Thursday 30 December 2010

Roy jab on 27dec2010

I almost forgot abt updating this hee..

Shawn went for review on his prolong cough.. Doc mention got improvement.. But still need to continue his singular for 3 wks b tat zytac for his senstive nose.. The fluid in his nose keep back flow to his throat cos him to keep cough.. Hope 3wks later he is fully recovered..

Since I bring Shawn to pd review.. So I tot I sld jus bring Roy along for jab.. Roy is 9.2kg n 74cm tall at coming 1yo.. Bit smaller built as compare to Shawn.. Cos he dun drink enough milk daily.. Hai.. He got his last pnemo jab n the chicpox jab.. Brave little one.. No crying.. Mayb got Shawn ard to distact him...

No fever for Roy.. (heng) 

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Count down.. 4 working days to go!!

I m left with 4 working days with this firm ..

Tdy I save all my stuff I have in the ofc com into my hdd.. Somehow.. I feel bit sad.. I will sure miss my days in this firm.. After all.. This is where I have spend .. Moving to different stage of my life.. Single to married to motherhood... My boss reali is Mentor to me.. Guide me thro ..

Ailing come to know abt I m leaving soon.. Some how she oso got the plan to leave.. She not very comfortable to deal to mrs lims daily.. Plus once I go.. No one to guide her Liao.. So she keep tellin me sian.. Will plan n leave after cny..

Monday 27 December 2010

26Dec2010 Roy 1st bday party

Busy day.. But we r all so happy our little Roy turning 1 le..

Party starts at 2.. Every one start to come in by3.. When it's time for cake cutting .. I let Roy pick future.. N he took Qin cai .. Jus same as his kor kor..

Took out the cake n was shock to see it's not the pooh bear which I wanted.. It turn out to b seaseme street.. Everyone was waiting for the cake.. So I got no choice le.. Everyone was still excited to c the cake.. Esp the kids..

I believe all the kids have fun.. Everyone was enjoying the food n Kids were playing happily..

I m happy to see some old fren who turn up .. I was too busy.. Didn get to chat much with them.. Hope they won't b offended..

I see some baby n toddlers.. Who I saw them when they were so young.. I see them grow jus like my Shawn n Roy.. So happy to c all the kids grow up so fast ...

I have fren who willing to turn up with last min invitation. Thanks to Celia.. But I have relative will reply me "sure" on fri n yet send in ang bao on sat. Not even wana sms me to tell us she won't b here... I m NOT goin for anyone ANG BAO lo.. Very disappointed by them...

Thanks to all the uncles b aunty for all the presents and ang bao.. The blessing u bring with u to Roy party.. Thanks..

We hope Roy will grow up healthy.. Strong.. Ioves his kor kor as much as how kor kor loves him.. Love daddy mummy ... We love him so much..

As at tdy.. My Roy can crawl freely.. He even dare to walk without support.. Reali can scar us ..he can walk abt 4-6 step le.. He hold n pull himself up.. Cruise ard.. He will point n erer ahah.. Tell us wat he wan.. He will go mumumum.. When he wan eat something.. Mayb cos he is youngest.. Everyone shower him with lots of love.. He very "yang all" lo.. When we tell him dun do something.. He will bian zui.. N start crying loudly.. So cute.. Haha

Hao she bu de to c my boy moving on to toddler stage from baby.. But yet happy to c him growing up strong n healthy le.. I will miss my baby Roy n Shawn... Love them 

Thursday 23 December 2010

Can I do it??

I have signed the offer letter on Monday ... So.. I m sure to go into a new environment on 17jan.. M I ready? I m worry n scare.. Mayb as I m getting old...I no longer have tat kind of courage like b4... Or is those burden tat make me thk twice.. I do treasure the moment now.. As I can reach home early n play with my boys.. I m only sure workin ot is for sure there.. I heard it can b very bad til hit am.. I m hopin to bring work home to do.. So I can still eat n play with them first then contiune to work upon they slp.. Hope tat works ...

Pray hard.. I target min 3 yrs there ..

Roy bday preparation

We r all ready for little Roy bday.. Cake ordered from pine garden.. Buffet ordered.. Party bags packed .. I m left to make a small alpha Roy to paste on the wall setting.. N prepare the stuffs for his future pick... Hee

reali look forward to Sunday .. Starts to think back.. When Roy was born.. Those nites when dear n I take turn to carry n rock him to sleep.. The crazy nite when I left him to cry.. How tired I was lookin after two.. N suddenly... He is turnin one.. N he moving ard so freely now.. Crawl.. Crusing ard.. N I saw him walk without support .. 4 little steps.. How he try to move his little foot.. N fall on the floor.. Starts crawling away.. I m going to miss tat little baby..

Wednesday 15 December 2010

14 dec 2010.. The call

The call tat I m longing to.. Haha..

I was chafing with pris, Jo n my hb.. Whether sld I email the HR to ask on my interview status.. All told me o WAIT.. As least til wed or thur .. I was so Kan cheong.. Hopin so much to know how was it.. N jus as I haven decide how .. The call come.. Xiao fen from HR.. Call me to offer me the 1st yr senior associate S4 position.. I was so happy to hear tat.. Arrange for mon 20dec to go down n sign the contact..

So now Iust decide when to tender.. I m workin at client place.. Hence need to make a trip back ofc if I wan to submit my ltr.. I counted.. N no matter how fast I tender.. My last day is still 14jan.. So I decide fri will do it upon I return to ofc... How will boss react???

I dun intend to tell him where m I goin. Wats the new company.. But wat if he ask..

I read n was told.. This co.. The ot there is scary.. ESP peak period.. Can even work til midnite.. I will loss all the time I use to have with the kids.. So sld I?? I m trading off this bonding time I can have with my kids for my career advancement.. For more pocket $$ .. For a better prospect future.. Is it worth??

I tell myself.. Our burden get heavier as the kids grow.. So I can stay on for the seek of relax work.. More time with kids etc.. We can't afford to wait for jus yrly increment.. Plus this firm is too small.. Experence I gain there wasn well recoginse.. Like now.. I was cut back by as least 2yrs of experience..

I need support .. I hope my hb will... I keep tellin him the Amy of ot we sld expect.. Jus hope not so bad.. As least I will try my best there. Work hard.. Get my few yrs experience bank in.. With tat big4 name appear in ones resume.. It sure makes a different..

Pray for me!!!

31st bday on 10 dec 2010

Both hb n I was on leave.. Shawn appointment with PD was at 9.15am..we were early n had our bf nearby.. When I register him.. Then we were told doc will b late.. I start to worry..will it crash with my 11am interview?? After I keep pestering the nurse.. By 10.30am we were out of clinic.. Doc say Shawn improvement seem not much.. Thick phlgem still there.. Will need another review on 27dec.. Took some medicine n tat cost me $140+...

Dear rush out to get his car down when I make payment.. We quickly drove Shawn to Sch.. Drop him then rush to hong Leong building.. Dear was driving damn fast.. I tried callin the hr.. To inform I will b late.. But no one pick my call.. By 11.10am I reached..

The HR personal Hanneh Heng, bring me to the meeting room.. Took all my orginial cert then gave me a paper with the title on wat does professionalism meant to you ? I m suppose to write an essay on tat.. 10min later.. She come in to collect my essay.

The senior manager Vee Ling come in to interview me.. A lots of technical ques.. Such as how to test AR collective.. How to ensure payroll staff exist.. Ask abt my current firm clients industries.. Wats the most difficult issue I been thro with client etc.. She was quite friendly.. N we had a nice chat.. I ask abt wat sld I expect after this interview.. Do I need more rounds of tests n interiews.. Cos I read many stage to pass .. She told me dun thk I need.. I start to wonder .. Does tat mean I m rejected.. She said by next wk I sld receive call from hr.. So I ask way if I dun.. She reasure me tat I will..

So got to go back o wait for call

after tat.. Hb bring me to suntec but was too crowded there.. Hardly can find a parking lot.. So we decided to go city sq..

Dun decide wat to eat for lunch.. We end up in a koreanBBQ .. Had buffet there .. Food not bad.. But mayb Seng not use to it.. He doesn't like it..

After eating.. We shop ard.. N head downtown ikea.. I show h the clock I wana buy.. Went back home at 5+... had a short nap..

Shawn come back as usual.. Had our dinner at home then we went chong pang with fil to make his spac..

There gone my bday.. Nothing hoo haa.. Not even a cake for the day.. Thk most disappointed person sld b Shawn.. He loves Cake..

I got lots of bday wishes from my frens.. If one wish i receive entitle me to make a wish.. Hehe I must b dreaming... So jus hope all my loves one stay healthy n happy everyday.. For this yr.. Hope I receive gd news for tat first interview I tried..

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Busy Busy Busy...Work Work & Work!!!

Haven been updating my blog for wks.. was busy with life ah... esp wkend.. all my time occupay by the kids..

In late Oct my firm receive a ltr from ARCA/ICPAS.. on PMP review on 10Nov.. hai.. since then.. we were busy rushing to tidy up the working papers.. n since last wk.. i have been doing OT daily.. n Thanks to my hubby seng.. being very supportive.. go back n pick shawn daily n look after the kids.. no doubt i can c he so stress up everynite i go back.. but he nvr give me any "attitude".. hehe.. jus keep hearing him scolding n argue with shawn.. hahaha.. sometime i feel tat the two of them reali like little kids fighting for toys.. alway argue over little things.. n seng always say to shawn.. "tonite u go slp with nai nai.. i dun wan slp with u..." n shawn will start to cry sadly.. n say.." i wan slp with daddy".. hahaha.."i dun like you.. everybody dun like u..." n it jus go on n on..

