 12.30pm at home.. til 2.30pm.. on the bed.. no need sarong anymore.. tats a great change he had achieve.. hee

went over to seng's cousin bb sarah 1st mth party at 6pm.. shawn cry when we bring him into the hse.. guess the crowd frighten him ba.. he use to b alrite with crowd.. but suddenly he jus become so timid le.. keep holdin on to ma ma.. refuse to let me go eat .. so i carry him.. while hubby n mil went to eat first.. slowly he got warm up le.. ran ard the hse liao.. he loves bb mei mei.. keep wana look at her..

Return home at 8pm.. shawn had his dinner.. went to bed at 9.30pm.. with only 180ml milk.. since he had late dinner.. :)

Now he slps early at 9.30pm.. n wake up early oso.. still make noise in the middle of the nite.. i guess tat wat ppl say nite mare ba.. over his new environment at school.. hope he will get use n loves to go school ...

To Shawn: Jia You my brave darling.. u r doing great.. got lots of praises from teachers.. Daddy n mummy is so proud of you...

Shawn's first time to Pasir Ris park playground - 8 Nov 2009

Shawn wake up very early tdy.. so i wake hubby up.. bring him to Macdonald for breakfast.. then head down to Pasir Ris park to play.. weather was sunny.. he had fun there.. but suddenly.. i notice he become bit timid.. wonder is it becos of the school.. tat give him fear of leaving ma ma.. he insist wan ma ma to climb up n down with him.. he cry badly at the swing.. hai.. wat happen to shawn..

Thursday 5 November 2009

Shawn at school day 4.. 5 Nov 2009

I got to go back to work tdy.. so let mil to bring him to school.. was very worry how he will do in school.. but yet I cant b callin back n ask mil (dun wan to make her feel tat I dun trust her..) so I tell hubby to call n check.. then update me..

He reach school at 8am++.. then he do cry a while when entering the school.. after that he starts to join the kids liao.. no more weeping liao… hee..

I decide to take half day leave.. but only leave work place at 3.30pm.. so tat Fri I can oso leave at 3.30pm.. wana go back early to take a peek at him.. n bring him home myself.

Reach the school at 4.45pm.. mil is stand outside peeking oso… she is jus as worry as us.. but she told me shawn is doing fine inside.. enjoying himself.. even saw him took a toy from a jie jie.. makin her to cry.. (starts to show his true color liao lol)

saw him sitting with the other kids n teacher.. drinkin his water… teacher told me.. he slept for 1.5hrs tdy.. good improvement wo.. ate all his food n drank 270ml milk… We bring him back at 5pm… teacher bring him to the door.. he was still lookin at his frens.. n duno we were outside.. when he reach the door.. he saw ma ma n nai nai.. he smile so happily.. he stand at the door callin me “ma ma”… then I ask him to wave to teacher n frens.. he did it..

When we reach home.. shawn is like engine started at school liao.. then cant stop now… keep running ard the hse.. playing his ball… til I offer him some ice-cream.. then he willing to sit down at the sofa to eat.. sweating all over his body..

Ask him to go shower at 6pm.. he play hard to catch with me lol.. roll on the bed.. ran abt again.. til 6.30pm.. then he stop.. come to hug me… ask him go shower.. he hold me hand n lead me to the toilet… he insist wana use the tub to play water.. take us 30min to bath..

he had his dinner at 7.30pm.. 1bowl of rice with soup n vege… while watchin his barney..

Hubby n inlaw went out at 8pm.. leaving shawn n I at home.. shawn wana follow at first.. but I told him I will b at home with him.. very guai of him.. he wave bye bye to them..

soon after I poo .. I wash him n change diaper for him.. 15 mins later.. he poo again.. got to wash n change him again lol… with a big tummy.. it is so tiring even jus to wash n change diaper for him.. somemore changing diaper for a toddler is nvr easy job.. shoo *sweat*

make him his milk at 9.30pm.. he went to turn off the tv.. then I bring pepper back to slp… n we head to our room.. he took out his big ABC book.. I read to him.. while he drink his milk..

he fall aslp at 9.50pm.. he must b tired le..

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Shawn third day at Moriah sch... 4 Nov 2009

Wake him up at 7.30am.. make him some cereal to eat.. but guess too early.. he ate few mouth.. then end up vomit everything out.. so i jus wash him.. change his diaper.. put on his uniform.. he tell me his pah pah.. n tap his chest.. i tell him to b good boy.. i will go fatch him later.. then told him he look smart in his uniform..

Reach the sch at 8.25am.. he refuse to remove his shoe.. so teacher come out to help.. remove n carry him away.. he cried.. but not as bad as yty..

i left him with teacher then i stay outside .. watchin him secretly.. teacher carry him.. he still eat his bread.. no more crying.. only will ask teacher for ma ma when he rmb..

i saw him sit on the chair n play the blocks.. he even pass his block to the jie jie sitin next to him.. keep callin jie jie..

hope he will adapt to the environment n enjoy the fun there soon..