My little Roy is 10mo le.. so fast... his bday is coming.. so happy my little ones are all growing up so fast.. He can crawl and pull himself up to cruise ard now.. he alway like to point at us or to where he wana go.. he can wave byebye.. i thk i heard him calling ma ma ma these two day.. hee... i let him try drinkin using straw last sunday.. n surprisely he know how to drink.. he still dun drink much milk daily.. at the most 300ml EBM.. but when i reach home.. he latch on.. when i bring him to latching position.. he will go.. "zah zha zha" like moving his if very thirsty.. n so kan cheong.. so cute.. Jus like shawn time.. i still let him latch to slp daily.. n nite.. if he wake up.. will jus let him latch on.. n he will go back to slp.. jus hope he can wean as easily as shawn in future..

My Shawn start to listen to us le.. as least not so much tantrum now ba.. he will look after his di di.. n will tell us he is his di di.. we cannot carry or touch his di di.. he will bring di di his water btl to drink.. he will sit by di di.. tell him to open his mouth to eat porridge.. then he will c tat di di finish porridge le.. n bring him the water.. he learn lots from sch.. gd n bad la.. more to come i think.. now i know how difficult it is to teach kids.. how to let him know wat we meant gd for them...

Saturday 2 October 2010

Genting trip on 25-27 sep 2010

It was a family cum fren trip.. Something I planned mths ago.. My mum, elder bro (gary), his gf, younger bro (alex), his gf (yt), Hanyi, Winnie. Ashton and my 3 bao bei... In 3 cars.. We drove up to genting on 25 sep

Happy family pic.. HWA family :)

on 25 sep..

 I woke up at 4am to prepare myself.. Get the kids change at 4.45am.. My mum n alex N yt arrived at my place at 5am.. We took alex boss mpv stream .. So tat we can jus use one car instead of two.. Set the car seat into the mpv.. Pack out bags into the car,, left my place at 5.15am.. Jud accordig to our plan..

Reach Jb petrol station at 5.55am.. We were early.. Both Gary n hanyi car haven arrived.. We had our bread first while waitin.. Alex woke up at 3am to make those bread for us.. Hee.. Nice of him..

Everyone reach at abt 6.30am.. It's seem faster this time to reach.. We only took two short break n reached kl...

Went to search for the stawberry farm first.. We had fun pluck stawberry n shop ard the farm,. There is mushroom n flower farm there as well.. Bought some nice Tibit there..

Me & the farm

Had our lunch near by b4 we go up genting..

Reach genting at 1.30pm.. Was told to wait for our Q #.. which will take 2hrs.. Luckly hanyi manage to get their room.. Cos he got the worldcard.. So we left our bags in him room head to shopping.. Hee.. Was bit tired after the long jounrnay but the cooling weather Still make us so excited.. Sat at the starbuck .. Enjoy the cold air n have coffee n cakes.. Wow!! I love it..

Roy fall aslp in the stroller.. The manager saw us wait at the lobby.. Help us to get another Q#.. which able us to get our room faster..

Got two join room 62649 & 62650..

Get some rest n washup first b4 goin for dinner at theushroom farm,, call the bus to us at 7pm.. Waited at lobby entrance.. Weather gettin cold at nite plus rain..

Had a big feast .. But with two kids ard.. Makan time.. No joke lo.. Luckly I have help from my mum n yt.. While waiting for the bus to go back.. Heavy rain.. Was so cold.. I was worry my baby ron Shawn will catch a cold.. Tryin to wrap them up ..

Reach hotel.. Settle the kids to sleep.. My mum n bro went casino.. They come back at 10 plus.. Change over.. Hubby n I went to casino while they help me look after them..

We jus walk ard n look at others play.. Didn play cos wasn't sure where to start.. Haha.. So left casino n went walk walk.. Bought ice cream n Mary brown chicken back to eat.. Back to room at 11.30...

26 sep 2010
got up n gave Roy his cereal.. Bath them.. Then alex, yt, hubby & Shawn head to eat the hotel free bf.. While Gary, his gf, my mum n I went to eat dim sum.. Luckly Roy fall aslp.. So I have my bf in peace ..

After makan.. we went straight to the outdoor amusement park.. had fun there.. YT and my mum help me with the kids while seng, alex n i went to try some rides..

went pizzahut for late lunch..then head back hotel to let the kids rest

bath them n went back to the outdoor theme park to play..(5.30pm).. alex, seng n i  took the boat n got ourself all wet.. haha.. n was so cold..

take few indoor rides.. n the kids got tired le.. they are use to slp early ah.. by 10pm.. shawn is like no mood le.. let him took the last ride at the train.. then we went back.. wash them.. n make them sleep..

i stay with the kids.. while seng n the rest when casino play..

27 Sep 2010 (Mon)

Wake up early.. as usual.. my kids nvr slp late de.. so by 7am.. i bring my kids next door to disturb everyone up le.. haha..

our turn to go for the free bf.. n since alex n yt won some $$ last nite.. they goin for dim sum..

we enjoy the free bf leh.. no doubt feedback wasnt gd by seng they all..

luckly went didn check out first.. cos Roy poo while we were having bf.. so quickly bring him back to the room to wash up.. n the smell.. full up the whole two room lo.. when seng n the others come in.. first thing was to open the doors to air the room.. hahaha

left n check out at abt 11.45am.. head to the tample.. i like it there.. cooling.. slowly walk up the hill.. took some pic.. then we went back to the stawberry farm.. to change the umbrella shawn bought..

we lost our way when my elder bro wana bring us to ayer hitam.. wasted so much time on the road.. end up 7pm+ then reach JB.. same old spot for dinner.. hahaha..

reach home at 10pm++... shawn cry for wai po.. dun wana let her go.. haa

Monday 20 September 2010


Thk I haven't been writing down for wks.. Since last zoo outing I guess. Can't even rmb when was the last blog.. I m getting mote n more lazy.. Can't blame it on my kids.. Haha.. It's jus the laziness in me..

Few more days to go.. So excited tat we r goin to genting.. It's Roy first oversea trip.. Hope we will all enjoy it..

Even since ShiLing left the co.. I did send out few application.. But wasn successful.. I m not in a rush to leave.. Cos the new gal still need guidgence.. N I wasn sure sld I go n give up the bonus .. Haha.. I always worry over this n tat.. If only I m like Winnie.. Jus do it.. Who cares rite!!!

I apply a position in seng company.. Wasn shortlisted.. But I reali like to find out wats the reason behind.. Hence get him to go find out.. N tat idiot collegnue of him.. Took wks to check with his wife.. Who was in the hr.. N come back telling seng.. Cos acca... Seng dun get him.. Ask again.. N he reply his wife only tell him cos acca lo... WTF.. I was so disappointed.. I tot I was like"AT LAST" I clear my acca.. Sldnt it b more recognize now.. Then wats wrong now?? So both seng n I conclude.. He must b jus tryin to brush seng off.. N didn check.. I got acca is wat seng had told him from start.. So we suspect.. He jus give us this stupid reply in order to stop us from asking..

So .. Jus let it b lo.. Mayb it's jus not the time to go yet ba.. I alway believe god plan everything for us.. There's always reason behind each yes & no... Mayb it jus lead us to where we sld b at the end ba..

Back to my darlingS.. Hee.. Recently this Shawn starts to pick up this very bad habit in school.. He tend to repeat the word "THE" few times in his sentence.. I had check with the teacher this mornin and she cfm there's a child in his group got this problem.. Cos learning to speak now.. I highlighted to teacher.. Make sure they must correct him as n when he does tat.. I make him think b4 he talk n repeat the sentence again .. Jus like earlier he always add "OK" behind all sentence.. I oso correct him..

I notice Shawn n Roy starts to like books.. I borrow lots of books from library n left it at the living room.. As n when they wana read.. Shawn will drag the bag of book to me.. N we will starts reading..

Roy got 3 lower tooths n 1 big top tooth.. He is very smily n cute.. He smile to everyone.. N this ah pek I met in the life was asking me.. " girl ah??" I was like HAr " Bo la... Boy!!.. Got girl girl face hor..." ah pek tell me n nvm.. Kid will change as they grow.. This the first time somemore this he is girlish wo.. Mayb he reali need a hair cut le.. Haha..

Roy starts to cruise ard in the cot.. He is daring lo.. Dare to let go both hand.. N always fall.. But yet he nvr learn.. Keep doing it again.. We wonder will he starts walking b4 his kor kor can ( which was at 1yo)...

Seng was crazy over tat wkend show.. 强箭.. He can refuse to leave my mum place.. No matter how I nag.. He can get angry cos the kids disturb him during the show..but he will nvr miss it to bring us back to wai po hse wkly.. Haha.. He is still a nice hubby to me n good daddy to the kids.. Love him :)

Seng bday coming soon.. Wonder how sld I celebrate his bday..

Monday 6 September 2010

5Sep2010 ZOO outing

Thanks to Huiling.. we get to go Zoo free.. hee

I ask my family along.. n its Roy first time to the Zoo..