Shawn Second day to Moriah Sch... 3 Nov 2009

Tdy i decided to let him b with teacher..

bring him to school with hubby n mil.. at 8.15am.. we reach the sch..
hubby went into the sch with me.. i put him into the fencing area.. he wan me bao bao.. i tell him cannot.. ask him go join the others.. then he go to pa pa..ask pa pa to bao bao.. silly pa pa go carry him up.. then teacher come.. ask me m i goin to leave him with them tdy.. i say YES... so teacher grab shawn from pa pa.. shawn pull on pa pa.. n keep callin for pa pa... he cry badly..

we hide outside n peek on him .. went upstair n look down when they come out for outdoor.. he cry on n off.. holdin on to his little pillow... he reali make me cry with him.. so sad to c him like tat..

we went to buy his favourite roast pork rice.. come back at 3pm.. decided to bring him home then.. was told by teacher.. he slpt for abt 10mins only.. ate half bowl rice..

i wana him to c both daddy n mummy together to come pick him up.. so when i reach.. i peek outside.. he was watching tv with teacher... hubby went to park his car first... i rush hubby to come down fast..

when he reach.. we stand at the door.. he saw us.. tat smile he given us i will nvr forget.. tat happy smile.. wide n big smile.. hug n kiss me... i told him..ask we promise.. we come to pick him up le.. so cannot cry k.. he nod his head...

he play so happily at home.. then til 4pm.. i make him another 180ml milk.. let him slp on the bed with pa pa..

he woke up at 5.15pm..cryin.. must b frighten by the day le..

had dinner as usual.. one bowl of rice with soup.. i bath him n wash him hair... teacher know he scare of water fallin over his face.. so didn wash his hair..

slept at 10.30pm... whole nite keep wakin up to make some noise.. but i manage to tab him back to slp after tat.. his hand keep holdin on to me..

Shawn first day to Moriah School... 2 Nov 2009

Wake him up at 7.30am.. clean his butt.. let him brush his teeth.. wash his face.. bring him down to childcare centre at 8.10am.. for the first day.. i decided to stay with him.. to c how the day goes..
8.15-8.45am.. breakfast.. only few piece of cereal.. i m sure shawn is not full.. some more he didn finish it...
9am-9.30am.. activity time.. teachers let them squeese orange juice.. Shawn was playin ball.. while i sit outside the fencing..
10am.. tea break.. only a piece of chocolate biscut..
10.30am.. outdoor activity.. they bring the kids to the garden to ran n play.. shawn hold on to me.. refuse to join in..
11.30am.. prepare for lunch time.. fried noodle.. i feed shawn.. ate only less then half bowl.. n he was too distacted..
12pm.. bathin time.. he refuse to let teacher to bath for him.. so i got to undress him.. put towel on him.. then bring him to the toliet.. accompany him when teacher try to bath him le..
12.30pm.. tv time.. only watch a while..
1pm.. nap time.. i manage to make him slp for abt 1hr.. after he drunk 300ml milk...he wake up crying.. so i got to bring him to the other side of the centre.. prevent him from wakin the other kids up.. he play ball by himself there..
So decided to bring him home at 2pm...

He still loves to b home i guess.. playin him ball.. runnin ard.. then i make him nap from 4.30pm to 5.30pm again.. with 180ml milk..

He had a bowl of rice for dinner.. n slept at 10.15pm.. with a bit of cry in the middle of the nite..

Thursday 29 October 2009

I did it again.. :(

I must admit.. I m behaving so childish these days..

I woke hubby up at 5.30am this morning to make shawn milk.. then dear went to bath after that.. n get back to rest after tat..

I woke up at 6am.. took my bath n get ready for work.. we left our home at 6.45am… slightly earlier than usual.. cos hubby wana take breaskfast with me..

Reach my workplace canteen at 7.20am.. he wana eat noodle and oso nasi lemak.. cant decide which to eat.. so I ask him to order his noodle.. while I will get the nasi n share with him lol… but nasi was not ready yet.. so he had his noodle while I wait for the nasi..

at 7.35pm.. he say he cant wait le.. got to go else will b too rush liao.. I start to get angry.. cos I waited for his nasi in the first place ma.. then now he wan me to eat alone.. I refuse to talk after tat.. he went to buy the nasi.. then sat there ate few mouth..

7.45am … he say really must go le.. i start to thk I m jus bein so childish.. :P

I was having cramp n on off pain during my slp last nite.. stomach getting harden.. jus hope bb is growin well in me..

To hubby: I m Sorry.. I appreciate tat u make an effort to drive me to work daily.. thanks


Wednesday 28 October 2009

24Oct2009 - Bought shawn's uniform

Went to get shawn's childcare uniform.. left our place at 9.30am.. hubby n i bring shawn there.. hoping he will b more familar with the place..