My bro come over to our place at 8.30am.. n Seng was still in bed.. while Roy was so excited ba.. woke up at 6.30am.. i was busy packing their stuffs to get ready..

left home at 9.15am.. head to jalan kayu for Prata.. weather wasnt good.. was rainin since 3am...

After eating.. we go over to huiling place to tongpang them .. together we go to the Zoo..

Waited outside the zoo for abt 30min.. luckly rain stop.. nice weather..cooling day..

We miss the animal show.. cos by the time we go in.. is abt lunch time for the kids.. so we stop at the kids playground.. while huiling n her family move on to the show..

Went to the Splash safari show and the elephant show.. shawn fall aslp during the safari show.. so i woke him up for the elephant show.. he was so excited during the show..

Roy was aslp b4 the safari show.. til end he was still slpin.. he miss the show.. but woke up in time for the elephant show .. luckly we brought the twin stroller.. let the kids sit in there.. reali give me a break..

Left zoo at 4.30pm.. went yishun for dinner then head back home .. Roy was hungry.. n ate big bowl of porridge.. same for shawn.. shawn was so excited .. tellin nai nai wat animal he saw in the zoo...

I guess those documentary show we watch daily does help him to recognise lots of animal.. hee

To Dear: Thanks for bring the kids n ME to the zoo.. i jus loves to go ZOO.. hee..

Tuesday 24 August 2010

21 Aug 2010

Busy sat... early mornin i wake up.. bath pepper.. hubby prepare shawn to school...

then we bring pepper to vet for his annual vaccine.. wait for abt an hr...Vet said pepper loss weight.. so ask us to double his food intake.. n check tat he gain weight after 2wks.. or else must bring him back for blood test le.. n his tooth is dirty.. so got him a solution to put into his drinkin water with ezymze which can help to clean up his teeths.. good news is.. he ear is very clean.. hee..

brought him back liao.. got to send my bike to inspection.. so we ride to vecom at sin ming.. get it passed liao.. went lunch at nearby..

reach home at 1pm.. i took a nap while hubby went to bring shawn back at 1.30pm...

Went back to my mum place at 4pm... had our dinner there

I Completed my ACCA

At last.. i complete my acca.. am ACCA Affiliate now..

Receive my result yty.. at 12nn.. result was inside my email.. by one click i will know my result.. but i got no courage to check.. so Hubby suggest we have our buffet lunch first.. after that then we check..

We had our lunch buffet at ShaBu-Shi..AMKhub.. after tat.. i still dun have the courage to c my result.. so scare its another failure..

Reach home.. i ask hubby to sit beside me.. i hug on Roy.. hold on the HP.. Hubby click on it.. The email open up.. so small.. i tot was fail... Hubby look closer.. "pass ah.." i go " har?? zhen de ma?? har?? you bian wo ma?? " enlarge the screen... " Dear wo pass leh... we zhen de pass leh.." n i start crying... hug my hubby... hug my Roy.. cry til Roy stare at me...

How i felt at tat moment??? - at last.. my years of hardwork.. Its Over.. this is the most tough cert i even did... cos i take part time.. those evening after work.. i need to rush to attend classes... when i was preg.. how i go exam with shawn n roy in me.. how i go lesson liao.. return home still need to put my babies to bed.. i guess only being thro it.. then u will understand how difficult it is..

I must THANKS my mother in law.. reali very very glad to have her ard to help me.. without her help.. i will NVR complete my study... her understanding.. her kindness... nothing can compare..

And oso my hubby.. he is alway so encouraging.. he is the one who push me thro.. else i might have give up along the way...

Not forgetting my babies blessing... my mummy nice cook.. hee...

And ofcos.. my frens.. who keep reminding me.. I CAN DO it!!! especially.. Doris.. (Da Jie).. Shiling .. Isabel.. etc etc Thanks!!!

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Roy on 9Aug2010

Little Roy.. can sit up.. got two tooths.. learnin to crawl.. can recognise ma pa ..kor kor etc.. loves to watch kor kor jump/dance/sing... can do high5.. can bang on the piano.. walk n chase kor kor in his walker.. know to go to door for gai gai.. laugh when pepper bark.. learnin to wavy bye.. can make noise as ba ba mum mum mum...

On breakfast cereal n porridge lunch daily.. dun like much milk.. abt 400ml daily only..

1st time swimming - Roy + Shawn

@ Yishun pool.. My brother together with seng.. we bring the little boys to swim.. b4 the 7th mth starts.. hee

7Aug2010 to the Henderson Bridge..

Had our bf at jalan besar.. then last min decide to bring my ah lao n shawn there..

Sunday 8 August 2010

Sat & sun 6-7 aug 2010

Shawn didn go to Sch on sat.. We decided to bring him along.. Went ah boy shop to get parts for my helmat.. Then had bf cum lunch at the coffeeshop nearby.. Then I decided to bring my Seng n Shawn to Kent bridge.. Which they nvr been...

Seng insist need the stroller to push Shawn up to the bridge.. So I ask him to push.. Whahaha.. But indict.. The slope is to stip for Shawn to walk up n down la.. Is he fall.. He may roll all the way down the slope.. Even on the bridge.. Kaisi daddy oso insist me holdin on to him.. Say he cannot ran abt etc.. I jus let him go.. Hahaha .. He was so happily climbing on the seats.. Walkin abt.. He wan me to carry him to look out.. But tat daddy was so stern n insist.. Dun go near the edge.. Tats how kaisi he is..

We jus go round the hill then went home le..

Sun .. I decided to bring the boys to swim.. B4 the 7th mth comes.. Bein a kaisi mummy.. I dun let them go to pool in the 7th mth.. Hee.. N I was surprise to c Roy loves the water.. No cryin like Shawn's 1st time.. N Shawn was ok this time... He saw di di go into water without cryin.. He oso sit in his doranmo boat n start walkin abt the pool.. Playin water battle with daddy n jiu jiu..

I bath the little one while daddy bath Shawn .. Then adult all head back home to bath ..

Sunday 25 July 2010

Roy have running nose again...

last thur.. i notice roy start his Ha-Chooin.. n have Pi Ti flowin out.. but i wana wait n hope he got better..

then sat.. mayb due to the cold weather.. he keep on sneeze.. so i tot give him a dose n medicine n c how..

he wan coughin n like choke while i feed him.. then when i went to was the syring.. come back,. i saw him vomited.. all over mil hand n floor... so poor thing..n he is like complainin he feel xin ku.. i quickly clean up n change him.. hug him tight..

sun.. he seen better.. i try to breastfeed him as often as possible.. with shawn ard.. he keep disturb roy's slp.. wake him up.. til i must lock my room door.. (cos shawn know how to open the room door le..)

hope he will b fine when i go back home tdy :)

Shawn ah ... shawn!!!

My shawn recently behave very differently.. he dun like to go sch.. ask him y.. ask him teacher scold him.. or beat him.. he say NO.. ask him fren bully him.. he say fren beat him... i wonder.. is it???

so i call up the teacher today.. ask anything happen.. she say.. lately.. shawn n this boy at sch.. got conflict.. whahaha (so young can conflict liao ah)... cos they keep fight for toys.. it happen again this mornin.. n they start hiting each other... is alway fighting for toys or chair...

And theres a new teacher to their group.. so i guess tat y he dun like sch..

teacher oso say he seek for attention.. keep wana teacher carry him.. jus like at home

shawn keep wan me carry him..sit on my lap.. he wan slp with daddy everynite.. n wake up mid of nite n cry for me.. he wan me to feed him n shower him.. refuse to let nai nai do it.. poo oso wan ma ma help him..

i thk is stage of growth ba.. i know he still loves di di.. when di di Roy cry.. he will rush to him.. sayang him n ask him y y y.. so cute

he is toliet train in the day le.. i jus bought him his underwear last thur.. he know tat as shorts panter.. haha.. keep telling pa wear shortpanter.. ma ma wear shortpanter.. nai nai wear shortpanter etc etc...

i jus notice he can sing hokkhien song.. especially tat "wo wen tian" ... mayb is tat 7pm song on wkend .. he learn from there ba..

n i try readin him chinese story books.. but he will discuss with me the story in english.. at least i know he understand chinese.. n he understand hokkhien.. when daddy say bring him to school in hokkhien.. he shout back at daddy NO.. n say "dun wan go school"

this boy reali can shock us ... hope he get over this stage n can go school happily soon...


Monday 19 July 2010


For the pass wk I haven get to slp well.. Since shawn n Roy fall sick.. My nite is alway disturb by them either or them... N it's not Short disturb lo.. Roy can wake up at 1am+ them only slp at 3am then wake up at 4am again then 5am then slp.. OR Shawn will cry wan ma ma.. End up I must bring him to my room.. Carry Roy drink milk n one hand pat Shawn to slp.. Take me another 2 hrs.. By the time I wana slp.. Is abt 6am ... Time to prepare for work Liao


sometime I reali wan leave here n jus go back mum place to hide.. 好想哭。no one understand how tired I m...

No doubt I still 喜喜哈哈 most of the time .. But...


Thursday 1 July 2010

Our 3rd wedding anniversay

Send shawn to sch at 7.30am.. then we head to vicom to inspect our car.. had bf at thomson plaza ya kun... catch a movie at amk..karateKid.. whole cinema only two of us.. haha..

then i decided to give up our hoilday n use the $$ to buy him tat camera he longing for.. Nikon D90.. then we head to anson rd to collect the freebie for his cam.. too long for lunch buffet..

went suntec.. crystal jade to have dim sum n noodle...

reach home at 4.30pm.. prepare roy n bring him to hairdresser for him hair cut.. 1st hair cut.. he do behave at first.. but after a while.. he get frustrated.. n make noise le.. whahaha.. my cute boy..

To seng: Thanks for everything... u are a wonderful hubby to me.. n great daddy to the kids... we love you dear... hope u like the gift.. (must take more pic of us k... )

A day at woodland waterfront

Went to woodland waterfront on 27Jun2010.. nice place but too bad ..shawn was sleeping.. miss the fun at the playground..

Shawn having fun @ northpoint

Brough shawn to northpoint to play on 19 Jun 2010.. after awhile i manage to trick him to play at the water palyground.. at last..

Roy at 6mo Jun2010

All pics taken in Jun.. my darling has grown so much... he is no longer that little baby...

Roy 6mo first haircut

Bring him for his 1st hair trim on 30 jun 2010.. n he turn 6 mth old tat day...

Little Roy @ 5mo

All taken in May2010

Monday 28 June 2010

I m glad I have you..

This wed.. 30june2010.. We will b married for 3yrs le.. In this 3 yrs.. We got double promotion.. Haha.. From parent of one to two... So much changes in our life.. But I m glad u r beside me all the time n bear with my nonsense .. I m thankful in everything u have done for us...

I love you hubby ... Thanks 

Monday 21 June 2010

Roy flip on 19Jun2010

Waited so long.. at last he flip..from back to tummy.. he tried so hard.. n both hubby n i miss his first flip.. hb watchin tv n i was at the drawer gettin my clothin for shower.. hai..

so i push him back to his hack (whaha!! bad mummy.. =P) n he got so angry.. keep yellin n crying for help.. n i was jus busy tryin to video him.. wana capture his flip again.. ignore his cry... totally lo... keke..

anyway.. to date.. little Roy can already sit up zhai with support le.. can snake crawl.. can move his hand to object we pass to him.. n hold thing n put into his mouth..

He can walk all direction in his walker.. will grab on shawn shirt to get his attention.. Roy will yell at Kor kor when he try to hug or carry him.. (cos kor kor hurts him once..)

Saturday 19 June 2010

Happy Fathers day

Happy fathers day to my hubby.. My dad n fil...

Thanks thanks n lots of thank to my hubby.. For whatever he have done for our kids n the family.. No doubt I complain some times ( or many times ?? Hee) I still thk u r the best..

Whatever u have done .. U have give up for us... I know.. N I reali appreciate it..

On this day.. I really hope u r happy to b father of out two kids.. Stay happy .. For there's more challenge comin up as they grow.. Hee.. We love you dear

Sunday 13 June 2010


Thanks for reminding ME.. I haven been write anythin abt myself hor.. Til u ask how m I.. Haha

I m preparing for my acca last paper RETAKE p3 again.. No doubt I m busy with the 3 boys ( include my ah Lao) I still hope to complete my acca.. Since I got no turn back Liao rite.. Last paper.. Too silly to give up lo...

I leave my home daily same time as I go work n come to my mum place to study.. Since last Monday.. N dear will not work ot but go home early to pick Shawn from school.. U will return only after having my dinner at my mum place.. N bring back some of her cook for dear n mil...

Wkend I can nvr study.. With two cutee ard how to?? Shawn will nvr let me 'go'...

Btw I had got back my pre preg weight le.. (yeah!!) but tat flabby tummy still need some hardwork lo.. With me still total breastfeeding little Roy.. I still eat like cow.. Hahaha.. My mum jus tell everyone how much I ate the other day.. Tryin to frighten my bros.. Kee..

My good collegue is planning to leave the company soon.. She has send out her resume Liao.. Tat makes me temped to leave oso.. After all I have been in this firm for coming 4yrs le.. Mayb is time to move on... But I need to complete my study first ba... With tat.. I guess I will have higher 'mkt value' hee... But one has good lobang do let me know hor... (accounts or audit position )

life mayb b tiring everyday.. Rush ard.. Work.. Kids.. All occupied all my time le.. Duno when's the last time dear n I step into cinima to watch a show.. When we went fishin n daydream by the sea... When did we went rollarblade in the middle of the nite... I miss those days.. But no regret ... See my two kids daily is something I look forward... Every morning I wake up.. My two babies will get a kiss from me.. ( dear no place to stand Liao... Hahaha.. He still get his goodbye kiss la... Hee) I loves to c them smiling at me when they wake up...

My new home sld b ready soon by end this yr or beginning of next yr.. Dear n I reali lookin forward to our own little nest... But we expect problem over handing over my mum flat to who... My younger bro tell my mum he dun intend yo take over .. Ask my mum to ask my elder bro to take over.. She haven talk to my elder bro.. But with himself havin so much debts... I wonder which bank will loan him.. Hai.. Disappointed by my younger bro.. But I keep quiet lo.. Since my flat still not ready.. No point make a fuss now.. Wait til times come.. Then we c how.. Worst come to worst.. Sell it off.. Ask my mum stay with me.. N let the broS got find their own shelter lo.. Y sld I care when they all only thk f themselves rite..

Got to go back to revise.. Exam on wed.. 3pm... I have one more day left only..

Roy start on rice cereal.. 12 June 2010

Today.. Shawn is 27mo.. So fast.. My little Shawn has grown up so much..

Went to shop at ntuc.. So tot since it's a gd date to rmb.. I sld start Roy solid tdy .. Hehe.. Roy keep staring at Shawn eating n drooling.. Tat sld b a gd sign tat he is ready.. Hee..

So jus like for Shawn.. I start on the nestle rice cereal with bm.. Only give a spoon this time.. Learn from Shawn last time.. First try bb normally won't eat much.. Haha.. He took abt half of it.. Not bad start le.. At least he open his mouth when I bring the spoon to him.. Not like Shawn reject it lo..

On sun mornin.. I make another spoon for him.. He finish all wo.. I was so glad.. N mil comment tat he can take spoon feeding better n faster then Shawn.. Hee..

Good job boy!!!

Back to Shawn... @27 mo this little boy learn lots .. Esp now he start to learn thing from us.. We must b very careful wat we speak n do.. He reali do watever we do.. Esp wat his daddy do n say... I keep giving daddy eye signal not to do this n tat.. (can't let Shawn know.. Else he will follow me n scold daddy lo...) even wat n how I play with di di ... I must b careful.. Haha.. Tats how they learn I guess...

This sat is our first meet the parent session at Shawn Sch.. Hee.. Hope no complain abt him.. Look forward to tat.. Keke

Thursday 10 June 2010

Everybody grow up.. Everyone change...

Suddenly feel like writing this down.. I read .. Ok nvm how I got this feelllll....

You use to b quiet.. Shy.. I thk u dun like to get urself in trouble n hence scare if this n tat... U use to envy others with happy family.. Always look forward to have ur own little home... U say u dun have 'frens' or sld I say trustable fren..

I felt tat u have change.. To someone I hardly can understd how u feel.. Wat u r thkin.. I duno when my words will offends u.. N u nvr will show ur true color in front of me... U say nice words jus to 'stranger fren' like me.. Mayb jus to shut me down..

As time goes.. U starts to show off every little achievement u have made.. I guess without knowing tat urself.. Sometime things r best to keep it low portfile to avoid trouble.. Mayb I jus thk too much..

Anyway.. All the best to watever u r doin n having now.. I thk we do have a barrier in between us which we always pretend we dun know... It can nvr b remove I guess.. Sad

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Exam Period.. Fear..stress..!!!!

Retaking my P3 again.. cant rmb is 3rd or 4th take le.. hai.. i guess i m jus nuts over business analyse

Exam on 16June2010.. at Republic Poly..

N i haven start my revision.. n tdy is 1Jun le.. every day busy with kids.. n so tired after i make Roy slp.. i reali no more energy left by the end of the day.. ask me to take out my notes to read... i thk its a waste of time.. dun time i can absorb anything..

so.. i plan.. 7jun onward will go onleave.. n every day i leave home as usual.. send shawn to sch.. then i will ride to my mummy place n STUDY.. n only return after dinner.. so had tell hubby to pick shawn from school from next mon onward..

so will 7 days enough for revision??? will i b able to make it?? i reali dun wana receive my result n cry over it again.. god pls pity me n let me pass this one n only .. (whahaha)

Long wkend.. we had fun..

No doubt shawn is having flu.. he is still active.. Fri..vesak day.. bring him out after Dear come back from OT.. pick my mum.. n we went TPY..then to AMK Hub for dinner at NewYorkNewYork.. as usual shawn act like monkey there la.. refuse to eat his food.. Luckly di di sleeping..

Sat.. send shawn to sch as usual.. then Hubby n i went to Beach Rd for our bf.. then went back AMK hub to do our banking..

Reach home at 12+.. manage to catch a nap..since Roy is sleepin.. almost over shot the time to pick shawn.. quickly dash out of the hse n went downstair pick him.. he was happily sitting there eating his rasin..

Went back yishun .. went chong pang to buy thing n decided to get shawn a bicycle.. with this helmat.. it cost us $110.. i can c he is very happy to have tat.. hope he can ride soon :) then we can go to ECP to ride le..