Try him on the uniform.. he keep telling me "mai".. (mean dun wan in hokkhien).. heng i still manage to wear his top on him.. n fit him well i sld say.. get the mattress cover as well.. chatting with the teacher abt our doubts etc.. shawn went to play with the kids there.. at first he pull daddy hand to follow him.. but dear try to walk away when he didn notice.. soon he is ok.. n play with the rest le.. even have a fall n knock his head.. but brave boy.. jus stand up n he is ok.. got a bit blublu on his forehead..

he refuse to leave the place when we wana go back.. keep goin ard to hugZ the elder kids.. wave byebye to the aunties there etc..

left shawn at home.. then we went sin ming ave for our bak ku tay... then we back yio chu kang rd to pump petrol.. the shell promo reali shock us.. the Q was so long.. i decided to walk back home first.. to give my mil his lunch.. then take LRT to compasspoint to c gyna...

i was feelin giddy since thur.. Fri nite.. i felt so bad.. need hubby to help me to the bathroom.. cant even stand n walk properly.. so hubby insist i go c gyna..

reach clinic at 1pm.. register.. but was told doc not there yet.. so i went shop ard.. n bought myself a bubble tea.. hee.. sat at the benches outside old cheng kee n read the paper...

decided to go wait at the clinic.. so i give hubby a call then went to sit at the clinic n wait..continue readin.. then i notice.. i saw someone who looks so familar.. tat MingLong.. my sec sch mate.. he n his wife oso wait to c the gyna..

i didn approach him.. (i m shy ma..) so i sms Huilin n seng.. seng reach after an hour.. at 2pm+.. i was still waiting.. but MingLong oso didn come talk to us.. til when the nurse call out my name.. he heard it.. then he shouted for Seng.. so LOUD... heng not so crowded liao.. n then call me oso.. we start to chat.. his wife oso due in jan.. n is their first son.. so nice..

looks like we r all moving to next stage of life le.. promoting to parent liao.. so many sec schmate had promoted... Jus make a list ...:

Me + Seng : #1 Son, #2 Son coming Jan

HuiLing + Glen: #1 Ger, #2 Coming

Tanny + GuoLiang: #1 Son

Hanyi + Winnie: #1 Son

Guqi + hubby: #1 Son Xavier, #2 Son Scott

MingLong + Wife: #1 Son coming Jan

LiShan + Hubby: #1 Son, #2 Son

YueJiao + ChunMu: #1 Ger Jocelyn, #2 Son Jordan

JiaRong + Wife: #1 Ger, #2 Son

Edalin + Hubby: #1 Son Matt

Not to forget some others... Jennifer Aw (#1Son), Ivy (#1Ger#2Son), Karen (#1Son)...

Long list to go on n on.. I guess i must have miss out lots of other i know of but didn hear from them for ages liao.. so duno their status now (married/Single or Parent liao) hee...

Thursday 22 October 2009

First time shawn see GerTai.. 22 Oct 2009

My mum told me on wed nite tat yishun has gertai for a wk.. so we decided to go back on thur nite..for dinner then bring shawn go watch ger tai..

Reach my mum place at 7.45pm.. my elder brother was ard.. siting at the living room.. shawn refuse to enter n cry when he saw him.. we were quite shock.. cos shawn can even wave to stranger at the lift jus now.. yet see da jui can cry til like tat.. n this is not his first time to c him wo.. so i carry him in n go straight to the kitchen..

had our dinner.. n shawn ate some rice as well... after eating.. dear went downstair to watch the ger tai.. while shawn n i stay at home to play n watch tv.. think shawn wont b able to stay there to watch ger tai for long.. so let hubby go down to watch first... shawn was play his ball.. can throw real high up .. n when it fall on his head.. he will cover his mouth n laugh.. bend his body forward.. so funny de..

at 9++.. daddy still didn call.. so my mum n i bring shawn downstair to find him le.. manage to find him.. then we stood there n watch.. surprisingly.. shawn enjoy it wo.. whahaha.. got daddy gene la..

Shawn look at the lights... when they sing.. he start nob his head.. move his eye brow... n even clap his hand... my poor mum got to carry him.. cos he refuse to let daddy to carry... so at time i take over to carry him a while..

left for home at 10.30pm... shawn fall aslp in the car.. then dear carry him back home.. but upon put on bed.. he wake up le.. so i quickly went to make his bottle of milk.. let him drink.. luckly he went back to slp when he finish his milk...

Monday 19 October 2009

Our long wkend..