Sun.. dear decided not goin back to work.. since my mum on leave.. so he wana bring us out shopping.. we went IMM.. shop there.. shawn had fun at the playground.. then Dear wana have steamboat for dinner.. n we head to giant to buy ingre..

went home to prepare dinner.. n was glad mum is ard to help me look after Roy while i feed shawn n had my dinner..shawn refuse to eat by himself.. so noti..

left mummy place at 8.15pm.. got to get home b4 9pm.. else if shawn sleep in the car.. he wont continue to slp when reach home le.. which mean he will play til 11-12pm then slp liao..

Roy's turn to fall sick...

Dear was on MC yty.. he went to doc n went home to rest.. til 3pm+ he sms me.. told me Roy having running nose le.. must bring him to doc liao..

So after work.. dear come to fatch me.. went home to bath.. n bring Roy to Dr Lillian.. but clinic was not open.. both doc out of town til 5Jun..

so got to go back GP at Fernvale point.. tat doc is nice.. jus tat i prefer to bring Roy to PD since he is so young...

Confirm he is down with flu.. running nose.. n his back white spot is han bang.. given cream to apply.. n his BCG mark oso got infection... (notice slight bleed wks ago).. another cream for tat..

Shawn not recover yet.. so doc give me other medicine for shawn as well..

Reach home almost 8pm le.. settle Roy.. give him medicine.. n shawn oso took his.. then i had my dinner.. (or sld i call it supper..hee)


Tuesday 25 May 2010

Shawn visit the Doc

Brought shawn to the GP on friday 21May2010 for his rashes.. he was so happy to c doctor.. cos can get sweets and stickers..

Yty again went to c doc.. cos he Lao Sai ah.. Mon he poo 3 times.. which is quite common for him .. then yty he poo once in morning.. then after nap..poo 3times.. hence teacher call me up..

Brough him to doc after sch... he was happily playin while waiting at the clinic..

Went home he took his dinner n i gave him medicine after tat..

when bath him.. notice his butt was so red n swoll.. apply cream on him.. he was like so painful n got up jumpin ard n cry.. after that he refuse to let us touch his butt le.. keep crying for daddy n me to bao bao.. poor thing..

while daddy take his shower.. i was like carry Roy with my rite hand.. n shawn was sitting on my left lap.. with my left hand hug on him... n Roy keep pulling Shawn shirt.. n shawn keep tell me " u see.. di di pull me... NO di di.. dun pull xian xian.." (haha.. hao ke ai)

Shawn wana sleep on my bed.. he keep telling dear "i wan sleepin mummy bed..." but we cant.. got to move him to MIL bed.. else di di n i cant slp le..hai.. felt so bad.. i miss those days shawn sleeping with me.. shall move him back when di di is older.. (mayb we got our place by then.. hehe.. )

Darling Roy in the Exersaucer.

Having fun :)

Roy Booooo

He love to booo recently.. so cute.. hee

Monday 24 May 2010

Wonerful wkend we had.. 22/23 May 2010

22 May 2010 Sat

I sent shawn to school as usual.. then went bf at Wen Dao Si at Geylang with hubby. Nice tim sum we had.. then head to carrefour to shop.. n decided to go beach rd toy shop to get shawn his toy gun.. 2 toy guns only cost us $10.. n it has sound n light.. i thk toyrus toys r reali to over price ah.. Poor ppl like us must look for cheap option ah.. :P i buy a new float for shawn at the shop..n decided to bring him to swim..after so long...since he last swim mths ago..

reach home at 1pm.. sort out my stuffs b4 i went down to pick shawn at 1.45pm.. he was still sleepin there.. ask him wana go swimming.. he reply " MAI"... whahaha

reach Yishun swim pool at 4pm.. shawn was crying when he got into the water.. refuse to move away from the edge.. so i tell him i go change n join him in the pool..

Thanks to my mummy.. she looks after my Roy.. playing with him ...

I got into the water.. n he actually enjoy it more.. he walk n follow me as i start the water battle with daddy n my brother.. shawn join in the fun..

i bath him after tat.. n careless me.. didn hold him well.. he fall in the toliet.. got blueblack on his chest n under chin... so sad..

went back mum place for dinner n let shawn try eating on the highchair i jus get.. preloved one for one $10.. good buy i thk.. he actually like that chair n table..

left mum place at 9pm.. n shawn start singing the Liang zhi lao hu... keep repeating til we reach home.. n little Roy sitting in his carrier.. looking up at Kor Kor in his car seat.. admiring his kor kor singing.. smiling all the way.. whahaha.. i guess Roy is Shawn first FANs..

23 May 2010

Got a sms from my bro.. he chio us to go JB makan n shop.. so i ask hb to come back soon (he went do OT).. n only let shawn nap for 1hr.. disturb his slp.. he like so moody.. til he know we go gai gai..he heard my bro asking wat we wana buy.. n he tell us he wana buy toy toy.. i ask him got $$ to buy?? n he went to ask wai po for $$.. wai po gave him 50cent.. he hold on the 50 cent.. i ask him 50cent enough to buy toy?? he say YES.. i tell him if not enough then we dun buy k... he keep slient.. dun look at me le.. whahaha

went in eat ba ku tei.. shop at Giant.. then went Sentosa shop.. n went ate loklok.. shawn oso eat fishball there.. (come to thk.. i sldnt let him eat hor.. like so dirty hor.. :P)

shawn slept in the car.. n he wake up while we transfer to Dear's car.. he hold on to a toy we get from Di Di Roy.. he wana pass it to Roy at home.. n the other hand he hold on to his bag of balloon..

Reach home at 10plus.. Roy slpin in the sarong.. but was wake up by shawn .. i quickly bath n took over Roy..

Sunday 9 May 2010

Roy - April 2010

All taken in April.. little Roy grow so fast...

A wonderful mothers day... Thanks hubby

Its my 3rd mothers day.. n i m reali happy enjoying my day yty... all thanks to my dearest hubby :)

i receive hand made card from shawn on fri.. he made it in sch.. so happy.. 

n sch give all mothers a rose..

Sat we went back to yishun ... we had steamboat prepared by my mum.. n di di buy a choco cake back .. poor mummy.. was so busy preparing the steamboat... n i was busy with the kids.. cant help her... But i c her happily preparing n playing with shawn.. thk she do enjoy it.. :)

Hubby surprise me.. when he tell me he is not going back office on Sun.. hehe.. i keep asking him sure.. n noti him.. when shawn make him angry.. he will tell me he better go back work.. #$^%&*

Sun morning.. let shawn eat his breakfast.. get myself ready etc.. n we left home at 11am.. without little Roy (Sad!!) ... Headed to Sembawang shopping centre ..cos i wana go Daiso..

Bad jam to get into it carpark.. we waited for abt 15mins to get in.. luckly shawn sleeping..hence we dun mind the wait.. n was luckly to get a lots fast...

Shop at Daiso n Giant.. then had our lunch at Hongkong cafe.. shawn was well behave..surprisely.. hee.. (mayb he knows is mothers day????)

then we have fun at the water playground..

I had lots of fun with shawn there.. esp when daddy got wet becos of us.. whahaha.. n shawn is willing to get down n play.. cos he was crying n scare of the water when daddy carry him..

When to get dear a new shirt..cos he was too wet.. n we need to go hair cut..

Shawn n dear had their hair cut.. Shawn has no problem cutting his hair.. sit there guai guai.. n jus let the aunty cut.. n he knows daddy is also there cutting..

I love to c the father n son.. after the hair cut.. they will praise each other 'handsome'... hahaha.. n shawn will sayang daddy head.. n daddy sayang shawn head.. both say mei mei... hahaha... tats wat bonding means ba... so nice

we went back my mum place to take something.. shawn follow me home while daddy wait in the car.. shawn was playing happily with waipo n refuse to leave.. hee..

while on the way home.. shawn fall aslp in the car.. so we decided to go PineGarden to get MIL a cake.. n let shawn slp..

reach home ard 4.30pm... my Darling Roy was sleeping.. quickly unpack all the things.. n soon Roy got up.. he play at the exersaucer i jus bought.. shawn said he wana sit on it when Roy was playing.. so i carry Roy out.. n when i wana put shawn in.. he say he par par..(*faint*) ... thk he wan di di to accompany him to sit ba...

Dear went to tabao dinner.. while i carry Roy n sit at the living room n playing with shawn at the same time... (Its nvr easy to carry a baby n play with a toddler...haha)

Bring shawn to bath.. n he play his new toy.. happily playing til refuse to get out of the water.. goto pull him out n again.. he cry.. but i manage to calm him down soon..

Then went to latch di di.. n make him sleep.. while mil feed shawn dinner...

Quickly have my dinner while Roy is sleeping.. b4 i finish my dinner.. Roy wake up le.. hai .. his 7pm+ nap is nvr long...

My evening is alway busy with the kids.. one after another.. n 9pm til shawn slp.. i will always need to carry a baby , latching him.. while entertain shawn ... he will insist wana come into my room.. if i close the door.. he will b banging the door outside til i let him in.. hai..

So fast.. shawn can celebrate Mothers day with me le.. next yr.. Roy will b running ard n with shawn.. we can have more fun celebrating mothers/fathers day le.. hee..

Friday 30 April 2010

Roy 2nd 6in1 jab

Busy day.. Accompany my dear to dental in the morning. Waited for almost an hr. Then head to bukit batok to collect back some clothings for Roy. N went to expo after tat.. To the baby fair, IT fair then follow by the metro fair.. Over all spend us $100+ over a set of DVD for the kids, diapers, nursing bra, perfume, some coloring books, caryon...

Come back home to bring Roy for his vaccine.. Appointment at 2pm.. We reach ard 2.10pm. Check on Roy weight n height.. 7.2kg and 64.9cm at 4mth old tdy..

We tot Roy got nappy rash.. But pd told us is fungus infection.. Poor boy.. Must b very uncomfortable there.. Check with pd on his low milk intake.. Was told mayb he loss interest in milk le.. But his weight n height very gd leh.. Wonder where he got all the nutrition from.. He won't gain much weight le.. Since he drink so little.. Will only grow taller ba.. I m told to carry on to breastfeed him.. N hope can wait to 6mo the intro solid...

His neck still is better le.. Was told to carry on with the massage n exercise.. I try but he keep resist the move now.. Difficult lo...

Reach home at 3pm.. Stay at home to look after Roy..hai.. I feel like leave the hse n go back yishun to take a break lo.. When I m home.. I got to look after the kids.. Can I jus take a break... ???

Monday 19 April 2010

My Darling boys..

Being at home to look after them for the pass few day.. since shawn got sick.. n i notice shawn reali learn a lots..

On sunday nite.. he was building a TU TU Train using the blocks.. n he was pushing it n chasing after me.. all the way from living room to kitchen when i was cleaning the btls.. then he sat then n play... so i tot it ends there... n i walk to the room n close the door wana feed Roy.. then i heard him cryin so loudly outside... then i come to know... he was still pushin his train n chasing mummy behind.. n i jus close the door on his face..(Bad mummy ME!!!) i quickly ask dear to open the door n let him in.. he was crying.. so poor thing.. if wasn with Roy.. i wld have been playin with him outside.. so bad of ME..

Shawn know how to play with di di le... he will hold Roy's foot n say "sat sat sat"... n Roy will start smiling at Kor Kor.. he will oso hold Roy's hand n do same thing..

Shawn will ask "Wheres Di DI" when he wake up in the morning... he will laugh when he c di di sleepin on the bed...

Shawn can express himself le.. he can form sentence with many words.. but he tend to mix chinese/english/hokkien in one sentence.. only i can understd him.. hee

Roy can recognise ME... he will smile at me when i reach home.. he is very talkative.. n loves to smile.. i can easily make him smile and laugh..

Roy dun drink much milk.. *headache*.. he only take abt 50ml each time.. n need to drink again in 1-1.5hr time.. short interval n small amt.. we try giving him more.. but he will stop drinkin and starts talking after a while..

Roy dun sleep long during day time.. even inside the sarong he oso dun slp for long..

Roy slps better at nite.. but i get engorge.. sometime i wake up n wait for him to get up to drink.. n yet i worry i make it a habit to him for drink at nite ... its jus too tired to wake up n pump...

Hubby... i reali learn to appreciate him more these days.. esp when i notice bit n pieces tat he does...

He wld nvr forget my mum.. will alway ask her out to eat together if we r goin out to eat.. he will tabao for her even its an extra effort for him to send it to her place...

He will spend time with shawn when i m busy with Roy.. Can c the kind of bonding between father n son... esp when shawn wan go gai gai... whahaha.. he knows daddy can drive him out..

He will make time for us.. every sat is reserve for us no matter how much works outstdin.. he will nvr go back ot on sat..

He will alway tolerate my nonsense.. when i got stress out.. i start throwin temper on him.. n yet he will alway end up create it as a joke and calm me down.. or he will jus keep silent and walk away.. leaving me alone to calm down..

With the boys ard.. i reali must learn to b happy with wat i have now..

Mummy... i m sorry :(

I always rmb this... we r alway a main character in our mummy life... but mummy will soon become only a sub character in our life... so sad...

My mum call me yty afternn.. she takes it as a joke.. but i m so sad to heard that..

She told me her hp alarm rang at 1am+ yty.. n she tot is time to go work.. ignore the clock at the living room.. she chose to 'trust' her hp.. so she bath n walk to interchg to catch the bus.. she notice funny when the bus driver were knocking off at tat time.. then she notice from the interchg clock.. its only 1am+... thking whether to wait til 5am+ there or go back home... she decided to walk back home...

with my two brothers at home.. none of them know this...

i reali feel tat we have neglect our mummy.. she even tell me ...rmb last time when we were young.. she oso bring my brother n i to catch the sch bus at 5am... thkin it was 6am+...

i somehow felt tat she feel lonely and miss those days when we were young and stay by her side...

To Mummy: I m so sorry if i have neglect u.. i will try my best to make it up to you.. i know you enjoy shawn n roy company every sat.. will not make it a miss... thanks for everything mummy... I love you..

Thursday 15 April 2010

Shawn sick and sick...

Since the start of hfmd.. Shawn is like nvr fully recover.. Last sun 13 apr.. Early in the mornin we notice something is wrong.. His palms were red and swollen.. N feel warm.. So I bring him to gp.. Doc say may b some skin was given medicine for his itch, cream to apply and antibiotic to take.. Tat nite his fever start... We give him fever medicine..

Mon morning.. I check his temperature.. 38.9degree.. Omg.. I was worry is Hfmd again.. Brought him to doc again.. Was ask to monitor him.. He seem better after feel round of medicine.. N his palm seem to b alrite..

Tue I send him back to Sch.. So tat I can go back to work..

Wed evening when I pick him up from Sch.. Teacher tolde Shawn feels warm.. Mayb fever.. I went back home check him.. His back all rashes and fever come in.. So after dinner I bring him to doc again..

Thur.. Keep him at home.. Continue his fever medicine.. N his throat for bit inflection.. So must take medicine.. Bring him along to ofc to bring back my pump.. He was so shy.. Refuse to let got hand.. N wan me to open the door to left.. He was much better in the afternn.. I manage to make him nap at 4pm.. N he slp til 6plus.. Give him another round of fever medicine.. His rashes has spread to whole body .. But he wast in itch ...

I decided to keep him away from Sch til next wk.. So tdy I took leave again to look after him.. Jus to make sure he recover fully.. Hope he recover...

Thursday 8 April 2010

KAISU mummy...

So busy these days, i hardly have spare time to update blog other then during work time.

Recently i read some feedback on this Icreative Learner. It seem to b very good. So i email them and check it out.

Was surprise to know tat the Rivervale Crescent home was full for wkend. Left with only wkday afternn. So they suggested to go Pasir Ris st 11 or Dr 4 home...

Its a home based tuition.. which teach kids to read n recognise words.. i find it useful for kids to know how to read.. so decided to let shawn to go..

I decided on Pasir Ris St11.. which left with only one slot. Sat 1.30pm to 3pm..

AND ... hee... all this will only commence in 2012.. whahaha..

lesson starts in 2012 end mar or early Apr... n kids must b able to recognise n read A-Z...

Hubby n my mum say i m crazy to book 2yrs in advance... AND wat surprise me more is.. i m not the only one.. HuiLing had registered her Giselle on 1Jan2010.. n she got the Rivervale Crescent slot...hee.. happen to know when i wana tell her this lobang.. kee

So now.. jus hope shawn will master A-Z by then.. n go there n learn more ba.. which is when he turn 4YO.. kekeke

7April2010 - Went Spore Flyers

All thanks to HuiLing.. she got me free tixs to the Flyers. So i brought my mummy along. MIL refuse to join us hence i have an extra tix for tat day.

Pack n feed shawn in the car then we all had Poyeyes.

Shawn wanted to b carry n he said "par par" then the cabin starts moving... but once it stable n move slowly.. he start ran abt liao... NNN

half way thro he come whisper to me...
"Ma Ma.. i wan pu pu"...
i ask: " u wan pu pu NOW ah?? can wait... "
Shawn: "NO!!... i wan pu pu" then he start doing his BUSINESS liao...
the the smell hor... BTH him lol... hee

Sunday 4 April 2010

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Shawn kana HFMD

Haven't been updating my blogs for a while since I was bck to work. Was busy coping with work n family. With two kids ard, it's nvr as easy s b4.

31 march 2010
I was so happy it's Roy 3 mth old tdy. And yet another shocking news come by while I was rushing a report at ofc this morning. @10.30am, I received a call from teacher angelina telling me tat she suspect Shawn got HFMD. She need me to pick him up asap n go doc.

I was so shocked to hear tat. As I jus send him there 3 hrs ago. So I quickly call hubby, n told him. N I continue to tidy up the FS and told my boss abt it. My boss is very understanding. He ask me to go n let him take over with the report. I printed out a draft n hang over everything to him b4 I rush back home.

Reach home at 10,45am. I quickly check on Roy. So worry he kana oso. Hubby had oso reach home. We quickly went down to pick Shawn.

Poor thing. He was separates from the rest of the kids n he tot he was being punished. Was crying when we reach the Sch. Saw his palm n foot. We decided to go nearby GP.

Shawn was still energetic. Playing and ran abt in the clinic. Doc say his is mild now. His got ulcer inhis mouth Liao. Luckly fever still not put yet. We gotto monitor.

He got mc from Sch for 8 days. N upon recover, we will need to bring him back to doc to certifiy tat he is fit for Sch then he can go back. I hope he can go back by next Monday.

We decided to bring roy back to my mum place. Hoping Roy can escape from all this, ofcos I wld need yo b with Roy at my mum place.

I miss Shawn so much. Wonder how's him now. Hb mms me a pic of his hand. Got worst Liao. Hai...

Jus got to pray tat Roy will b fine now n Shawn pls recover soon.