Sat 17Oct2009

Shawn wake up early as usual.. 7.45am.. as usual.. he brush teeth with mummy .. had his bf.. then hubby n i went bf at Old airport rd.. The usual wan tan mee we alway eat was closing.. so i have another stall wan tan mee while hubby had his kuay zai.. then we move to another stall to have my tan yuan..

after tat we went Ikea to buy the curtain bar to fix at the living room.. mil say the sun shine in n reflect at the tv.. no good for shawn to watch tv during the day lol..

went back.. hubby drill n fix at the living room when shawn n i hide inside our room.. eat his lunch n read his Big ABC book..

shawn had his nap til 2.30pm.. then he wana go kai kai le.. but hubby n i duno where to bring him.. end up we went Sabawang shopping centre.. shop at giant.. n wana try to let him play at the water playground.. but.. he react jus like how he does at the swim pool.. he hug on to me n cry.. refuse to let us stand up.. ask us to SIT.. i still insist n bring him to one small area to touch the water.. he reject at first.. but slowly.. he begin to wana play the water le.. but still only tat small area.. for a while.. he ask us to go back to sit le.. he refuse to let hubby carry him.. then shawn insist wana sit in his stroller.. n GO le..

at first we intend to go back my mum place for dinner.. but she reali make me so fedup.. so i told her not goin home le.. had our dinner at Aybang yong tan fu.. at old Nee shun rd.. shawn wasn not behaving himself.. dun eat his porridge nor rice.. must keep coax him.. make hubby so angry..

Went back home after eating.. when we reach our home carpark.. then i notice.. little noti fall aslp le wo.. haha. i try to wake him up n make him walk home.. :)


Hubby went back to work OT tdy.. mil do her marketing.. while shawn n i wake up at 7.15am.. i make some scramble egg with tomato n cheese for him.. but he still refuse to eat wo.. i find it quite nice le.. but duno y he jus dun like.. so he only eat biscuit, cereal drink.. n bit bread..

bath him n wana make him take his morning nap.. but he refuse wo.. play til lunch time.. he was too tired to eat le.. oso eat a bit only.. then i make him a bottle of milk.. n he fall aslp after drinkin..

wake up at 2.30pm.. we watch tv together.. play his toys etc.. til 3.30pm.. mil take over n look after him while i went to take a nap.. hubby come back at 3.45pm.. n bath pepper.. i cant slp well.. cos room was so hot in the afternn.. hope the weather will b better when i m on confinement lol..

19Oct2009 - MIL bday

My boss let us off to cover the sat holiday.. so i m home with shawn.. wake up at 7.30am.. play with him.. mil make him some oat to eat.. i feed him.. he was guai n finish him bf fast.. then we watch tv.. play .. til 10.15am.. then i bath him.. n give him a bottle of ribina to drink.. then he fall aslp... til 11.30am.. he wake up..

had his lunch at 12.15pm.. then i start to prepare his stuffs... hubby reach home at 1pm.. bath.. then we bring mil out for lunch.. went suntec.. walk round the fountain.. but duno wat to eat.. end up we went to swensen.. shawn was given color pencil n paper.. sticker.. he was ok in the start.. playin those stuffs.. but half way thro the meal.. he keep wan me to bao bao ... give him some fries.. eat some ice cream.. heng we manage to make him sit in the high chair.. til we finish..

then we went Funan to collect hubby notebook.. which he got it from Singtel..

he was so busy with his notebook when reach home.. while i take my nap.. n shawn take his nap.. inside his stroller.. whaha.. he fall aslp in the car.. i manage to carry him into his stroller n slp all the way til at home.. n continue til 6pm :P

He was so energetic after the long nap.. too excited til dinner oso dun wana eat.. keep runnin ard.. i was so tired feedin him..

he has a long gun which hubby buy for him long ago.. recently.. he know tat he can carry the gun.. n he will "bang" at anyone.. then if we pretend to "died".. he will laugh out loud.. end using his finger.. he oso can play with us "bang Bang" he like us to hide n jump out bang bang at him.. then he will ran..

He learn to say "mai"... if he dun wan any stuff.. he will either say "mai" or "no no" with him mouth du up high.. hee..

I notice shawn start to control his temper better.. we can tell him nicely.. sometime he understand.. n will no throw tantrum like b4 le.. hope he will behave ... esp during meal time outside lol.. hee

two more wks n shawn will  goin childcare le.. will b goin to the centre to get his uniform n pay school fee this sat.. will go early n bring shawn there.. hope he will get use to tat place.. n play with the kids like b4...(when we went for enrolment..)

Visit to gyna @ 27wks+

Tdy i m having my gyna visit after work.. rush down to clinic after work.. told hubby to go home bring shawn along.. but b4 i reach clinic.. i got a call from them.. tellin my doc will only arrived at 7.30pm..

i reach clinic at 6.40pm.. register.. n was told there are abt 30++ ppl infront of me liao.. so ask me to go back first.. they will call me..

took LRT back.. meet hubby for dinner at Kofu.. then went back home to bath.. shawn was still so excited.. waiting to go kai kai.. hee..

decide to take LRT to Compasspoint.. so we slowly make our way there at 8pm.. the clinic call on the way.. but when i reach.. i was told must wait for another 20 mins.. so we went to look for bil.. chat a bit.. then went to the clinic n wait...

as usual.. the check up was very fast.. talk a while.. do the scan.. then b4 shawn get to c di di.. the scan was over liao.. hee... blur shawn still wondering wat i was asking.. when i ask him did he c di di.. only hug my tummy..n lift up my shirt to find my tummy n kiss di di..