First day 31 Mar 2010

Day 2 (1Apr2010) .. it got worst... Sad

Monday 22 March 2010

Shawn's First Progress report book

This is Shawn's first progress report book.

Shawn come back with a big red bag of stuffs last Friday. MIL pass it over to me and i was surprise to see that. Its a bag of shawn assessment for Term1 and his report book inside.

I took it out to read. Shawn have quite good comment from his English and chinese teachers. Expect he got to improve in sharing and playing with his frens. Quite a list of items he still yet accomplish but i am sure he is catching up soon.

I look at all the assessments he had done over the pass few mths. WOW!! i didnt know he can do that. He can do pasting and do some coloring. Well Done Boy!!!

Looking at the report book, i was so excited being first time parent to sign on my OWN SON's report book. Then come my Hubby remind me that at least it is not in RED. (WHAHAHA) So we decided i will sign this report and he will sign if it come out RED in future.. :P

Back to Work ... 22 Mar 2010

I m back to work.. one wk earlier then planned.. cos one client need a report urgently.. Miss my boys.. yet.. feel more relax at work..

Ride to work ... after so long i didn ride.. everything still the same.. jus hope it dun rain later..

Its 4.05pm now.. managed to pump twice tdy liao.. will pump again at 4.30pm.. since my lunch time pump at 2pm..

is like back to my PUMPING session in ofc.. starting all over again.. with dual pump.. at least less time consuming.. n easier..

Sunday 14 March 2010

@TheGym on 14Mar2010

14Mar2010 @ TheGym tampines

manage to get a free trial at their welcome day.. 4-5pm slot..

shawn dun wana go in at first.. but i try to encourage him.. tell him to go inside to play the big ball etc.. he agreed..

end up he was rannin ard the whole session.. even refuse to leave at the end.. must carry him.. n quickly leave the place..

they price at 8wks session @ $340.. plus one freeplay everywk..

haven decide whether to let him go n play or not.. If only we r rich.. whahaha..duno need to thk so much.. jus go play ba.. :)

12Mar2010 - Present Time..

we give him the present jus b4 he go to bed..

look at how excited he the presents..

12Mar2010 - Birthday cake from Da Jiu (My elder brother)

Da Jiu went chomp pang to get shawn a bday cake..

Cos my mum say cant blow candle twice.. hence we skip tat.. n jus cut n eat.. plus sing him the bday song..

12Mar2010 - Lunch cum high tea at Jurong point

Went Jurong Point to have our late lunch after outing at the Bird Park..

Shawn was tired n become so cranky.. make daddy so busy..heng got wai po ard to 'protect' him.. else daddy surely smack him liao.. hee

12Mar2010 - shawn 2nd bday @ Bird Park

We didn get to go to the bird park on chu er.. hence i decided to bring him there on his bday.. he have a wonderful day there..

Went to fatch my mum at 8plus.. n since my mum is going too.. so i bring Roy along..

shawn oso like to bring roy go out gai gai.. he is a good kor kor who loves di di..
will give di di his cho cho when di di cry or slp...

reach bird park at 10 plus.. jus abt time to watch the bird show..

left the park at 2plus..

Thursday 11 March 2010

Shawn's 2nd birthday celebration

Celebrate in his sch at 4pm.. with his frens.. n teachers.

His barney cake from Prima Deli.. 1.5kg..

Went to pick my mum after her work.. at 2pm.. then head to compasspoint to eat lunch at BK then collect cake..

reach shawn sch at 3.50pm.. all the kids sitting ard the table waiting for the cake le..

Shawn was so surprise to c Wai Po and i.. sing him bday song.. cut cake..

Can c shawn do enjoy himself.. hope our outing tml will b even more fun to him

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Angry with hubby

On 8mar .. Out of sudden I had very bad headache since evenin.. I pop in paracentamol.. Hopin by nite I will b fine.. But it wasn't better.. Told hubby I bth liao.. Reali need rest..

Roy was fussy tat day too.. He was havin fever.. N I had given him fever medicine at 2 pm.. By nite.. I give another round since his fever still at 37.9degree.. N he refuse to slp.. Hubby tried so hard to coax him to slp.. Not til I five him grip water.. He started to fart.. Then I thk it release his bloated stomach.. N get to slp..

Hubby did try to help.. But he soon loss his patient n was kind of rough in handling Roy.. Which give me no choice but to take over.. Butt headace was killing me.. N yet after I take over.. Tat idiot go to bed.. Sleep n snoring all the way beside me..

Dun he know I m not feel well.. He jus let me suffer like tat alone... Sittin there alone.. Feedin bb.. With the headache.. I reali feel like goin back yishun to get my mum help..

For tat.. I refuse to talk to him at all til now.. Not even reply his SMS.. He ask whether m I better.. I refuse to reply.. Dun see ways the point of askin now.. Since he can jus ignore me when I m reali in pain.. Now ask for wat..

But at this moment (10mar 12.30am) ... Siting here lookin tat idiot beside me.. Then cold war so... Wat do I expect rite.. He apologise?? Or continue not talkin?? I kind of childish rite.. Can't carry on like this ma... So sld I talk to him tml mornin when he kiss me goodbye??...

Sunday 7 March 2010

Feb2010 - All About Roy

He really grow so much.. for just few wks.. he had gain weight and look so different from birth..

Pre bday celebration - 7Mar2010

Shawn's jiu jiu wana bring him to play.. hence we decide for indoor playground.. went Kallang leisure park.. but peek-a-poo was too crowded.. so we head to turf club fidget ... this time with jiu jiu n yi yi ard.. shawn has more fun... n i m not preg liao ma.. can climb ard with him.. he enjoy it very much ... was scare to climb at first.. by the time he wana climb ard.. is abt 6pm liao.. closing lol..

n he play half way .. can ran all the way to the cafe.. n wana eat something.. reali my greedy boy lol...

Sunday 21 February 2010

20 Feb 2010 - Roy First 6in1 Jab & Rotavirus

Roy appointment with PD is 10am.. so we left our home at 9.15am.. reach by 9.45am..

very crowded there.. waited til 10.30am.. Roy has his neck checked.. PD say his neck has improve a lot.. dun need do the exercise so often liao.. n he is 5.3kg with 59.5cm tall.. head reach 40cm..

he took the first 6in1 jab n the rotavirus.. brave boy.. no cry at all.. jus keept staring at daddy who was trying to distract him.. (mayb he tot is daddy poke him.. haha)

no fever with the next 24hrs.. n he wasnt sleepy oso..

the next appointment will b at 4mths old..time flies leh.. so fast he grow..

i start goin to miss the baby cry liao.. mayb when time to come.. i might consider 3rd one... whahahaha...

Chu San - To Ang Bao River

Went there in the evening with Dear, shawn, my mum, di di and his gf.. Jus walk walk n took some pic.. Ah Di play at the fun fair n won a toy doggy for shawn..

Chu Er - Science Centre

Decided to bring shawn to science centre instead of bird park.. too crowded there.. left Roy at home with mil..

7Feb2010 - Pre CNY shopping

Dear decided to bring shawn to chinatown for a walk.. shawn was so guai..sat in his stroller all the while.. even with tat crowded.. he still can tahan to sit in the stroller..

Friday 19 February 2010


Call up for first court attend court 22.. Reach at 9am.. Seng, my mum n I went inside to hear... Ah di not allow to b present .. So he waited outside

By 10am one one case read n settle.. We decided to leave n wait outside ..

At 11am.. The inspector inchg turn.. So we went back in to hear.. Conclusion wasy bro not negligent .. So no criminal chg against him over the death of the descese..

But there will b chg against him over other issue.. Will wait til the proscutor discuss with the police then send him another letter to attend court again..

The other party oso will file a civil chg against him..

Now can only pray tat he will b fine..

Our first cny with little Roy

We spend our eve dinner at my mum place with my elder brother...

ChuYi - woke up early as usual.. Was busy attending to the kids til 9 plus then give Shawn two orange to go wish ye ye n nah mah happy new year..

Left for my mother place at 10am.. Ate our lunch there with my elder brother again.. Stay there til abt 2plus then return back Fernvale to rest..

Evenin time.. I was tired yet still must go Seng aunty place.. Hai.. Prepare the kids Liao.. I was the last to get myself ready lol.. Then we walk over to her place.. Stay til 8 plus then I suggest we rush home to let Shawn n Roy slp le..

ChuEr - I wana bring Shawn to bird park.. So wake dear up early.. Tot he say wan bring mil along.. So i prepare Roy .. End up mil dun wana go.. We still bring Shawn n Roy out.. Reali not easy to carry a baby n look after a toddler .. We ate breakfast nearby.. N decided not to bring di di Roy.. So bring him back let mil look after.. Then we go off

reach bird park.. Was so crowded.. Long traffic q outside n carpark was all full.. So I suggest we go science centre.. Shawn fall aslp in car.. We use the twin stroller n he can slp flat in it.. Shiok leh.. We took pic at the entrance with dinosour.. N Shawn wake up to c the Dino.. He keep tellin me he par par.. Haha.. He stare at the Dino..

We went macdonld for lunch first.. Lucky we arrive early for lunch.. Manage to get a seat..

We had fun in the centre.. Esp Shawn.. He can ran abt inside.. But due to rain.. We miss the waterworks,, the playground was close.. So we headed back home at 2 plus..

Had dinner at home.. N we stay at home..