My bb hero is 1292g now.. everything is fine.. bb head is below with leg is at my upper tummy.. hope he wont turn back le.. jus stay in this position..

i was telling hubby.. i scare i might have early labour this round.. cos i keep squat down to attend to shawn.. feed him.. play with him.. pee him etc.. n i keep having the mild contraction at lower tummy.. mayb i sld tell doc the next visit.. jus in case i might need some vendolin to stablise n delay labour.. jus pray he stay guai guai til at least 2010 jan ba.. hee

Sunday 11 October 2009

Shawn is 19mth old tdy - 12 Oct 2009

My darling shawn is 19mths old tdy.. he woke up every hr last nite.. (dun ask me YYY.. i oso duno.. he will wake up..eye shut n CRY.. ).. he had make me so tired.. headache & giddy this morning.. TIRED ah...

Sat 10Oct09.. again i bring him to the pool.. tot with more ppl tag along.. he will loves the pool again.. but.. hai.. unsuccessful again.. wonder what happen.. we went with my mum n brother n his gf.. shawn refuse to go into the water.. cry loud.. n even the others cant go into the water.. he scream for them to get out of the water.. so we try to grab him into the water.. he still cry.. end up he sit with me on the steps n watch other kids playin in the water.. he hug on to me.. refuse to let go lol.. i bring him to bath in the children toliet.. he was very good boy.. stand there n wait.. while i splash water on him.. he go "shoo shoo" as the water falls on his body.. cos it was so cold.. tat makes me laugh.. we left the pool at 5.30pm n head to Northpoint for dinner...

Shawn had his salmon rice wrap with egg.. he like tat.. hee.. sat in the high chair n eat..

Sun 11 Oct 2009... i woke up early to make some scramble egg n bread for shawn.. he woke up at 8.45am... had his bf.. then mil bath him.. while i prepare his stuff to go out.. my mum was on leave.. so we went pick her up n had our bf at amk.. then head to my er yi hse.. to collect the bean husk to make pillow for #2.. shawn was quiet at first at YiPO hse.. n the little mei mei there was staring at shawn oso.. but soon they start to play le.. shawn hug n sayang mei mei.. even share the ball with mei mei.. so proud of him.. :) when YiPo give him the biscuit.. he even wana give mei mei to eat first.. but i tell him to eat.. mei mei has hers liao.. shawn then put it into his mouth..

After tat we spend our day at my mum place.. shawn was playing n jumpin ard the hse lol.. even join my mum to brush his clothing in the toliet.. got himself all wet.. so i bath him after tat.. n he started to take the brush n brush his own clothing after the bath.. *faint*..

Left my mum place at 7.30pm.. shawn hold on to Waipo n insist wan her to follow us.. luckly he listen.. i told him we will come again next wk.. he guai guai de wave byebye to waipo.. even hug n kiss waipo..

we disturb shawn n refuse to let him slp in the car.. (whaha.. ) when he reach home.. he got fuss le.. so at 9.15pm.. i make him his 250ml milk... he finish it so fast.. but still wide awake.. so i play with him on the bed.. til 10pm.. daddy make another 120ml milk for him.. luckly he manage to close his eye n rest after the milk...

but from 11.45pm onward.. he keep wake up n cry.. hai.. my nitemare started..

Til tdy.. shawn

- refuse to learn ABC or 123... he will have only few min patient to listen to me read those books.. then he will pick up another book for me to read..

-refuse to sit on potty.. he only sit on the adult toliet bowl to poo every morning.. after tat will wait for us to pee him every 30-45min on the pee tray..

-refuse to address ppl straight away.. (expect for papa, mama, yeye, nainai) .. he need sometime to "warm" up.. then he will add them.. even for waipo..

-refuse to sit on highchair to have his meal.. now he sit on the tv when eating.. or ran abt liao.. (tiring while feeding him lol..hope to train him to self feed soon)

-refuse to put on diaper ... now he go use to go ard without diaper most of the time.. so he will so "shoo shoo".. when we put him on diaper.. he grab his butt.. like tellin us tats uncomfortable.. we need 3 adults to put diaper on 1toddler.. power leh..

-refuse to follow instruction... he wan thing in his way.. if we dun.. he will start his nonsense.. CRY.. sit on the floor n kick his leg.. even lyin on the floor now.. i will ignore him.. but mil will go sayang him as usual.. now he start to understand when i say " mummy say NO! NO!" then he will follow me n say NO!NO!... n stare at me...

In another 3wks time.. shawn is going to full time childcare le.. i hope i can help him to adapt fast.. i got lots of worries n she bu de.. but .. i must learn to let go.. else how can my boy learn more rite...

To Shawn: U must b brave n learn to protect urself k.. Daddy n mummy will b ard u to lead u.. but lots of thing will depend on urself as times goes by.. so u must b independent.. we love u lots..