ChuSan - Hubby went to tabao bf for us.. Went out to eat at kofu at 4pm then head to ang bao river.. Park our car n meet my mum n di di at millina walk.. Then walk over to ang bao river

was very crowded there.. Took some pic n went to the funfair.. Shawn was surpirse to c those ride n when I ask him wana try the ride.. He tell me he scare ah.. Haha..

After this we went bukit timah to eat supper.. Prata shop.. Reach home at 11pm.. Shawn fall aslp le..

Friday 12 February 2010

How's Shawn doing

I haven been updating much about Shawn since Roy arrived.. So busy with two kids daily.. Didn even got a chance to take more pic n update my site..

This is the 4th mth Shawn went to Sch. Lots of compliment as well as complain for him. He bite classmate, snatch other stuffs.. But teachers still like him.. Always tell me 'shawn is so cute.. He has very handsome face' hahaha.. Teacher will update me on shawn progress in Sch.. Latest notice is he can express himself in min 3 words sentence le. Esp.. 'i want more' , 'i want this' , 'this is Xian Xian de' and sometime he will select who to feed him or bath him n start shouting things like 'nai nai NO, ma ma' or 'ma ma NO, nai nai' .. Lots of such shouting every nite..

He loves di di.. When di di cry.. He sit there n stare at him.. Then he will follow me n pat di di n say ok ok.. But at time he will oso slap di di head suddenly.. Duno y.. Mayb I pay too little attention to him.. He jealous??

No regret sendin him to Sch.. He reali learn lots in Sch.. N he is improving fast.. N oso it reali give us.. Mil n I more thing to do other things.. Every Sunday with Shawn ard.. Mil will always b shouting 'shawn ah'.. Hahaha..

Shawn is curious with everything .. Esp food.. Even teacher oso tell me.. He got very good appitude hor.. Yes.. He does have.. Dinner is alway 1.5 bowl of rice.. Those rice bowl we adult using de lo.. Then when we eat dinner.. He will wana try our dishes.. He even can take curry n chili sauce le..

Shawn can play slide by himself.. Can climb up n down stairs.. Can do bit jump.. We r tryin to intro cyclin to him soon.. Now lookin for suitable bicycle..

Will let him learn swim when he not longer scare swimming.. Drawing.. Rollerblade.. N of cos something dear deathin to let him learn.. Fishing.. Haha..

Saturday 30 January 2010

Roy full mth tdy..

We had the buffet celebration yty at home .. Lots of relatives n frens turn up for baby Roy... With lots of ang bao n gifts.. Thanks to everyone ...

We order our buffet from Liang food catering and cakes from melrose... Food wasn prefect.. But acceptable with their promo n without gst n transport charges .. I think still wonder tat price ah...

I have some wonderful frens who turn up at Roy party.. Ning n mike.. Who come by first.. We have nice chat while other still haven't arrive.. Shiling oso come all the way here n she didn go back msia jus cos Roy.. Ferlyn n her big ger come later.. She make all the way here from redhill.. N oso huiling with Giselle.. Expecting mummy carried this big ger in her arm sleeping.. Not easy ah.. Thanks to all of them to make themselves free to come by

n seng's buddies JianAn, WenBin, Hanyi with Winnie n Ashton... Haven seen Ashton for months le.. He reali become so sensible.. So guai as compare to active Shawn..

All our relatives.. My shan Yi.. My two cousins with their family.. Dear's aunty and gu gu and cousin.. All come share with us this joyful day...

And not to forget the hamper we received from shan, alex, Janice & Peijun... Thanks

party starts at 1-4 pm.. We order only food for 30 pax.. But still end up with lots of leftover.. Pack the food n pass some to Seng aunty.. N we still have lots more to eat for dinner..

Shawn went sch as usual.. N I went to bring him back at 12.30pm with my mum n bro n yt.. He fall aslp at sch.. So I carry him all the way back home to slp.. Hr slp til abt 2.30 pm.. Wake up n see some many ppl.. He got excited n play along with all the kids..

Roy was excited I guess.. Can't get to slp all the way til 2pm.. So I give up ebm to make him feel full hopin he will slp.. But he start to wake up abt 3pm le.. Haha mayb too noise ba..

Nite he got bit fussy ah.. So scare he got use to carry n cry for tat.. I insist dun carry n let him cry.. Haha.. Guess sec child.. Hence more willin to let him cry hard le.. Haha.. Learn from lesson le ma...

Lastly must thanks my mum for the curry she cook.. My mil to organize this party with me.. She start busy since fri lol.. Ofcos hubby Seng.. He bit sick yet must entertain all te guest..

Tdy Roy is officially 1 mth old le.. Times flies.. Esp in baby.. Get to c him change faster n he looks so diff from birth..

Will I miss a baby again n wan 3rd bb in future??? Hahaha...

Tuesday 26 January 2010


Haven been updating anything in my blog for sometime.. Partly due to busy over Roy. Plus Shawn fallin sick this wk... This make my day more busy lol..

Last sat I kee SIAO after the tiring nite feedin.. I self declare confinement if OVER .. Dun understd y I need to confine myself when I dun have enough rest nor good food.. So jus forget it la.. Pu can alway b done anytime ma.. Y only within tat one mth???

Shawn has need missin sch since mon.. He catch the germs from the sch.. So worry pass on to di di.. Try to separate them now..

Dun understd y sone parent can b so irresponsible to send their kids to sch when they r still coughing n havin runnin nose.. I went to ask the teacher this mornin.. At first she say dun have.. Then I say my mil heard Pareto instructing teacher how to feed medicine leh.. Then she say ya.. Some parent got to work.. Can't look after.. So can't b help.. Tats so unfair rite.. After Shawn recover.. I m goin to bring this up to the lead teacher le..

Roy has been .. Quite guai I sld say .. Day time I feed him le.. He will either go to slp or lying there n play by himself.. His feedin interval at abt 2 hrs now.. Still will fall aslp after latch on one side.. Can c he is Putin on weight le.. So I m glad my mummy milk is working...

Will b celebrating Roy full mth this sat.. Havin mini buffet at home.. Was quite disappointed with some frens.. Not tat I can't accept they not coming... Jus tat I dun expect is from someone I tot is my best pal... Anyway.. I sld know tat I m not tat best pal's best fren after all.. Fren r jus fren lol.. Sometime someone u tot jus fren can b even more sincere.. Learn my lesson...

On monday.. Brought Shawn to gp.. Check on his weigth n height.. @ 22mth 13 days old ... He is 13.7kg and 92 cm tall... Is tat healthy weight?? Got to check out the health book le..

Little Roy wake up soon.. Better go feed Shawn medicine first.. Tats a tough task.. He jus bite me this mornin when I force him to take medicine.. Hai.. Is my bao yin la.. Tats how I treat my mum last time.. Refuse to take medicine ma.. Now I know how she feel.. Sorry mummy 

Saturday 9 January 2010

Day 10 since Roy born...

Tdy is day 10 of my confinement ... Mil havin problem preparing my confinement .. She duno wat to cook for mr everyday.. Keep askin me wat I wana eat.. Some days may end up only one vege n one soup .. She is gettin blur .. Mayb Shawn make her too busy ba..

Til Now I still didn silm down much.. How ah.. I start my massage on day 7 til Now I did 3 session le.. Tummy reali firm up a bit.. At least not so big le.. But weight still same leh.. @70kg... Hai..

Roy is still in tbf.. Supply has some in n no problem latch on le.. Nipple oso season le.. No longer the sore n pain le..

Now I jus tryin hard to improve supply so tat I can store up some ebm.. Jus in case I need it..

Roy is in 2-3 hrs feedin interval ... I try to give him both boobs each time.. But he always fall aslp on one side.. End up the other side now empty.. So I got to express out in order to avoid engorge n maintain supply...

My slpin time had change into many short nap from day to nite le.. Jus hope Roy jaundice can clear fast then he won't need to do any liver testing le...

2010... Target I set for the year..

Sld set come targets for this new year... Esp with my little Roy ... N Shawn .. More hopes to set...

1) hope to pass p3 and complete my acca
2) silm down n get my pre natal weight... By jun2010
3) blow up my Roy with mummy's milk :)
4) breast feed Roy for as long as I can.. Target 1 yr
5) send Shawn to take up extra activities.. Music? Or ???

Lots of new hope for this comin year with Roy n Shawn n ofcos hubby.. Hope we can alway b like now.. Loving hubby Seng.. Work hard with me to build up the home for our two little ones.. Hope my two boy will b healthy n grow up guai guai.. Love each other..

Year 2010 will b another wonderful year for us..

Wat I achieve in 2009

Haven got time to update my blog esp now.. All day busy mooin my baby...

So for 2009 wat did I achieve???

Like nothin much wo...
1) pass my p1 paper in Jun exam
2) settle my Shawn in full time childcare... I wld thk Tats
an achievement for me.. Whaha
3) survive thro the 38wks preg n give an additional member to our family on 31 dec 2009... Baby Roy

is tat all?? Can't recall much wo.. Whole year busy with Shawn.. Lookin after him already take up all my wkend le.. Wat else cam I expect...

Hope the 2010 will b a smooth n peaceful year... Hope by yr end we will get the new flat key.. No hurry to move in.. But jus lookin forward to have our own nest.. Settle my little ones in their own room.. No need to co slp with pil ... Mayb Roy's first bday we get to celebrate in the new flat 