To Hubby: I understand recently ur job are kind of stressful.. n mayb tats y u neglected US..(Shawn n i).. but i can c u r trying ur best le.. We still loves u dear.. even after tat SMS i send u.. heehee.. jus wana wake u up with tat.. *muack*

To little hero in me : u r getting more n more active.. every nite i can feel u jumpin in me le.. looking forward to c u this fri.. hope u r growing well in me :) we r left with 2.5mths more to go.. Daddy, Kor Kor & mummy love u ... u must jia you k.. pray for a healthy bb in 2.5mths time :)

Monday 5 October 2009

Pic taken on 4oct2009

Noti shawn keep climb up n down the chair.. look at him.. time reali flies... bb to toddlers..

3Oct2009 - Celebrate Mid Autumn @ my mum place

Weather wasnt good tdy.. plan to bring shawn to swim.. yet whole day on off rain.. so we waited shawn to wake up from him afternn nap.. 4.30pm.. pack up n reach my mum place at 5.30pm le..

had dinner.. having hard time to feed shawn.. so tiring.. then bath him.. n i start to light up the lantern to hang out the hse.. i love to do tat.. when i use to do it every year last time.. dear oso love to :) look at both of use hang everywhere outside the hse.. shawn was excited to c those lantern light up..

With Shan & Alex @ ecp.. 2 Oct 2009

Last min we decided to go bedok jetty to relax.. play lantern.. but didn..cos shawn too active ah.. shan n i busy chasing him.. eat mooncake.. fishing.. alex n seng was busy fishin.. play shawn barney to entertain him.. tot he will jus sit there n watch.. but at 10pm.. he was too tired le.. crying for ma ma to bao bao.. refuse to sit in his stroller liao..

Have a nice chat with shan.. come to know she has her date fix le.. so wedding on the way le.. so happy for them.. look forward to their wedding..

reach home at 12midnite.. haha.. nvr have we reach home so late with shawn b4.. he fall aslp in my arm in the car.. heng i let him go out in pyjamas.. (i know tats bad..) so reach home.. i jus change his diaper.. n put him to continue to slp on the bed le.. hee

More pic with Alex cam.. hehe..

Hubby's 32nd bday..

I need to go client place to do stock take tdy.. hence cant take leave.. so my poor hubby got to b lonely for the day.. since he on leave.. he went fishin at ponggol.. then come to fatch me after work.. we went compasspoint sakeesushi.. he loves jap food.. order a mini steamboat to share.. i have heavy lunch.. treat by mrs lim.. her bday on 1oct.. so i cant eat much for dinner.. had some sushi only..

Went to fourleave to buy hubby cake.. plan to get one for hubby one for shawn.. cos tml is children day ma.. but hubby say jus buy a big one...

Happy birthday to my dearest hubby !!! we (Shawn, hero bb n me) love u lots n lots :)

Barney lantern for shawn..

Went AMK Hub ntuc to get him this lantern on 26 Sep 2009.. he was excited to c it..

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Shawn at Fidget turf club.. 26Sep2008

A day at fidget Turf club

I decided on Fidget.. so bring him there on sat.. cos mum knock off at 2pm.. much go fatch her first.. then we went turf club.. hubby wasnt very excited to bring him there.. worry tat he will refuse to leave tat place..

shawn was very 'cool'.. didn reali rush into play in the beginning.. only start to ran abt at later stage.. he even went to hug other parents.. nvr afraid to lost us.. but he dun like to play inside the pool of balls.. he rather b the ball picker.. whaha.. pick up ball n throw into the pool.. he prefer to kick the ball ard..

This is the first children day since shawn can walk.. :) hope he will love wat i arrange for him :) will get him a cake this thur.. heee..

Tuesday 22 September 2009

ECP on 21Sep 2009

Some pic we took at bedok jetty...

Some free website to share :)

Come across these info from a thread...
Last checked in May that all websites are still valid. Please update me if any of them are no longer valid.

Website are categorised to the best I can.

Have fun with your juniors =)








kids activities






Exam Papers:

Mon 21Sep2009 - Public holiday

Brought shawn for early swim.. reach pool at 9.30am.. water was so cold.. n wat surprise us most is.. shawn reject swimmin le.. *faint* he cry so badly.. keep yellin for me to bao bao.. refuse to go into water with daddy..

when reach home.. i bath him.. ask him who cry at the pool.. he say "pa pa".. (OMG!!) he was kickin n smashin water in his bathin tub... hai.. how come ah??? y he suddenly scare of swimmin le.. mayb i stop bring him to pool for too long ah..since jun til now...

Hubby n i had our bf at AMK.. kuay zai again.. then we went do some marketing ..

reach home.. shawn wake up le.. only slept for 30 min ... i play with him.. til abt 3pm.. i make him his milk.. while prepare to go out walk walk..

hubby decided to go ECP bedok jetty .. shawn slept in the car.. then when reach.. he wake up as we move him into the stroller..

he sat in the stroller all the way.. we had a nice stroll :) will upload some pic when i m free..

Sun.. 20 Sep 2009 - Hubby went back work OT

Tdy hubby went back to work ot.. he left home very early.. but he still make it to tabao bf for me first b4 goin to work.. (Love u hubby)

Shawn woke up at 8am.. decided to cut off his morning nap.. let him slp only afternn.. so was busy entertaining him.. he loves to watch barney now.. is a must watch everyday le..

hubby decided to come back at 1.30.. while shawn was sleepin le..

i oso manage to catch me nap with hubby.. til 4pm.. then we went back yishun to have dinner.. my mum cook curry chicken n peanut soup for us.. yummy..

shawn had his porridge plus the peanut soup.. he was having fun playin with wai po..

left at 8pm.. shawn only slept at 10pm.. but since only took one nap.. he manage to fall aslp after i carry n yao him a bit lol.. i felt.. i m so wei da.. backache.. still must carry a 12.5kg monkey to sleep.. must beat his butt le..


19Sep2009 Sat - Went IMM

tot wana bring shawn to swim tdy.. but weather wasnt very good.. so cancel plan

Morning.. hubby bring me to old airport rd for breakfast.. had the lor mee.. so so only la.. then went Gionano warehse sale.. at singapore warehse..

spend $40 n bought 4tshirt n 2 poloT for shawn.. nothing much for adult..

went back home.. n fatch my mum..together we went IMM to shopping.. went daiso to get plastic continer to put shawn stuffs.. but marker for shawn to do drawing..

went giant shoppin.. then we had dinner at the food court.. shawn had fish soup with rice,,share with me ah..



18 Sep 2009 - gyna visit

long wait tdy at the clinic.. upon i reach at 6.30pm.. hubby had register for me.. n was told must wait for 1hr.. so we went dinner first..

come back after dinner.. i was told i have 9 more ppl infront of me..

i was grumbling.. got angry n refuse to talk to hubby.. jus stand outside the clinic n wait.. despite hubby keep askin me to go find a place to sit down.. i m jus so childish.. (hehe)

i decide to go for my urine test first.. stupid toliet at ground floor close for wash.. i got to go to sec floor find toliet.. hubby jus come out from gents..was following behind me.. keep asking me where m i goin.. i reply him.. (rudely) .. "Find toliet la.. " he was like follow me behind dummly.. i m so bad.. :P

when i got back clinic.. still got to wait.. sat at the interchg to wait.. many couple sitin there waitin.. then hubby remind me.. we r not the only couple wait mah.. i start to calm down le.. laughin at myself.. crazy me..

got a call from clinic at 8.10pm.. went in to do scan.. was told me detail scan result everything fine.. (tat brings all me smile back le..) did my ultrascan.. bb growing fine in me.. now at 24wks.. he is 770g le.. so happy he is in good weight..

plan to bring shawn to go c getai.. but end up only reach home at 9pm.. by the time we bath.. cant bring him out le.. since is last day of seventh mth.. my mum told me not to go home too late.esp with shawn.. so cancel lol..

these few nite.. i was having hard time to make shawn to sleep.. even with him bottle of milk.. he jus refuse to lay down to drink.. keep standing up n cry to go out of the room.. duno wana look for nai nai.. or wan wat la.. make use so angry..

Friday 18 September 2009

Some pic of shawn

12 Sep 2009 siting in the car..while waitin for daddy to wash his car..

i notice i didn take many of shawn pic le.. must start snapin le wo.. :)

Sunday 13 September 2009

Sun 13 Sep 2009

My mum off day tdy.. she goin Hougang to do her marketing n meeting her old fren to chat..

i woke up at 6am.. give shawn his milk ... tot if he dun go back to slp.. we shall go find my mum.. but shawn fall back to slp wo.. haha.. so i ask dear to wake up n get ready.. bath n change.. by 7.30am.. we r ready.. but piggy shawn still sleeping.. dear suggest..disturb him..wake him up.. since he is alway the one who disturb our slp.. is our turn now.. kekeke

i slowly change his diaper.. change him.. til he is wide awake le.. bring him to brush his teeths.. n get ready to leave home at 8am..

meet my mum at the coffeeshop.. shawn had his brownrice cereal.. while i have my wan tan mee... chat with my mum fren.. they reminded me.. last time i say i get marry..but dun wan give birth de wo.. now rushin for train liao ah.. goin for 2nd one le.. Oh ya true hor.. i use to reject to have own kids de.. how come now i rushing to have 2nd one.. i told them..cos i now young le ma.. scare wait later i wan.. oso cant have le.. mayb shawn had change my mindset ba.. after all..bbs are so cute de.. hee

when back to yishun with my mum.. she cook prawn noodle for us.. stay at her place for whole day.. shawn took his nap at 11.30 - 12.15pm and 5.13pm - 7pm.. i get to catch a nap in between..

left my mum place at 8.30pm.. shawn was still so energetic when reach home.. still pull me ard to help him to take this n tat...

i decided to try him ...slp on the matress on the floor.. he drink him milk n lying there guai guai de.. but once he finish.. he stand up.. put his head on the bed..near to me.. jus stand there lyin near to me to slp wo.. so sad to c him like tat... so i carry him up onto the bed.. n hug him to slp.. he fall aslp very soon..

Sometime i wonder did i make a wrong decision to have 2nd bb so soon... i dun wan neglect shawn.. but there r limit to wat i can now.. i cant carry him for long.. i feel my tummy stretch n pain.. i cant ran after him now... i reali reali wana sleep with him..even til 2nd is born.. but can i?? how m i goin to latch my 2nd when times come... will i b too stress then..

mil suggest let shawn go to their room... but....

12 Sep 2009 - Shawn is 18mth old tdy.. 12.5KG & 83cm tall..

tdy shawn went for his 18mth review n booster jab.. waited at home for the clinic to call.. appointment was actually at 12.30pm.. but clinic only call at 12.20pm.. when shawn was taking his porridge at home.. so we faster finish the porridge n go down to the clinic.. jus outside the clinic.. i receive another call.. askin whether m i goin n there are 4 more bb infront of shawn.. we were quite surprise.. cos i was told 5 more bb b4 shawn when i receive the call at home.. now how come still got 4 more...

we register at 1.15pm.. waited til almost 2.15pm then shawn was call in.. brave shawn.. no cry at all.. he jus sit on the bed.. while i check with the PD.. his nose got bit bleeding at time.. Dr Lillian say is normal for sensitive nose.. then i ask abt any food to avoid for him.. was told only raw food.. the rest all can eat le.. even some seasoning oso no problem..

Dr Lillian oso reminded me to tell Dr Adrian abt my GBstrep positive.. jus in case he forgot abt it.. haha.. tat suddenly remind me.. i m close to the finishin line le.. less then 15wks to full term bb :)

plan to meet celia n linda at 2.45pm at central BK.. but end up Ada still sleepin.. while i rush home to get shawn milk.. so sms celia to meet at the school instead...

Reach Central at 3.10pm.. happen to c celia at the carpark.. lucky we have her to bring us to the school.. which was at the office tower...

Stage and such.. is in an office unit only.. nothing fantastic.. shawn did some drawing with icecube n food colouring.. do bit singing.. (song created by the school.. which not very impressive).. got storytelling.. but shawn more interested with the toys on the mini stage.. got a part when mummy n kid face mirror to make facial expression.. shawn is more interested to make fren with the kid next to us.. he went to hug the bb ger.. haha!!

for the whole session.. shawn was busy moving here n there.. only pause for a while during the storytellin when teacher tell him to open this n tat on the book.. he even went to the back of a daddy n his son.. put his hand ard their shoulder n stand behind their.. reali shock hubby n i.. make use laugh all the way..

then they brought us to c the swim pool n tell us abt their package.. i was very sure.. wont sign up with them.. hahaha.. but jus follow n look ard ...

After tat.. we left together with celia to our cars... we meet up with my mum n brother n yt at long hse for dinner.. order a fish porridge for shawn.. but he keep reject every mouth.. make me so frustrating.. when i try the porridge myself.. then i notice y.. cos is shen yu zhou.. got some much mini bones in the porridge.. no wonder he dun like it... i m jus too careless...

end up he only eat some rice from my mum.. n some noodles from my yong tao fu.. plus a bottle of 180ml milk lol..

went Amk hub to shop.. NTUC was so crowded.. mad hse there.. saw a fishing program playin .. end up hubby n i struck there watching.. while my mum bring shawn to no where... hahaha.. b4 i knew it.. i lost my bb.. kekeke.. go ard to look for my mum n shawn.. lucky.. hubby more sharp.. n notice mum at the bedding ard.. chatin with yt's mum..

left for home at 8.30pm.. shawn was so tired by then.. he refuse to sit on the carseat... i carry n hug him to sleep.. b4 the car left the carpark.. he is aslp liao... all the way til we reach home.. he slpt on the bed.. i bring in some warm water to wipe him clean.. change him into pajama.. when i remove his romper.. he still wake up then.. went out to greet ye ye n nai nai..

went back to bed only at 10pm..

Now he know must greet pa pa, ma ma, ye ye, nai nai, wai po, jiu jiu & yi yi when he c them.. he know must say Thank you.. please... he understand our ques n will ans us by moving his head ... he will pull my hand when he pull me to get wat he wan... he will ask me to help him to take out the battery in the remote ctrl n use it to put into his toy fan.. he is very observen now.. alway imitate wat we do.. he even can imitate my mil .. say lai lai lai... cos she always ask him to come to her..

To Shawn: you have bring us so much laugther n joy.. we reali love u more every day.. esp me.. start to feel sorry not being able to carry u as often now.. cos of bb di di.. but when i c he pull up my shirt n kiss di di.. i feel so touch.. when u hug my tummy..n sayang di di..i promise i wont love u any lesser when di di come out.. so wont daddy.. we love you ..our dearest darling shawn..

To bb di di: you r so active these days.. can feel your kick any time of the day.. hope u can feel kor kor love and will love kor kor oso.. daddy n i look forward to c you in every visit to gyne.. hope to hear tat you r fine..growing well.. count down to Jan10 to c u.. love you little darling :)